In front of us is a mountain forest, can't see the sea at all.

Lin Fei guessed in his mind that it was the earth and the earth that had changed. In the end, the mainland rose from the sea, leading to the disappearance of the sea.

"There seems to be someone down there. Let's go down and ask for directions." Cloud if smoke helplessly said.

At this time, she really believed that no one is perfect, and gold is not red.

Even if you are the best in the world, you will get lost.

When he heard cloud like smoke, Lin Fei looked down and saw that there were several powers in the forest below.

They are fighting with monsters. They don't know whether they are attacked by monsters or are doing missions.

After all, we have not seen any meeting within ten miles.


This is a god of death.

Although the action is heavy, but its body armor, can resist all attacks.

"Open it for me!"

A young man roared, his fists burning like a little sun.

The blow fell on death's armor and exploded.

The fire instantly drowned the God of death, and the man was also shocked by the huge impact and withdrew, flying more than 10 meters before falling to the ground.

"Did you succeed?"

Five people in the team are watching nervously.

The fire soon dissipated and death reappeared before them.

The God of death is still, the body armor is shining, received the other party's all-out punch, the result is just shocked to withdraw, and the body is not injured.

"How could that be possible?"

Five people's eyes widened.

They've been fighting death for a long time.

During this period of time, all five of them had different injuries. As a result, the monster in front of him was not hurt at all!

Even there was no scar on the armor.


Death came to them again, with heavy steps, and each step made the ground shake.

Looking at the God of death coming again, the five people were in despair.


Some people's legs are weak, and they are sitting on the ground.

How do you do this?

"It's impossible to win." Someone said in despair.

But at this time, they suddenly saw a streamer in the sky coming rapidly.

"What is that?"

Five people are in a daze. Even death stops and looks up.


This group of people were scared, did not die in the hands of death, died under the meteorite, is the same result.

They don't want to die.

It's close.

"Be friends in the next life!" Five people were hugging each other in tears.

"What are you doing?"

But the next moment, a voice of surprise, suddenly sounded next to them.

Five people are a Leng, how meteorite fell down, did not feel pain?

Looking to the side, you can see two strangers, one man is handsome and handsome, the other is a woman who is very beautiful.

It makes five people feel like they're dreaming.

"Is this heaven?" Someone asked in a daze.

"You are not dead." Lin Fei replied.


At this time, someone noticed the God of death standing behind Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan.

Death strides forward, sharp claws, directly toward Linfei's neck.


a word of caution did not come out, they were stunned.

Because the paw, just half of the swing, suddenly broke.

Another moment.

Roaring -

the tall god of death was divided into several parts, as if cut by some sharp thing, and the incision was smooth as a mirror.

"He has a sword at his waist!" Someone whispered.


These five people kneel directly on the ground, this moment, they all understand that the meteor in the sky is these two people.

It was these two who saved them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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