"Thank you for your help."

Five people said in unison.

Their excited bodies were shaking. If Lin Fei didn't suddenly fall from the sky, they would have died. I'm afraid there is no body left.

"No, it's all right."

Lin Fei smiles. In fact, he just wants to come here and ask for directions.

"Do you know which direction the sea is?" He asked the questions he wanted to know.


Just as the voice dropped, someone answered in a loud voice.

The man pointed to a direction excitedly and told Lin Fei that as long as he walked down this direction, he could reach the seaside.

"Can you fly?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Because I haven't forgotten the way Lin Fei appeared, he came like a fire.


Lin Fei smile, said: "I should go, I wish you good luck."

Leaving this sentence, Lin Fei picked up the cloud like smoke, flew directly, turned into a light, disappeared in the sky.

"I wipe, fairy!"

At the sight of this scene, all five people were wide eyed.

It's not that I haven't seen anyone who can fly, but I haven't seen one that can fly so fast.

It's just a light. It's gone in the blink of an eye.

"I met the gods today."

"There are gods in this world."

A group of people murmured.

Lin Fei did not know how much shock he had brought to the five people. He flew in the direction that the man had just pointed out. Two seconds later, he saw a blue sea.

"At last." Cloud Ruoyan also saw the sea, showing a smile.

Just came to the seaside, Lin Fei saw a city.

The city is very big, bigger than the imperial capital, but this is what they expected, because it is a coastal city.

"I saw people by the sea." Cloud if smoke is surprised to say.

She was a little surprised. Why didn't so many people on the beach hide in the rally?

"Go down and have a look." Lin Fei said, taking her to the ground.

When I came down, I noticed that there was no zombie near the beach.

All the people are looking at the sea. Lin Fei looks at the sea, but there is nothing.

I don't know what they're looking at.

"What are you doing?" He couldn't help asking someone around him.


Hearing this, the man immediately showed a surprised look to Lin Fei.

"Are you from other places?" He said with a puzzled look on his face.

Lin Fei nodded.

"No wonder." "We're waiting for some heroes to come back," the man explained

"There are powerful monsters on the sea. Several S-level powers join hands to fight against them. We are waiting for them to come back."

"Well." Lin Fei understood.

He returned to Yun Ruoyan, who immediately asked, "what are they doing?"

"Wait for someone." Lin Fei also explained to Yun Ruoyan.

After that, he took a look at the calm sea and said, "come on, let's find a house and live first."

Ye Yuxue didn't come back, so he didn't want to go back to the cabin.

Anyway, I can't sleep. It's good to see the sea at night.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei decided to find a house to see the sea. There were a lot of houses here, so he chose it soon.

They cleaned up the room and it was ready to live.

"I'm back."

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly rang out at the door of the room.

Hearing this sound, Lin Fei's body couldn't help shaking.

Suddenly back, he really saw the girl, ye Yuxue!


Lin Fei quickly moved to Ye Yuxue's face, did not speak, directly hugged her.

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