Massive coma?

Lin Fei is vaguely aware of something.

He immediately found the two people who had just chatted and asked them, "where did they all fall into a coma?"

The two were chatting, and were startled by the sudden appearance of Lin Fei.

"Is there any place for collective coma?" One person said, "they're all at home or on the road in a coma."

Hearing such an answer, Lin Fei frowned.

Did you guess wrong?

"Have they ever been to the same place before they were unconscious?" Lin Fei then asked, this is a key point. If they have all been to the beach, it is definitely caused by things in the sea.

As a result, both of them were stunned.

Think it over.

"I don't know."

has a personal Tucao: "we are just doctors, not detectives. Where did they go before they were unconscious? How do we make complaints about them?"

There was no result.

But Lin Fei already has this guess in his mind.

He went into some of the wards and looked at the comatose people, who were pale and quiet in their beds.

With mind reading, there is nothing.

They are not dreaming now, and they are not thinking about anything. They are just like a dead man.

Yunruoyan stood beside her in fear. It was chilly in the ward. It didn't look like a ward at all. It was more like a morgue.

"It feels strange." Yun Ruoyan said in a low voice.

Lin Fei looked at the soles of their shoes. Sure enough, they all saw the sand.

So he said seriously, "they are not naturally comatose."

"Stunned?" Yunruoyan standing facet color slightly changed, hands in the arm friction heating, at the same time whispered: "this hospital has a problem?"

"There is no problem with the hospital."

Lin Fei closed his hand and said to Yun Ruoyan, "this evening, we should be able to get the answer."

He left the hospital with yunruyan.

"What is so mysterious?" Cloud Ruoyan asked curiously.

"Tell me about it ~"

when she went back, she grabbed Lin Fei's hand and said coquettishly, which attracted people's admiration.

Why the hell don't I have such a girlfriend?

Lin Fei didn't want to hide it from Yun Ruoyan.

"There's something in the sea." Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan explained, "I guess there may be an ancient god in the sea. It's going to land now."

"I was hallucinated, the people were in a coma, and I guess it was all about the ancient gods coming ashore."

"Because I saw sand in the soles of their shoes, and they all went to the beach before they were unconscious."

Hearing this, cloud Ruoyan's face changed greatly, and he was surprised: "ancient god?"

"The kind in the mountains?"

She can't forget the mountain god.

He made a pile of strange paper figures, which were extremely strange and made the city full of wind and rain. No one dared to go out when it was dark.

Now there is another ancient god in the sea.

Cloud if smoke is afraid of embracing Lin Fei's arm, said: "this undersea, won't climb out of a pile of fish head human body monster?"

She couldn't help shivering at the thought.

Lin Fei was silent for a moment and said, "maybe."

"Don't scare me."

Cloud if smoke cuddles closer, chest has been squeezed deformation.

Lin Fei smiles. The problem we have to face now is more difficult than a pile of things crawling out of the sea floor.

Why did the ancient god make people unconscious?

What is its purpose?

Cloud Ruoyan also frowned.

Instead of thinking about the problem, she felt as if she had forgotten something.

She forgot the dream of facing the ancient god. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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