That night.

Cloud Ruoyan lies asleep in bed, while Lin Fei is standing on the balcony, looking at the sea in silence.

At dinner, Yun Ruoyan also said to squat with himself, waiting for the ancient god to appear.

As a result, after dinner, he ran to take a bath and go to bed.

Now she is sleeping soundly in bed.

Lin Fei quietly looked at the dark sea, trying to see something, but three hours later, two o'clock in the morning, there was still no movement.

But this is the moment.

In the hospital where the meeting was held, several comatose people suddenly sat up from their beds.

Their eyes are a little dull, stiff from the bed down.

"Come, Lord."

The several people were muttering and went out to the outside of the hospital.


The hospital doesn't rest, so when they walk out of the ward, they are noticed and several nurses come to stop them.

"Aren't they a few in a coma? Wake up Someone said in surprise.

"It's a good thing to see other patients."

While the nurses were talking about it, they were still walking outside.

"There seems to be something wrong with them." A nurse whispered.

Looking at the back of these people, they suddenly feel a little cold.

"Don't be wrong. It's important to get people back quickly!" Suddenly someone reacts, how can let the patient leave the hospital like this?


A few people tremble, just feel a chill, let them lose their mind.

Only when they heard the sound did they react.

But this time, looking into the corridor again, nothing could be seen. All the patients were gone.

"Where are the people?"

Several people were taken aback.

"I remember that among the comatose, there are no speed powers. How can they run so fast?"

A group of people ran out, trying to catch the patients, but after they went out, no one saw them.

"Damn it."

"They're waking up to their new powers. Have they learned to be invisible?"

Several people secretly scolded.

Next, I have to go back to the hospital to see who ran away.

This investigation doesn't matter. It turns out that it's important.

"Those three S-level powers all ran away!"

Five warriors went to sea to kill demons, but only three of them could come back alive, and they were still in a coma.

Now I wake up and run away without saying a word.

Those three people are the key guards of the guild.

Because the guild wants to know what happened at sea.

What about the other two s powers?

But now, the three surviving powers wake up in the early hours of the morning and run away.

What do they tell the guild?

A bunch of people have headaches.

But the three escaped s-powers have already wandered the streets of the assembly.

Lin Fei stood on the balcony all night.

Things in the sea didn't show up. It was a bit disappointed, and there seemed to be no accident on the other side of the meeting.

"What happened last night?"

Yunruoyan gets up from the bed, and the first thing is to ask about the situation last night.

"Agreed to wait with me?" Lin Fei said with a smile.

Cloud if smoke small face a red, some embarrassed said: "suddenly sleepy, this does not blame me."

At the mention of this, she felt as if she had forgotten something.

Last night, I seemed to dream again, dreaming that the thing full of tentacles landed.

Standing on the beach with their own eyes, that pair of scarlet eyes, staring at her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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