The old God came with darkness, and the storm rose from the sea,.

Tornadoes are raging in the sea, bringing the bloody sea water to the sky. Looking from afar, it is like the sky is absorbing water.

The sun was completely obscured, but the sky did not turn black.

Red, occupy the world.

The red lightning continued to light up, reflecting the pale faces of the people at the rally.

Boom -

the huge figure took a step forward.

But only this step, the big face even violent vibration.

The sea is more turbulent, tsunami after tsunami, the assembly also appeared cracks, as if the outbreak of a terrible earthquake.

"Is this the power of God?"

Those who still had reason in the assembly were completely frightened by this scene.

Just showing up brings about the change of heaven and earth.

Then the crust of the continent changed.

"Is this the power of a 1.2 billion SS level power to strike with all its might?" The child prodigy murmured, and his face was bloodless.

Before that, he was still holding a bit of luck, thinking that maybe the instrument was out of order.

But now, the strength shown by the old God makes him despair.

The sky was red with blood, and he could not see any hope.

"It's over."

The boy forced a smile on his stiff face, then looked at the people around him and whispered, "our journey, it seems, can only stop here. I'm glad to meet you."

"If there is reincarnation, I hope I can make friends with you."

Someone nodded.

"Well, if you can, I hope the world in the next life can see the blue sky and white clouds, and never have a fight."

Blue sky and white clouds.

Before they didn't care, but when they lost it, they knew how precious it was.

"Finally, let's go together." Several people laughed.


How to escape from a God? Where should we go?

It's a dead word.

Instead of being looked down upon by the gods and crushed like a mole ant, it's better to die vigorously.

"It's not over yet."

But just as they were ready to move, a calm voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Several people can't help but be stunned. They turn around and see Lin Fei.

"It's you!"

When they saw Lin Fei, they all showed an unexpected look.

For Lin Fei, they feel guilty.

"I didn't expect to meet you at such a time, or I'll just apologize to you." Said the boy, lowering his head.

"No harm."

Lin Fei nodded.

"You say it's not over yet?" Someone looked at Lin Fei and thought that he could not accept the result.

But that's what happened.

The old gods are revived. They are all going to die here today.

"You don't understand." The boy also said, "this is God. Only 1.2 billion SS level powers can fight it at the same time!"

Lin Fei looks at the boy and opens his mouth slowly.

"I said, it's not over yet."

"I know he's very strong and needs 1.2 billion SS level powers to use the strongest moves at the same time."

"There are no 1.2 billion SS powers here, but I haven't tried 1.2 billion damage."

The boy stares round eye, dare not set channel: "what are you talking about?"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"I'm not crazy."

Lin Fei looked at the old God in the distance and said slowly, "I like the sea and the bright sunshine."

"Then, I can have a try."

Just open the modifier and manually adjust the damage rate to 1.2 billion times.

Turn on the second kill.

"I'll be there first. Goodbye." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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