The strength of the old God is different from what I saw last time in the mountains.

This time more powerful, has not yet started, has triggered the earth's abnormal change.

To be on the safe side, Lin Fei needs to open 1.2 billion times the damage, and then turn on the second kill, so that there can be double insurance.

The leaf maple head also does not return, flies toward that huge figure.

The boy froze and couldn't understand what Lin Fei was doing.

"What is he doing? Stop the gods? It's impossible! "

If you rush up like this, you won't die better. You'll only die more bravely.

The others frowned, puzzled.

What doesn't have a villa yet?

When the God came out, everything had settled down.

Closer to the God.

Lin Fei saw it clearly for the first time.

It has a lot of seaweed on its body, as well as dead fish hanging on its body, hundreds of tentacles waving in the air, as if it can tear everything.

A little closer, a strong smell came to my face.

It's like a ditch that's been clogged for thousands of years.

Enough to suffocate anyone.

When Lin Fei heard the smell, he couldn't help shaking.

But he soon got used to it.

The power of cause and effect, and the power of modifiers, keep him from being hurt.

At this time, the old God also saw Lin Fei.

This man again.

The old God remembers him and spoils himself twice.

That girl, is a good seedling, as long as occupy her, can get a good human body.

This will make it easier for him to do things later.

But because of this man, it's all destroyed.

Before is not oneself personally comes, even if loses, also does not matter.

Now his own noumenon comes out, how dare this person rush towards him?

I don't know what to do.

The old God was cold in his heart and completely moved to kill.


A huge pressure, as his anger came, the gravity of a hundred miles around suddenly increased.

Plopping -

all the people in the meeting all stumbled and knelt on the ground.

Those S-level powers, face "brush" of a sudden white.

Lin Fei's action also pauses.

Although he didn't kneel down directly, he slowed down a lot because of the change of gravity.

Old God looked at his slow if mole ant speed, heart laugh.

Man is a mole ant.

It's slow, it's so small, it's easy to shoot dead with one hand.

Lin Fei also noticed that his speed had slowed down a lot.

So he turned on super speed.

I'm in heaven and earth! I'm fast! I have despised all rules!

"Ding ~ super speed, start successfully!"


In an instant, Lin Fei stepped on the ground and disappeared as a light.

Old God raised a tentacle, ready to fly toward Lin, like a mosquito.

But at this time.

Lin Fei suddenly disappeared.

The pupils of the old God could not help shrinking.

What's the speed?

It broke through the blockade of its gravity and reached the speed invisible to itself!


At this moment, the old God increased the gravity within kilometers around him.

This gravity also has an effect on itself, so when it gets heavier, the ground under it will sag directly.

But the terrible gravity can directly crush people to death.

But just then!

I am immortal.

"Ding ~ invincible, start successfully!"

Ye Feng directly resisted this pressure, still toward the old God. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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