The old God's eyes straying, trying to find the flattened Lin Fei.

But it didn't see anything.

"No, it's too late. It's all over."

"Even if there are 1.2 billion SS level powers at the same time, this area will be directly destroyed at such a close distance."

The child prodigy said in despair.

But the next moment, someone exclaimed.


" wait, what is that? "

Hearing the cry, everyone looked up.

A light burst out from the ground and stabbed at the chest of the old God, so bright that they could hardly open their eyes.

At this moment, the old God had a great sense of crisis in his heart.

It was a feeling he had never felt before.

It's like, death is striding towards itself, the black sickle has been hung around the neck!

The feeling made the old God want to laugh, but he couldn't.

When he saw the light, he had only one thought left.

That's to stop them!

Hundreds of tentacles waved at the same time, disturbing the storm, but also set off a huge wave.

All of them want to knock down the light.

"1.2 billion times attack is being written..."

"warning, this attack is too powerful, and the probability of the planet being destroyed reaches 100%."

"Continue writing?"

Linfei pauses for a moment.

Then silently turn off this function.

He is not a SS level power, but a person with strength above the old God. Such a 1.2 billion times attack power may wipe out the entire solar system.

Just a second.

If one punch doesn't die, then another.


The light went through the sky and cut off all the tentacles.

The old God trembled in his heart. What strength is this? His hundreds of tentacles, each of which is extremely tough.

But now, easily cut off by that light.

Not even a second!

Looking at the light getting closer and closer, the old God roared in his heart, don't come over!


The old God urged the inner divine power to erect a blood red barrier in front of him in order to block the light.

But when the light collides with the barrier.


The clear sound came at once.

The barrier didn't even hold up for a moment, it just cracked, and then the light rushed over.

It's close.

"Those who dare to control me, die!"

The dragon has reverse scales, and Linfei's scales are the people around him.

Ye Yuxue has been robbed, and now there is someone Chaoyun Ruoyan. How can you bear it?

Lin Fei roared and punched out.

His figure suddenly stopped, but on his fist, the light continued and penetrated the huge body of the old God.


The light rushed to the sky, directly tearing the blood red all over the sky.

The fist burst from behind the old God and split the sea in two. The water was separated, and it was not irrigated for a long time.

Lin Fei is standing in the air. The light from the super speed has disappeared. He looks up at the old God. At this time, the old God is looking down at this tiny man.

"Who on earth are you?"

The old God finally spoke, but his voice was shaking.

All this is because he found that he was going to die.

There are some rules in that fist that make his body irreparable, and let the whole body's strength quickly pass away, and his whole body's vitality is constantly eroded.

This power, even death, has never possessed.

Is this tiny figure really a human being? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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