Lin Fei looks up and down at Ye Yuxue and confirms that she has nothing to do. Then he puts his heart down.

Then he pulled Ye Yuxue to his side and at the same time looked at Miss mask and said, "what are you planning?"

He can be sure of one thing now.

Miss mask is not a friend.

Is it an enemy or a friend?

She said it was the enemy because she took Ye Yuxue and said she was a friend because she sent Ye Yuxue back.

But this send, because she once snatched past ye Yuxue!

"Come on, there's a fight between us." Lin Fei said to her.

It's good that she sent Ye Yuxue back, but it doesn't mean that everything in the past can be written off.

If she doesn't take ye Yuxue away, she won't accept the hatred.

"I'm not your match."

"I used to beat you by three points, but now I'm not your match," she said

"Besides, I don't want to fight you."

She left this sentence and turned around and disappeared.

Lin Fei pinched his fist, then looked at Ye Yuxue and said, "how did she treat you in these months?"

"It's OK for me. There's delicious food every day, and I'm taught how to use powers."

This makes Lin Fei a little speechless.

"Is there something wrong with her?"

"If you want to teach you, why? Can you come straight to me and say no? "

Lin Fei then asked, "she didn't do anything else?"

"No more." Ye Yuxue shook his head gently.

"But I'm sure she's not our enemy." Ye Yuxue said.

"But not friends." Lin Fei immediately said that she could have become a friend. Unfortunately, Miss mask chose the wrong way.

Because of Ye Yuxue's absence, he never slept again. He often thinks of her at night.

Then I think of my childhood sweetheart.

He didn't like to leave, and he didn't like the people around him to be taken away.

If he could, he hoped that the person who died in the accident was himself.

"I'm leaving the world and returning to my hometown." Lin Fei looked at Ye Yuxue and whispered, "would you like to come with me?"

"Of course."

Ye Yuxue nodded with a smile.

She said, "this has not been said in the beginning."

Chen Feng hugged her with a smile and whispered, "thank you."

"Cough --"

just at this moment, the sound of coughing was heard in the room.

Ye Yuxue's Willow eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

There are other women in the room.

When she saw Yun Ruoyan, ye Yuxue looked cold. The woman was...

she had a beautiful face and a tall figure. The most important thing was...

Ye Yuxue looked down at her chest, and immediately felt that she had lost, lost in a mess, and could not be defeated.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Just a few months after he left, did Lin Fei find a new woman?

As expected, he is not in good shape.

"My name is Yun Ruoyan." Cloud if smoke bed together, see these two people embrace together.

And when she saw the appearance of Ye Yuxue, she was also surprised.

"You are ye Yuxue." Yun Ruoyan said with a smile, "Lin Fei often mentions you to me."


Ye Yuxue was a little happy. As expected, Lin Fei did not forget himself, so he asked, "what did he say about me?"

"He said I was a little cute, and he said you were a stinky babe." Cloud if smoke suppress smile way.

In a flash, ye Yuxue's face turned black.

The room suddenly cooled down.


"I'm joking," he yelled

"Lin Fei and I are just ordinary friends." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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