Yunruoyan was scared to sweat, but the explanation was clear.

Otherwise, she suspected that ye Yuxue would really start.

"I see. The cut is black." Cloud Ruoyan thought in his heart.

Lin Fei looks at Yun Ruoyan with tears and laughter. Why should he die?

"Actually, I don't mind if Lin Fei has other women."

Ye Yuxue received a body of cold meaning, softly said: "I am understanding."

Yun Ruoyan nodded, indicating that he believed.

She can see that ye Yuxue is a little bit ill, perhaps because she has been separated from Lin Fei for a long time.

"Sleep on the couch for a while." She thought to herself.

On this day, the gods did not come.

Lin Fei was in a good mood and decided to do it himself for lunch.

"The fruits and melons on the back hill are all ripe." Lin Fei said.

These things have been planted for a few months, and they have already matured, and even some weeds have grown.

"I'll help you." Ye Yuxue said softly.


After a pause, she said, "there are fruit trees on the back of the mountain. Shall we send some to others?"

Ye Yuxue still remembers the people he met along the way.

At the beginning, I promised to give them the fruit when it was ripe.

"Good." Lin Fei smiles and says, "just do you remember the way?"

"Of course."

Ye Yuxue said with a smile that when she was away, she would think of her adventure with Linfei every day.

All the roads we have passed are recorded clearly.

"Then the three of us will go together." Lin Fei suggested.


Ye Yuxue nodded gently.

She doesn't hate yunruoyan. Maybe during her absence, yunruoyan still takes care of Linfei for herself.

If you have a chance, talk to her.

Well understand what Lin Fei has experienced during his absence.

At lunch, Lin Fei and ye Yuxue made it together.

As a result, the happiest thing to eat was yunruoyan.

In the past, Lin Fei was just a casual cook. Now that ye Yuxue comes back, he begins to pay attention.

"Wuwu, it's delicious ~"

Yun Ruoyan looked happy and said, "it's over, I really can't leave you."

"I'm so happy to meet you."

Ye Yuxue looks surprised.

Because she saw Yun Ruoyan eat three bowls of rice, in the past, she had a bowl to be full.

"What do you eat? Why aren't you fat?" Ye Yuxue asked.

She looked up and down yunruoyan, not fat, on the contrary, her figure is very material, and she looks barren a lot.

Ye Yuxue is now thinking, is it because she eats more, so the figure is so good?

"I'm not fat."

Yun Ruoyan said with a smile: "I used to like to eat a lot of things. When I was shopping, I didn't stop on my mouth, but I didn't get fat."

Ye Yu was envious of Xuedun.

It's not fat to eat.

I also want to eat delicious food every day, and then I don't get fat.

"It's safe to eat."

"It takes a lot of physical strength to use powers," Lin said

Ye Yuxue thought about it, but he thought it was OK.

But she was full after a bowl.

The extra food was eaten by Yun Ruoyan alone.

Ye Yuxue gently smile, feel the house more lively, more lively.

It seems that it is better than when you are only yourself and Lin Fei.

"If you are in a world without monsters...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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