God is silent.

In fact, such a strong man, he did not want to let go.

If you can keep it for your own use, then the combat power of his temples will be able to gain a surge.

"No more thought?" God said, "if you leave, you will never come back."

Lin Fei shakes his head.

There is nothing in the world worth his nostalgia.

God saw that this man had decided to go. No matter what he said, he couldn't let him stay.

"I don't think he should be allowed to leave."

But at this moment, a voice of indifference sounded behind.

Then, a huge figure, slowly appeared in front of the main hall.

Before Lin Fei thought the hall was very tall, but after seeing the body shadow, he didn't think so.

The real figure is as high as the old God in the sea.

Most of the gods in these temples are huge, so this hall is so tall.

"How can this man let him go when he killed two gods in my temple?" Said the God, who was surrounded by flames.

He was a skeleton with a red flame burning on his body.

He was friends with the old God of the sea.

Now that his friend has been killed, he can't just sit around and ignore it.

So when he learned that Lin Fei came to the temples, he was the first to run out, trying to block Lin Fei's way home.

"God must not be insulted. It is an insult to us that he still dares to stand here."

Lin Fei turned and looked at the God.

The other side obviously doesn't take themselves seriously.

"The two gods have done wrong and taken the wrong path. They should die." Lin Fei was not afraid of him and said directly.

"If they don't die, millions of innocent people will die."

Lin Fei did not regret killing the two gods.

"Just human beings, what if they die?" The God hums coldly, way: "mole ant like thing, if I am not disgusted to kill disgusting, I will also start."

This makes Lin Fei frown.

Yun Ruoyan's straightforward character immediately said, "are we human beings, let them kill?"

"Are we wrong when we resist?"

The God snorted coldly and said, "otherwise?"

"What are you? How noble are we? How can you compare with us? "

This makes cloud Ruoyan look ugly.

So in the eyes of the gods, are human beings so unbearable?

"No wonder there is no God to save us when disaster comes."

How many people, in despair, want to see the gods come down to save them.

But how many people die without a glimmer of hope.

It turned out that in the eyes of the gods, they were rotten and smelly mud in the corner.

Only the best in the world, with a mortal posture, as a god status, to give those desperate people a glimmer of hope.

"Too much." Ye Yuxue also said.

Lin Fei looked up at him and said, "since you look at us like this, there's nothing to say about it."

"This time, I'm not only going back, but also explaining."

"You made this change," he asked directly

Lin Fei thought for a long time, but he didn't know why the gods did it.

"It's us. What can you do?" The God sneered.


Lin Fei made a decisive move, a flash of light, cut off its legs.

A blow to destroy!

Suddenly he lost his feet, and the God fell on the ground.

"Can't you speak well?" Lin Fei asked him.

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