All of a sudden, he lost his legs and hit the ground heavily. The God was knocked out.

Because it's so sudden.

He had no idea that this would happen.

"You treat people as ants, but you are just like that in my eyes." Lin Fei stood in front of him and said, "I want to kill you. I don't even need to move my hand."

Open mouth mole ants, shut up waste, Lin Fei listen to annoy.

If you don't give me a lesson, you think you are invincible.

"How could that be possible?"

The God has no eyes. Otherwise, he would have widened his eyes.

As a God, his legs were cut off by a human being in the temples.

"I'll kill you!"

He yelled.

But it was just falling.


His skull exploded.

A shock wave smashed him, and all his bones were broken and splashed in all directions.

In a flash, he died.

Even the gods did not let him live another second.

Lin Fei wants him to die here, so he has to die here, not even a second.

"If you look closer, you will find the strength of your power."

God's voice rang again.

Lin Fei turned and looked at the nihility in front of him and said, "give me a reason."

"Why do you do that?"

Just now that God, dare to jump out to block himself, said that he would not believe without the sign of God.

God said, "don't you think you are too strong?"

Though he is the Lord of gods.

But now, I still feel the power of Lin Fei.

A fire god, the strength is not inferior to the existence of the old God, the result in a flash was defeated by Lin Fei.

And death is very thorough, even if you want to resurrect.

This kind of strength has already threatened his God's status.

If he became the God of war and was enlisted as one of his subordinates, he would be able to impose some shackles on his soul.

Let him be obedient to himself in the future.

Even if Lin Fei wants to leave, he will surely come back later.

God thought, can not let a person who can threaten his status live in this world.

"I'm strong. Do I have anything to do with other people?"

Lin Fei asked, "why do you want to change the world?"

"Because I find it so boring."

God said, "human beings have been dominating for so long. It's time to change something else."

His words made Lin Fei silent for a moment.

Not be convinced, but full of loopholes, do not know where to start.

"It's all the result of our efforts. Have you ever helped?" Lin Fei said, "we drink blood, we are predated by beasts, and we are not seen when we are plagued by natural disasters."

"Now that we stand up, you want to kill us?"

"What qualifications do you have?"

The LORD was silent for a moment, and then said, "because we are gods, we have this qualification."

"Climb." Lin Fei's answer is only one word.

"You humans are not doing such things."

God said, "are there few creatures that have been destroyed in your hands?"

"They didn't have your help in the most difficult times, but they were completely wiped out by you in the most prosperous times."

God continued, "besides, aren't humans doing this to their companions?"

"The rich, the powerful and the powerful always exploit the weak."

"Why don't you take care of them?"

God's words, let Lin Fei do not know how to refute for a while.

Yunruoyan and ye Yuxue are all frowning.

"If you connive at mankind, you are conniving at the emergence of a strong man."

"Why, then, can't this strong one be me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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