Ye Yuxue stood up and seriously said, "if human beings don't know how to repent, they will certainly suffer from the consequences."

"You don't have to do it, they'll disappear."

God laughed.

"But the species that have disappeared have done nothing, or even done anything wrong," he said slowly

"Why did they disappear?"

A figure slowly out of the void.

This is an old man with gray hair and a white robe.

He slowly fell in front of the public, his body was powerful, even if the convergence, but still lead to the surrounding space is swinging.

He is God.

Now it finally shows up.

God looked at Ye Yuxue and said with a smile: "don't add any excuse for aggression, because no matter how beautiful an excuse is, it can't cover up the essence of aggression."

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Don't you say the same thing?"

Chen Feng is silent.

Because of these words, he said it.

"Man will live in harmony with nature." Yun Ruoyan said to God.

"Hahaha --"

when God heard this, he immediately laughed.

He looked at the cloud like smoke and said slowly, "getting along in harmony is just a kind of self deception idea of the weak."

"The law of the universe has always been that the strong rule the weak."

"Whoever is strong can establish order. Like the universe, planets revolve around stars, and satellites revolve around planets. Things that violate the rules are only worth disappearing silently in corners."

The two girls were speechless by God.

"Your heart, too dark." Ye Yuxue finally said so.

God laughed and shook his head at her.

"Son, you are young, and you are sheltered, so you don't understand."

He said slowly: "our hearts, also yearn for bright and warm, no one will like the cold."

"Every one of us, every God, is actually a towering tree. The more we yearn for light, the roots under the soil will go down and grow deeper into the soil and darkness."

"You are still mortals, so you will think for mankind."

The LORD said, "but I am not the same. I am the Lord of the gods. I am immortal. I am not a human being, nor any kind of living creature."

"I look at you like you see a group of ants, or a group of pigs."

Ye Yuxue and Yun Ruoyan are speechless.

They are no match for God.

Combat effectiveness and experience are far from satisfactory.

"Do you really want to destroy mankind?" Lin Fei looked up at the old man in front of him.

"Don't say that."

God said, "just let a species disappear in this world."

"But this time the species, unfortunately, is just human beings themselves."

Chen Feng was silent for a moment.

Then he said, "I'm willing to be punished for them."

Originally he was going to go home, but he was still alone after all. He couldn't watch the people in the world disappear.

His words surprised the Lord.

God looked at Chen Feng and said, "there are 1.9 billion people left in this world. Everyone has a punishment. Do you want to bear the punishment of 1.9 billion alone?"


Chen Feng nods.

He has a lock blood, and invincible, supporting the 1.9 billion punishment, nothing.

"I love fried rice with eggs, and I like their smiles, so I'll try at least." Chen Feng said.


Ye Yuxue and yunruoyan are scared by his words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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