With 1.9 billion punishments, they can't imagine how terrible that would be.

But the only certainty is that even if the gods take on the responsibility, even if there is no death, they will go mad.

Not to mention Lin Fei as a human being.


Ye Yuxue shakes her head at Lin Fei. She can't watch Lin Fei do something stupid.

Lin Fei laughed at her and said, "don't worry, I'll be OK."

He has a lock blood, more invincible, in addition to the spirit of this aspect of harm to him, other are invalid to him.

"It's only 1.9 billion. I'll be back in a minute."

After that, he went to God alone and said, "let's do it. I've decided."

"You surprised me."

God slowly said to Lin Fei, "but is all this worth it?"

"What's worth it or not?"

Lin Fei said, "if you exchange me for the safety of 1.9 billion people, I'm making a lot of money."

"Hahaha --"

God was really amused by Lin Fei.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Yuxue and yunruoyan suddenly ran over.

The two girls looked at the God, looked serious and said: "let's also participate, can't let Lin Fei bear so much alone."

"No way."

Their voice just dropped, Lin Fei immediately refused them.

Lin Fei turned to the two men and said, "it's hard to explain clearly to you. All you need to know is that all the attacks have not hurt me."

"I'll be back safe and sound."

Then he looked at God and said, "let's go."

"Are you sure? It's too late to regret." Said the Lord.

"Don't talk nonsense, motherfucker." Lin Fei said.

God said with a smile, "you are in a hurry to die."

After that, he waved and opened a door in front of Lin Fei.

In order to prevent Ye Yuxue and yunruoyan from running in, Lin Fei immediately walks in as soon as the door appears.

And when he went in, the door immediately disappeared.

At the same time, there was a light in the hall.

It's like a screen, in which Lin Fei is.

Ye Yuxue and yunruoyan just come back to God, and just Lin Fei walked in in in a hurry.

They quickly looked at the light and saw Lin Fei now.

"What is this place?"

Lin Fei looked around and found himself standing in a forest.

He opens the modifier and finds it still there.

Invincible, lock blood and other functions, all normal open.

"What do you want me to do?" Lin Fei asked. He knew that God must be watching.

"Protect the human race."

God's voice sounded around: "if human beings die out in this time and space, you will fail, and then I will destroy human beings."

These words make Lin Fei frown.

He had thought that God would arrange for him some swords, mountains and fires.

As a result, he became the guardian of mankind.

It's bound to take a long time.

He worried that when he went out, others would be old.

"Don't worry, time goes by different inside and outside. You've been in it for thousands of years, but it's only a flash for us." The Lord continued.

This makes Lin Fei relax.

God has finally done something.

Dada -

just at this moment, Lin Fei heard dense footsteps coming from all around.

The next moment, after he saw the woods around him, many strong men with weapons came out.

"Leave your money and you will have a way to live."

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