Lin Fei glanced at them and said, "I have no money on me."

"No money?"

The tall man at the front said, "if you don't have money, you can leave your dog's life behind."

A big drink, the man strode to come, the hands of the cold light flicker, directly toward the forest flying horizontal chop.

The knife soon split the breeze.

But Lin Fei used two fingers to hold the big knife.

"How many people have you killed?" Lin Fei asked him.

The man was stunned.

Then he said, "do you remember how much bread you ate?"

He really doesn't know.

Because Lin Fei used mind reading, he didn't know how many people he had killed.

The only thing he could be sure of was that none of the people present were innocent, their hands were stained with blood.

"Then I won't have to keep my hands."

Lin Fei gently pinched his hand and the knife broke. In the look of panic, he pointed out again.


A cold light pierced the man's chest.

He glared round his eyes and fell flat on the ground. He didn't know what happened to him until he died.

"It's your turn."

Lin Fei's eyes fell on others.


When these people saw this scene, they all cried out in panic and then ran away in panic.

Lin Fei certainly won't let these people run away.

Because they killed too many travelers and merchants.


A dull noise, these people's eyes, all of a sudden stare round.

Then, they covered their throat and knelt on the ground, and they died in silence.

Lin Fei clapped the dust on his hands.

"He said he wanted to save mankind, but he killed more than ten people by himself." God's voice rang around him: "you are really interesting."

Lin Fei said calmly, "I want to save people, not a group of animals."

God did not speak again.

Lin Fei went down in one direction.

If the memory of the person just now is correct, you can enter a village by walking along this road.

Lin Fei walked out of the forest and saw a village at the foot of the mountain.

A small village.

The smoke curled up.

To Lin Fei's surprise, people here are still using thatched houses.

The thatched house is not strong. Although it can protect against the wind and rain, if the wind and rain are heavy, the house will definitely collapse.

Lin Fei walked into the village.

The feeling of the first time is like crossing time and space and coming to the world hundreds of years ago.

"Maybe it's because of the lack of communication, some places are backward." Lin Fei murmured.

Seeing Lin Fei coming down from the mountain, these people are very vigilant looking at him.

Seeing this, Lin Fei knew that he was going to leave here.

I took a look at what they were thinking with mind reading, but I didn't find any valuable news.

"Do you know where the nearby town is?" Lin Fei took the initiative to ask questions.

They are not expected to answer.

I just want to check out their memory so that mind reading can see it.

Sure enough, the effect was obvious. Lin Fei found his way to the town.

People here are afraid of him, so Lin Fei has no idea of staying here. After figuring out how to go, he turns around and walks away.

The town is on the other side of the mountain.

I just went backwards.

As long as you walk along the road just now and walk out of the forest, you can see the town.

When he climbed over the mountain, he saw a small town.

Standing on the top of the mountain, he saw the whole area. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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