Looking at the young man's fear, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing and said, "it shouldn't be."

"I also heard this story. Those brave people didn't come back, maybe they were simply eaten."

The young man patted his chest and looked at Lin Fei with fear and said, "what's the meaning of this story?"

Lin Fei thought about it and said, "it's about greed."

"Maybe there has never been a dragon. Maybe everyone is a dragon. When the brave see the gold and silver, greed will turn them into monsters."

Teenagers don't understand.

What maybe there is no dragon, and everyone is a dragon?

"Is there any way to deal with greed?" He just asked.

Lin Fei laughed and shook his head.


"Nothing can deal with greed."

"Ah?" Teenagers are scared, can turn people into monsters, how can there be nothing to deal with?

Isn't that person likely to become a monster at any time?

"What about that?" He said anxiously.

Lin Fei laughed and said, "greed can only be strangled in the cradle, and can't let it grow."

"People's desire is like a rolling stone. Once it starts, it can't stop."

The boy couldn't understand again.

What killed in the cradle?

"I don't understand." He shook his head.

"It's about sticking to your heart and not thinking about owning everything." Lin Fei explained.


The boy nodded heavily.

"I see. I remember."

Lin Fei smiles, fighting against desire is not a day or two, it is a life thing.

After a long walk, they came to a forest.

The boy looked up and said, "through the forest ahead, we will reach the valley where the dragon is."

"Good." Lin Fei nodded.

Ready to take the boy through the forest.


But at this time, someone jumped out of the woods.

They were dressed in rags, but armed, and they were all ferocious.

"Hand over your valuable things." The tall man at the head said in a cold voice.

The young man frowned and stood up for the first time and said, "we are the brave ones to fight against the dragon. You people, please step back!"

The brave are going to slaughter the dragon and bring happiness and peace to all.

It's a hero for all.

No one will stand in the way of the brave.

"The brave?"

The men were stunned for a moment and then began to laugh.

"You are brave. What does it matter to us? Now, uncle, I'm so hungry that I feel dizzy. "

The first tall man said: "last year, some people said that they were brave, and then he was eaten by us. To be honest, it tastes good."

"You look at the delicate flesh, and the taste should be very good."

Hearing this man's words, the young man's face turned white in an instant.

What did he hear.

The brave man who went to kill the dragon was killed by these robbers?

Even ate it!

At the thought of that picture, the teenager almost vomited out.


Almost instantly, Lin Fei killed the speaker.

"Killing each other, you can't call it human anymore. Go and die." Lin Fei said coldly.

The voice fell, and the cold wind blew out beside him.

Those people did not even have the opportunity to react, all fell to the ground, and thus cut off their vitality.

When the boy saw the blood, he vomited it out.

Although she is brave, she is still too young.

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