"Let's go."

Lin Fei patted him on the shoulder and said, "as a brave man, you have to face more terrible and frightening things in the future."

"You have to learn to be strong."

The boy vomited for a while, nothing to vomit, just reluctantly stopped.

"Let's go."

As he said, he was the first to rush through the place, and the boy didn't want to see these people again.

Lin Fei followed quickly.

After walking for half a day, the boy's face was much better.

"Am I particularly bad?" The young man raised his head and asked Lin Fei. He vomited for a long time. His face was still white.

Lin Fei nodded and said, "yes."

"You're just a drag now."

The boy immediately looked aggrieved and lowered his head.

"No one can be strong for you. If you can't step this road, you are just one of the people." Lin Fei said faintly.

The brave man lowered his head, and Lin Fei did not use mind reading to see him.

This year's brave or a child, with the world's lives in mind, unable to accept the result of fratricidal is inevitable.

Lin Fei knows that when you carry something on your back, you can't achieve the best of both worlds.

You have to put something down after all.

He is also for the sake of human beings, but to kill him, he can not hesitate to move.

After walking in the mountains for two days, they finally got through the place.

And the youth came out of the shadow.

He pointed to the canyon ahead and said, "the dragon is in it."

"Let's go."

Lin Fei said, step forward, as long as you kill the dragon, then he can return.

"Roar --"

just as they approached, they heard a roar that was enough to shake the ground. It was the roar of the dragon.

Then, a dark shadow flew out of the canyon, covering the sky with darkness.

"It's a dragon!"

The boy pulled out the dagger from his waist.


With a loud noise, the huge figure fell down in front of them.

The dark moment enveloped them.

They looked up and found that the figure in front of them was thirty or forty meters high. Standing in front of them, it was like an insurmountable mountain.

"This, this is the dragon?"

The brave man's legs are shaking. He just looks at it and feels that his hands can't make use of his strength.

Can such a giant really be defeated?

Even if he is brave, he can't do it at all!

At this moment, he understood why the brave people in the past would never return.

Because they're all dead.

You can't win a dragon like this.

Boom and boom -

the giant demon dragon opened its wings, controlled its body balance, and stepped down on them with one foot.


The brave man cried out.

But where to run?

This foot is four or five meters wide, and it falls down like a mountain.

The brave's legs are so weak that they can't run at all.

"It's over He exclaimed in despair.


There was a loud noise, and there was dust and smoke everywhere.

But after half a day, the boy did not feel pain, slowly opened his eyes, the results of the scene in front of him let him be stunned.

Because he clearly saw that Lin Fei blocked the dragon's feet with his left hand.

This scene, as if a flash of lightning hit him.

How could that be possible?

Lin Fei blocked the dragon's attack with one hand?

"You don't have to do it here. Just watch."

Lin Fei said, his left hand forced a pile, the tall dragon fell.

He said, "the brave one who has not found your sword is not the real one."

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