Lin Fei looks at the city Lord in front of him and finds that the light in his eyes is very firm.

"There's no need to talk about it. You'll have to die."

Lin Fei said calmly, "if you die, there will be a new city Lord. If the new city Lord still does not agree, I will continue to kill."

"If a hundred do not agree, I will kill one hundred, and there will always be one person who will agree."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the city Lord's eyes could not help shaking.

"Are you still human?"

He exclaimed in horror, but if the man in front of him really wanted to do so, he would have no way to guard against it.

There will always be a person who is afraid of death, or some people yearn for peace.

It must have been promised.


The city Lord can only promise.

He doesn't want to die, because his own death can't change anything.

No one can defeat the man in front of him.

"But I want you to promise me one condition." Said the Lord, gritting his teeth.

In this way, he gave up the war, gave up a large number of resources, and a large number of fertile land. How could he be reconciled?

He has to pay something back.

"What conditions?" Lin Fei asked.

"You need to compensate us for a lot of food, farmland and slavery," he said seriously

Lin Fei is silent.

After a long time, he looked at the city Lord and said, "so, do you really want to die?"

Do you want to farm, open up wasteland and enslave him?

"Spoiled at ordinary times, isn't it?" Lin Fei said coldly.

The city Lord trembled.

He realized that his request might be too much, so he quickly changed his words: "then I need a lot of food and slavery!"

As long as there is enslavement, what kind of cultivated land is not easy to capture?

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly and said, "do you really think I'm here to talk about the conditions with you?"

After that, a flash of light in his hand pierced the heart of the city Lord.

"No food, nothing not to grow your own? Why don't you go and reclaim the wasteland without help? "

"How can people like you change? You won't change. You can only die. "

The city Lord's eyes widened.

He simply did not expect, Lin Fei really will hand, he will be solved.

"Others may get used to you, but I won't." Lin Fei said that he caught his body and appeared directly in front of the city gate.

The old city Lord is dead. He needs a new one.

A conscious, willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, willing to down-to-earth new city Lord.

Enslavement and plunder, such backward ideas, must be completely eliminated.

If you don't make it yourself, you have to bear it when the sky falls.

"If you have a suitable person, you can come to me by yourself, and people can also recommend me."

"I will stay here for three days," Lin said

The news that the city Lord was killed soon swept the whole city, and many people were scared.

Especially the aristocrats.

When they learned that the new city Lord had to choose peace and liberate slavery, they couldn't help being angry.

"What about this man?"

"Dare to say such a thing, he must die!"

So they sent out killers.

More than a dozen bodies came out at the gate of the city the next day.

There are masked killers, there are also some people dressed in luxury.

"Isn't that the count?"

When they saw these noble bodies, they were scared, but the nobles were the most afraid.

All of them are dead.

"This man can't be provoked." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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