On the third day, Lin Fei finally picked the right person.

Two days ago, he also saw many people volunteering to come in, but their thoughts could not escape Lin Fei's mind reading skills.

The real purpose cannot be hidden.

So they were all rejected.

He chose a new city Lord, and the other side promised peace.

"At last, peace is on both sides." Lin Fei murmured.

But he did not put all his hopes on the two city Lords.

Maybe they can promise peace now, but not in the future. Maybe they will repent after three days, or they will go back after they leave.

In these three days of waiting, he wanted to understand.

If there is a need for real peace, both countries need to be found.

Instead of looking for two small towns.

When countries declare peaceful coexistence, wars elsewhere will naturally stop.

After talking to the new city Lord, he left the town.

He went to another town and told him the news of peace.

"You killed a city Lord?" The city Lord was really scared when he heard the news.

All of a sudden, I was very happy.

Fortunately, there are no willful demands.

"I see. I will never start any war again." Hold on, pat your chest, make sure.

Lin Fei just laughed.

Just listen to these words. In those three days, he saw all kinds of dark thoughts.

Ninety nine percent of the people want to fool themselves. When they become the city Lord, they will kill themselves.

Everyone wants to be who they are.

It's not easy to become the city Lord. Why do you think about others?

To be a city Lord is to let the whole city people serve themselves.

Lin Fei left the city, along a road to leave, he asked the location of the imperial capital, far from here.

But go down this road and you'll get to the next town in three days.

"There's a power that works."

Lin Fei has all kinds of powers.

Now on his way, he found a convenient ability.

"Eye contact."

This ability allows you to appear where you are looking.

His figure twinkled on the path.

On the way forward, he saw the path extend into a forest.

"This place is full of trees." Lin Fei sighs.

It's like hundreds of years behind.

These people can't even grow vegetables.

If so, it should not be difficult to stop the war between the two countries.


"Leave money or life, choose one."

In the forest, Linfei met a group of robbers again.

"How far is the town ahead?" Lin Fei asked them the way.

There is no need to answer. Mind reading can directly see the picture, and Lin Fei can estimate a distance.

And then he put his hand on the road.

"Why do you want to be a robber if you have hands and feet?" Lin Fei sighs that these people have wasted their most precious time and embarked on a wrong path.

According to their memory, Lin Fei continued to move forward.

He found that this ability, though not shrinking to an inch, was more interesting.

It's easier to get dizzy.

In the end, he changed it into an inch, which not only has speed, but also won't faint.

Ten minutes on, he left the forest.

He went on for a moment and saw a new city.

A big city with stone walls!

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