"Who am I?"

Lin Fei chuckled and said, "maybe it's the person you can forget when you go back to sleep, or the person who killed you."

"It's up to you to choose."

"What do you mean?" The man frowned.

He seemed to be afraid of Lin Fei and said, "what did you bring me here for?"

"Send me back soon?"

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly, and then released his hand at the height of ten thousand meters.

The man fell straight to the ground.

At this moment, he finally knew that he was afraid, and his heart was beating wildly, and he was about to jump out of his throat.

When he was about to fall to the ground, Linfei caught him again.

And then they took him up to ten thousand meters.

"Now it's time for you to understand your environment." Lin Fei said faintly.

"I ask you to answer, do not give me extra things, or I will let go and go straight away."

"Yes, I know."

The man nodded quickly and was almost scared to urinate.

It was the first time that he experienced that feeling in his life.

He wondered why he felt this way?

People living in the high-tech world have forgotten the feeling of "fear".

Just about death, let this man experience a "fear".

He almost threw up.

I don't want to experience it again in my life.

"Ask, you ask." He said shivering.

"Where are the emperors?" Lin Fei asked.

Then he immediately used the mind reading technique to look at the person's heart. As expected, he began to see the picture of memory.

Lin Fei looked at the pictures and found the way to the imperial capital.

"Well, I already know." Lin Fei said.


The man was stunned. He didn't expect that Lin Fei would suddenly say that. He was still organizing language.

How do you know?

How do you know that?

"I won't be killed, will I?"

If this has no use value, it may be killed in the twinkling of an eye.


Lin Fei answered him, "I will erase your memory."

After that, he took the man invisible, then took him through the protective cover, returned to the city, and threw him into the public toilet.

He waited in the street for another moment.

There are no robots coming to capture him.

So he's safe, and Linfei retreats.

"Finally, I have found the imperial capital." Lin Fei murmured. He went through the shield and flew toward the direction of memory.

If that person's memory is correct, then his route is right.

Linfei flies along the route, very fast.

Memory emperor is far away from folding willows.

"What is the development of science and technology in the imperial capital?" Lin Fei is curious.

So it's three points faster.

Memory has a transmitter, can directly reach the imperial capital, but he has no identity, if rashly appear, it will only lead to attack.

We can only go on our way honestly.

Half a day later, he finally met the imperial capital.

The first thing to see was a huge protective cover, which could block out the sun and could not see the end at a glance.

Lin Fei goes to the shield and finds that he is not as big as a hexagon shield.

And this protective cover is made of hundreds of millions of hexagonal protective covers.

"Ah, this."

Lin Fei fell to the ground and felt as small as an egg in a city.

"Such a big shield, is it to fight monsters?" He murmured.

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