A huge city with no end in sight.

High shields, no top visible.

It's like a big bowl upside down on the ground. Lin Fei went around it without seeing the entrance.

"Always being invisible is not the way." Lin Fei murmured.

If you are invisible all the time, it's hard for you to come out and talk to the king of this country.

Lin Fei took a deep breath and got away from here.

He turned off stealth in places that could not be seen by the other side's radar, and walked towards the city in a fair way.

As soon as he got into radar range, two drones flew out and surrounded him.

"Not identified."

"Please stop at once."

Mechanical sounds are coming out of the drone.

Lin Fei listened to the other side's words and stopped slowly.

A fist sized UAV immediately leaned over, and a blue light appeared in a lens, scanning Lin Fei from the beginning.

"There is no danger."

The little drone flew up and seemed to be reporting something.

"Unknown blood, unknown identity, no similar samples found."

Lin Fei looks at the small UAV and knows that someone in the city must be looking at himself.

So he said, "I come from afar to see your king."

The drone didn't speak.

A moment later.

Boom -

a huge UAV is coming from afar, and their technology no longer needs propeller, but can be directly suspended.

There is no wind at all.

The drone slowly lands on the ground and opens a hatch.

Lin Fei saw two robots standing behind the hatch.


It's not so much a robot as two mechas.

They are two meters tall, blue and white, with a pistol at the waist, and red diamond eyes on both sides. They are not angry and arrogant.

When seeing this mecha, Lin Fei's heart beat for a moment.

Mecha is always a man's romance.

He really wants to see how these mechas are. If he can control them by himself, he will be happier.

But this is not the time to do these things.

Lin Fei saw the real mecha in his lifetime, which is also a wish.

He went into the drone shelter.

When he came in, the door closed slowly, and the two mechas stood beside him.

Lin Fei always felt that he had been caught.

Through perspective, he saw that the UAV had been flying, very stable, and Lin Fei could not feel any vibration.

The drone went through the barrier and quickly came to an airport.

He saw the landing place, standing a mecha team, headed by a middle-aged man.

Seems to be waiting for themselves.

The UAV falls down smoothly, the cabin door opens, and the two mecha nearby immediately catch Chen Feng's hands.

And force him down.

In other people's territory, Lin Fei did not struggle.

After going down, he said to the middle-aged man, "can you let me go? It's very tiring to walk like this."

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man did not answer this question. Instead, he began to check the registered permanent residence of CHENFENG.

"What's your name?"

"Where do you live?"

"What's the purpose of coming here?"

Now, in the course of the war between the two countries, there is a sudden appearance of a man without identity, which is definitely a problem.

What's more, it's the information age. Babies are marked and identified before they are born.

Why does anyone else have no identity data?

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