The brave mecha means that this mecha can defeat all the strong.

No matter how impossible, the brave mecha can do it.

But now, the brave mecha has failed.

And still lost to a human hand!

How can humans be as powerful as mecha?

These people are unable to respond, feeling that the world has become a lot strange, can defeat the human mecha?

Is this still human?

At this moment, the sound came from the ruins.

It was the brave mecha standing up, the broken stones rolling down from it, and the warrior's body began to shake.

Poop poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo.

It's like boiling water.

"It's the brave mode!"

Exclaimed the group, excited.

"How can you force the brave mode out!"

It's the first time they've seen the brave model.

It is said that this is the invincible mode.

No matter what kind of strong enemy, in front of the brave mode, will collapse.

A total defeat!

The original blue diamond eyes of the valiant mecha turned red, full of danger at this moment.

Even its original blue light turned red.

The red light kept flashing.

The whole aisle was flashing red.

It's like warning something.

The brave mecha took a step from the ruins.


The sonic boom exploded, and the whole corridor cracked, and the brave mecha had already disappeared.

Lin Fei calmly turns around and kicks out.


There was another loud noise, and the figure of the valiant mecha flew out again. This time, it smashed five walls and stopped.


The whole corridor, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

It just happened so fast.

Their heads can't deal with what they just saw.

In warrior mode, is the fighter still kicked away?

How could that be possible?

Just as they were in a trance, a red light rushed out of the ruins.

This is the brave mecha.

It blows out with one blow to kill Lin Fei here.

Lin Fei didn't give in. He also gave a blow.


There was a light in the corridor.

It was caused by the fire.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and their mouths were wide open and completely frozen.

"Well, it's impossible."

That middle-aged man is legs a soft, directly sat on the ground.

Because they saw a scene that they couldn't forget in their life.

The chest of the brave mecha is penetrated by human hands!

Lin Fei's hand runs through the chest of the fighter, and a blue core is pinched by him.

"You've done your best."

Lin Fei said faintly, and then slowly took out his hand.

All the lights on the valiant mecha were dim.

Mecha loses its core, just like a human being loses its heart, it loses its ability to move.


The mecha fell to the ground powerless.

Lin Fei threw the core to the side of the mecha, and then looked at the team.


A pair of on the forest fly's vision, they can't help but exclaim.

Even the invincible, can defend one side of the brave mecha, all instantly failed in the hands of Lin Fei.

They were really flustered.

Is this man really a human being?

If there are only ten points of combat effectiveness, why can it be so powerful?

Even the brave mecha will be removed?

At this moment, they think of those old legends.

Gods, Buddhas and demons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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