According to legend, those characters are in charge of the unmatched power, and can control the wind, fire, lightning, and the life and death of mortals.

Then technology developed, and they gradually forgot about these things.

They think they are the legendary gods.

Because they are in charge of nature.

If you want to rain, the sky will rain, if you want to thunder, the sky will thunder.

But this moment.

When they saw the power of Lin Fei, they couldn't help but think of the legendary immortal again.

They understand that if they don't rely on any tools, just on themselves, they are just ordinary people.

And these people.

We can defeat all kinds of strong enemies.

The brave mecha is very strong, the crystallization of human technology.

But now, it was pulled down by a man.

No use of any high-tech means, just rely on the strength of the body, directly defeated the brave mecha.

"Any more?" Lin Fei asked the members of the team.

All the people who were still awake shook their heads subconsciously.

"That's fine."

Lin Fei nodded and then asked, "where is the database?"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, they immediately found a way to get to the database.

Lin Fei remembers it silently.

Before they could answer, he went on to say, "well, I already know. Goodbye."

"Take care. Goodbye."

Leaving this sentence, he walked directly past these people.

A bunch of people are still in a daze.

Just saw the picture, it is difficult for them to reflect.

That's an invincible fighter.

There was fusion to provide energy, but it failed and was killed by a second.

The mecha shell, which can withstand the high temperature of 100000 ℃ and withstand the impact of 10000 tons, can not block a human arm.

They went to the back of Lin Fei.

All of a sudden, I was lost.

If humans have such a powerful force, what is the use of their efforts to develop these war machines?

Those researchers, too, are powerless to sit in front of the screen.

I don't know how to react.

What they have worked hard for so long is now denied by a human being.

"Who else can stop him?" They don't understand.

Lin Fei comes to a room according to his memory.

There were two mechas standing here, and as soon as they saw themselves, they rushed over.

Just a step forward, they fell to the ground powerless, temporarily closed by Linfei.

In front of him was a heavy iron door.

Without the correct password, it is impossible to open it.

But this can't help Lin Fei, who has the ability to go through the wall, he walked directly over.

In front of us is a huge cabinet.

Now the legend of data has no data cable, so this cabinet is very clean.

Lin Fei looked around and realized something.

How can I not delete my own data line?

Why don't you take this thing apart?

Lin Fei went around the box and knocked on it again.

"If it's really smashed, will it paralyze the world?"


The box suddenly spoke, and she answered Lin Fei's question: "because I still have a backup."

"So you can talk." Lin Fei is a little surprised.

Now all intelligent to the database can speak?

"Are you really just a database?" Lin Fei reached out and knocked.

"I'm not a database in the traditional sense."

"I'm a smart brain," he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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