The mecha in the air suddenly burst out a black light.

It was surrounded by black light, and suspended in the air, looking from afar, it was like a black egg.


In the dark light, Li stretched out an arm.

It was the hand of deicide mecha, originally black streamer armor, with two blood red veins on it.

The red light is flashing, like its blood vessels.

Dongdong -

in the black light, there is a strong heartbeat.

It was a mecha, but now, there is a heartbeat!


With a wave of that hand, the black light was uncovered, revealing the figure of deinocide mecha.

Originally black mecha, now more red veins on the body, and the red light flickers with the heartbeat.

It was as if there was blood flowing.

Even the eyes of mecha turned red.

Instead of using jets again, it floated straight up and stood in the void next to the top floor.

"It's a deicide model."

The king said to Lin Fei in a loud voice: "once the mode of killing God is opened, the deicide mecha will be truly invincible!"

"God blocks killing God, Buddha blocks killing Buddha!"

In deicide mode, all functions of mecha are running under overload, so the performance can not be maintained for a long time while the performance is greatly improved.

We can only stick to this pattern for ten minutes.

The king knew this, so he didn't hesitate and said, "kill him."


In the eyes of the deicide mecha, the red light was very strong, and it was flying towards the forest.

At this moment, the speed of deicide mecha exceeded 30 times the speed of sound. When it came to Lin Fei, a storm rolled up behind him.

The king screamed and was carried away by the wind.

Fortunately, other mecha flew over and saved him.

As soon as the deicide mecha approached, Linfei felt a heat, which was approaching 40 degrees.

This is because invincible, he just felt 40 degrees.

And if you turn off invincible, I'm afraid you will feel thousands of degrees of high temperature.

Because of this room, it's already on fire.

With a blow from the God killing mecha, the void here is cracked.

Lin Fei didn't make a move. The punch hit him directly on his chest. With a loud noise, half of the building exploded. Lin Fei turned into a light and directly fell on the street outside.

Boom -

on the street, dust splashed up hundreds of meters, half of the street split.

A lot of cars are constantly warning.

Chen Feng stood in the pit, the dust had not yet spread, and the deicide mecha rushed up again.


Another blow, this time in the face of Lin Fei.

Once again, he became a light, flying straight out of the pit, close to the ground.

He flew so fast that he got a gust of wind, and the whole street was rolled up and smashed down everywhere.


When Lin Fei is in the air, the deinocide mecha catches up again.

Now it's faster than Linfei can fly backwards.

The deicide mecha grabbed Lin Fei's head, pressed him on the street, and then continued to rush forward.

Half of Lin Fei's body was pushed into the soil, and the deinocide mecha grabbed his head and hit him hard.

The king was carried by the mecha and flew in the sky. Seeing the scene in front of him, he cried out excitedly.

"That's it!"

"Hang him hard!"

If you are beaten by the deicide mecha like this, this person will surely die.

But when he was laughing happily, Lin Fei's voice suddenly reverberated in the whole city.

"That's enough."

Two words fall, the whole city time, has been frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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