The king turned and found that everything was still.

Only he, still in midair, could turn his head and look around.

"What's going on?"

This is so sudden.

It's all stopped. Is time gone?

Hoo -

just then, he heard the sound of a strong wind whistling in the street below.

He quickly looked down and saw the strong wind blowing away the smoke.

Lin Fei and the figure of deicide mecha reappeared in front of him.

But at this time, the deinocide mecha maintained the posture of punching, but could not move.

Lin Fei, standing in front of it, is safe and sound.

He was hit by the crazy attack of deinocide mecha, but now he has nothing to do!

The king's pupils were trembling.

Because he clearly saw that Lin Fei's clothes were not damaged.

Lin Fei's figure flashed.

Brush -

appeared directly in front of the king.


The king suddenly exclaimed.

Because Lin Fei is standing in the void, there is no mecha to take him, and there is no tool under his feet. He can even stand in the air.

How can this be done?

What's more, why can't everything around you move?

"I've stopped the time here." Lin Fei looked at him and said.

"Stop time?"

The king's pupils shrank.

Even they can't do it.

Even, they have just mastered the means of space transmission.

Otherwise it would have been used on the mecha.

But the man in front of him can stop time.

What level of technology is this?

"How did you do it?"

"Why can you stop time?" the king asked in horror

"Why can you resist so many attacks by the deinocide mecha without dying?"

"Who the hell are you?"

This is definitely not human.

Man made man will not be so strong.

There is no such powerful technology yet.

"I'm just a man from afar who hopes you can stop the war." Lin Fei said calmly.

"Now you look down at the impact of the deinocide mecha when it comes out."

The king looked down at the sound.

It's too far.

He can't see clearly.

"Can't see clearly?" Lin Fei said coldly, "I'll take you down to see it."

He caught the king by the collar and flew down with him.

He saw the devastated streets.

The streets were completely destroyed, with many broken mecha and even human bodies lying in them.

And the buildings next to the streets are not immune.

All the buildings along the way collapsed, and smoke rose from them and solidified in the air.

All the fire stopped, and the king could see clearly that there were ordinary people struggling inside.

Lin Fei catches him and looks from place to place.

Put his face close to the broken bodies.

The king almost vomited all the food he had the day before yesterday.


Lin Fei threw him to the side of the deinocide mecha and said, "you should have seen it."

"It's just a fight between me and the mecha."

"How many families are broken?"

"How many people are so unwilling to die?"

"If war breaks out, everyone on this planet will not escape."

Lin Fei approached him and said, "you can't escape. You will die in the station fire and become the corpse you have just seen."

"Even so, will you continue the war?"

The king sat on the ground, his head full of the bodies he had just seen.

For a moment, he hesitated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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