Remote frontier.

As high as 100 meters, Titan looks like a moving mountain.


Every step is accompanied by a movement of the position.

Further away, an army of mecha was waiting.

"This is the king." There are several human generals, looking at this huge thing with dignified colors.

They know the news of the destruction of neighboring countries.

At the beginning, they did not choose to help, but to see the fire burning mountain, waiting for the profit.

Moreover, after the country was destroyed, they induced the Titan to go to another country.

There are only three countries in the world.

And it is precisely because the country in the middle is destroyed and the tripartite confrontation is not in place that the war will break out in the remaining two countries.

However, the Titans did not act according to their will. Instead, they came to their country.

Now, these high-level people are getting nervous.

Can they really defeat this kind of monster?

"Don't underestimate your strength." An old man said, "no matter how strong our opponents are, they will be defeated in front of our mecha troops."

"So it is."

"What they can't do doesn't mean our country can't do it."

The titans are getting closer and closer.

Their feet began to shake.

"The whole army will attack!"

The old man called out.

The eyes of tens of thousands of humanoid mecha behind him brightened up.

Behind them, the flames gushed, and in an instant they rushed to the sky. Then they pulled out their laser guns and rushed to the Titan without hesitation.

And when the mecha came, Titan noticed.

It slowly opened its mouth, purple light began to condense in the mouth.

"Spread it all out and go around behind it." The old man ordered by radio.

In mid air, the mecha immediately changed its direction, and none of them rushed to Titan from the front.

Buzzing -

the Titan's mouth burst out a dazzling purple light.

The generals below could not help but shut their eyes.

But just then, they heard a series of explosions.

Boom -

when the purple light disappears and they open their eyes again, they are shocked by the scene in front of them.

Originally, there are hundreds of scattered mecha.

Purple light from Titan's mouth, not a thick and straight light, but thousands of purple streamers.

That streamer will bend in the air, easily smash the flying mecha in the sky.

"Well, how could this be possible?" The eyes of several generals on the ground widened.

For a while, I didn't know how to react.

How could the Titan be defeated by a mere 10000 mechas?

They underestimate their opponents and overestimate themselves.

There were only hundreds of mecha left in the sky, which launched the final attack on Titan.

But it's not close.

Titan's body, suddenly purple electric light beat, will be close to the mecha all split.

In a flash, tens of thousands of mecha disappeared in this way, turning into broken parts and falling from the sky.

Bang -

and from the beginning to the end, the Titan never stopped.

One foot fell, the mountain fell apart, and the human generals were directly shaken to the ground.

"How to defeat such a monster?"

This is a Titan who destroyed the country.

Tens of thousands of mecha, even for a moment can not hold, that is to say, the number of no advantage.

No matter how strong the mecha is, maybe it can only support one move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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