Roaring -

the Titan is near.

When a shadow covered them, these people really felt the huge monster.

They swallowed subconsciously.

This kind of monster is simply an invincible existence.

"Shall we, like that country, be destroyed?" Several people trembled.


One of them couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

When they looked at Titan, the most instinctive fear from the deepest part of the soul rushed out.

It's something that can't be forgotten.

No matter how high the technology is, they will still feel fear.

"Is there a God in the world?"

The man knelt on the ground, panicked and cried, "if there is, please come and save us."

This monster is not something they can beat.

He wants a strong force to intervene.

That's God.

"Are you crazy?"

The others couldn't help yelling at him.

"We have proved that there is no God in this world. You are talking crazy."

Their scientists, they've done a lot of experiments.

It's about finding gods.

They tried to prove the existence of the gods, but they failed, and they got a result.

That is, there is no God in this world.

In other words, they are the gods of the world who have mastered the most advanced technology.

But this is the moment.


Suddenly, the light of the Titan fell from the sky.

The Titan's March stopped because of this sudden light.

The generals on the ground glared round.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"Like a laser?"

But the light soon dissipated and there was no explosion on the ground.

"There seems to be a man there!"

Suddenly a man screamed.

Because he saw a man in front of the Titan.

They all wear tactical eyeglasses, can see far away, and bring their own life detection, so it is easy to see Lin Fei.

And, from the feedback from the tactical eyepiece, this is a human.

"How did he stand in mid air?" This problem appeared in the minds of several people.

Only kneeling on the ground that person, excitedly said: "that is God!"

"He heard me and came to save us."

The others did not speak.

Just staring at Lin Fei.

Whistling -

the wind is howling.

Lin Fei is standing in the air, his clothes and clothes are hunting.

The Titan looked at Lin Fei and didn't go any further.

Because it sensed the crisis from the person in front of him.

"I didn't want to talk to you."

Lin Fei said faintly, "because I can't find you."

"But you foolishly chose to attack me, exposing your position."

He laughed and then said, "someone wants me to get rid of you."

He remembered the words on the note.

The man, who wanted to find the note, could help kill Titan.

Lin Fei looked down at the Titan's chest, and he saw that there were two crossed scars on his chest.

"Well, it's time to see you on the road."

He raised his hand.

But at this moment, the Titan opened his mouth suddenly, and a purple light gushed out.

It was so sudden.

The purple light flew towards the forest.

But Lin Fei still raised his hand, and a light barrier appeared in front of him.

The purple light fell on the barrier and immediately bounced back, hitting Titan's chest.


With a loud noise, purple liquid splashed.

There was a big hole in the Titan's chest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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