"Go ahead."

The system controls the robot, shouting excitedly in front of the gate.

"For honor!"


There were cheers.

"For honor!" People yelled.

They had all the equipment, and the fighters flew up against the backup power supply, with the most powerful bombs on them.

The power of the bomb was mainly produced by nuclear fusion.

It's much more powerful than an atomic bomb of the same size.

The people below are full of enthusiasm.

Take advantage of another country did not respond, directly kill them in the past, kill them by surprise.

By then, everything will be available.

But this is the moment.


A laser suddenly came from the sky.

The fighter plane in mid air didn't even have a chance to dodge. It was directly split in two by the laser.

The plane fell.


The fire went up into the sky, and all the bombs fell out and rolled all over the ground.

When they saw this scene, they were frightened and numb.

If these bombs were not for the highest security measures, their whole city would have been blown into the sky at that moment.

"Enemy attack!"

Someone reacted and yelled nervously.

The system is a little confused.

Who will attack now?

Is it a hostile country?

However, they should not have such a fast reaction speed.

On my side, it took me half a day to get the news and then gather our troops.

It is impossible for the other side to gather forces in half a day and then cross the battlefield to come here.

The system controls the mecha to look up.

The laser is from the sky.

And when it saw the figure in the sky, it was stunned.

Even if it's mecha.

At this moment, it was also scared to shiver.

Because it sees nightmares.

The most terrifying thing.


The figure that made it tremble now stood in the nine sky, looking down at them.

"Isn't this man dead?"

The system calculates in horror.

It was a way to cut off the heads of those people, steal their memories, and see this man die.

Completely turned into fly ash.

But now, he has appeared again.

Lin Fei fell down slowly and said, "long time no see."

The local people were stunned when they saw Lin Fei.

The whole city was destroyed.

"Aren't you dead?"

Asked the system, controlling the mecha.

"Because there are a few young people who think that killing me can make the world a better place."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "so I'll let them see if it's just like this."

Lin Fei's words scared the system into confusion.

It understood.

From the beginning, it was cheated.

In other words, everyone was cheated.

He wasn't dead at all.

"What are you going to do?" The system asks in horror.


Lin Fei said with a faint smile, "you only have two days left."

"Seize the last chance to live."

He said faintly: "resist this system, you may die, but resist me, you must die."

People on the ground.

The eyes changed in an instant.

A man who blows up their power station with his hand up is a monster to them.

And 90% of mecha can't run without power supply.

The system is also nominal.

This is their last chance to survive.

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