"Destroy the system!"

I don't know who yelled.

As the words spread, others began to shout.

"Destroy the system!"

If you don't destroy the system.

Well, they and the system have to die.

And by destroying the system, they can survive.

System control mecha, staring at the scene, did not know how to react for a while.

I learned that Lin Fei was dead.

It immediately assembled its forces to destroy the other country while it did not respond.

But I didn't expect it.

The forces it had so painstakingly gathered now suddenly turned its course and turned to attack itself.

Each of them was shouting.

"To survive, destroy the system!"

The system just went nuts.

It's just a matter of throwing stones at your own feet.

The soldiers it called for now aimed their weapons at it.


It controls the mecha and shouts in mid air, "crazy, you're all crazy!"

But its voice has just dropped.


A laser suddenly rushed up from below and penetrated the mecha.

The system is standing still.

This moment.

It even gave rise to fear.

It is not human, it is the highest intelligence, there should be no emotional.

But now, it's afraid.

The mecha fell out of the air, fell into an alley and exploded.

The system is calculating like crazy.

What is the probability of your own survival?


No matter how you calculate it, the probability that it will survive is zero.

The reason for his death is that he was too confident and proud at the beginning and refused to give Lin Fei a chance.

It was itself that killed itself.

Lin Fei didn't stay here. He turned around and left for another country.

There are also four people in prison.

And now.

These four people are also incomparable regret.

"We are too young." The captain beat the wall with his fist in despair.

"I killed him."

He was talking about Lin Fei and his friends who had their heads cut off.

"It's not your fault."

The team member quickly comforted him and said, "we didn't expect that this king has been so rotten and hopeless."

"I'm sorry."

The captain sat powerless in the corner.

"It's me who's holding you down."

"We should have believed that man in the beginning." Whispered the girl in the line.

"He didn't show any malice towards us, even willing to sacrifice himself."

"He must also want to see peace, he must hate fighting," said the girl

"Maybe, a long time ago, like us, he deeply believed in Wang and the world."

"But the king failed him."

"So he became what he is now."

"He is really a poor man," sighed the girl

"If I were given another chance, I would certainly apologize to him."

The others couldn't help but lower their heads.

It's because of their own will.

That's what it is now.

"I'm not pathetic."

At this time, Lin Fei's voice suddenly rang in the cell.

Everyone was taken aback.

What's that noise?

They immediately looked at the voice, and when they saw Lin Fei, they were stunned.

"You, what are you doing?"

The captain was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Isn't Lin Fei dead?

Die in front of them!

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