He's full of war. He's trying to get rid of another country.

How many people did he kill?

The gods have said it.

Within two days, he must be killed.

Feeling the people's eyes, the king's body was excited and staggered back two steps.

His face was pale.

How should we fight against Lin Fei?


These people are crazy.

The king didn't want to. He turned and ran.


A group of people, the mighty pursuit of this man.

No matter what, we must catch him.

He can't run away.

Because, it is said, the king built many escape routes in this city.

Once he ran away, no one could find him.

And on the other side.

There is no place for the system to hide.

All the mecha and robots, they've been smashed.

A group of people, armed with hammers, shovels and hoes, came to the room where the black box was.



The system doesn't speak very well.

It's not a human being. It shouldn't have been emotional.

But this moment.

It's still scared, and it's covered with fear, and it's filled with despair.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Hit me!"

Inside the room.

Suddenly there was a sound of things being dismantled.

At the moment when the system was demolished, it was unexpected that it would end up like this.

A wrong step.

It's all over.

If Lin Fei had been willing to promise, it would not have fallen to the present situation.

Ambition that doesn't match strength kills it.

Inside the room.

The parts fell all over the floor.

Until all that can be removed is removed and all that can be cut short is cut short.

A group of people, just unable to sit on the ground.

At this moment.

They know they can survive.

But then came the question.

How do they survive?

Once the city, there is a systematic management, so everything is in order.

And now.

They took the system down by hand.

What they will face is how to survive in a world without management.

The system is not in.

All the rules have lost their effect.

What they are going to face is a broken, unregulated world.

Lin Fei appears in this room.

Looking at the parts on the ground, he nodded gently and said, "you've done a good job."

The people in the room did not show a happy look.

Because of the next problem.

It's more serious.

"What are you worried about?" Lin Fei asked softly.

"How to live?"

Someone looked up and said, "without the system, all the rules are gone."

"We have to face chaos."

Lin Fei smiles.

Then he said, "set up new rules."

"Systems, and robots, didn't come from the beginning."

"No more can be recreated."

"I won't care about you as long as you don't want to start another war."

Say here.

He took out of his pocket a bag the size of a few fists.


He threw the bag into the arms of these people.

"What is this?"

A group of people wonder way.


Lin Fei said slowly, "maybe it's a vegetable, or it's a fruit tree."

"All in all, some seeds."

"We don't lack food." Some people are very confused.

"Take it if you don't want it."

Lin Fei said, "things are gone and can be rebuilt."

"If war breaks out, you will die, and everything will be over."

"I hope you keep the seed and don't forget what happened today."

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