Say it.

He left here again.

Lin Fei came to the sky of the city and looked down at the whole city.

He destroyed the power station.

The shields are gone.

He can only cause and effect, there is no way to control the time, naturally can't let the shield and power station recover.

But he can give them something else.

He raised his hand and opened a huge river near the city.

On the other side of the river, a forest was planted, which was full of towering trees.

Then he made the land along the river fertile.

Maybe one day, they can use it when they grow vegetables.

And when he created this, many people on the ground saw it.


This scene, let them all stupefied.

The present situation can only be explained by the presence of gods.

Even when they were most advanced in science and technology, there was no way to make forests appear, let rivers emerge, and make the land fertile.

They knew it in a second.

Lin Fei, it must be a God.

Awakened by war, when the system was destroyed, no one thought about war any more.

So he transformed this place.

Give them convenient resources.

Water, soil and trees are what they need for their redevelopment.

Linfei has the ability.

He's using his powers to transform all this.

It's a pity that you can't make something out of nothing.

"It's time to see the other side." Lin Fei murmured.

And when he came to the gate of another city.

I found a lot of people sitting on the ground in frustration.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Fei asked suspiciously, what happened that made them so listless?

"He escaped." A man said powerless.

If you can't kill the king.

Then Linfei will kill them.

It's all over.

"Escaped?" Lin Fei is surprised.

A group of people, can't even catch a person?

"We didn't expect that he still had the mecha that could be used. What's more, he also built an escape channel at the door."

The man shivered and said.

He thought.

If Lin Fei knows the result.

You're going to get angry and kill them.

Lin Fei did not speak.

He used mind reading to see what the man was thinking.

And then.

I saw the man escape with my own eyes.

When the crowd was about to catch up with him, a mecha fell from the sky and blocked everyone.

And when they took down the mecha after sacrificing hundreds of people, they found an escape route.

"You've done very well."

Lin Fei patted the man on the shoulder and said, "at least I see your determination."

In the face of the powerful mecha, they are intrepid to death, one after another.

Several people, even with explosives, rushed towards the mecha.

It's just a little bit of accumulation.

The mecha was removed by them.

It's enough to see this.

"Leave the rest to me." Lin Fei said.

When his voice dropped.

All the people present were stunned.

What does that mean?

Lin Fei didn't blame them?

Even, say you want to do it yourself?

"But we didn't finish what you said." The man said nervously, "shouldn't you kill us?"

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

"I'm tired of it."

"Do you want to die like that?"

The men shook their heads.

"Then live well." Lin Fei said, "you still want to know who the next king is." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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