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“Old Brother Mu, we are here!”

Young Master Hao ran to the edge of the cliff, waving his hand and shouting.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly slightly, stopped in void, and looked around. When I saw the Young Master Hao at the mountain summit, my mind immediately climbed up an inexplicable emotion.

Head Pagoda Lord sent a one-armed old man to assassinate him, and frankly made him angry.

But Young Master Hao’s affection for him was extremely sincere.

This makes it difficult for him to get along.

“oh! ”

“One step is one step!”

After a while.

Qin Feiyang secretly sighed, calmed down, greeted Young Master Hao with a smile on his face.

“Why did you go? You haven’t contacted us for so long? You’re summoning and you won’t respond.”

When Qin Feiyang landed at the mountain summit, Young Master Hao immediately rebuked.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Wang You’er, said with a smile: “There is something urgent to deal with, sorry, which makes you worry.”

“Who is worried about you?”

Wang You’er rolled his eyes, and stood up and asked, “How could your brother be in the Azure Sea?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “I don’t know, he gave me a summoning the other day, I’m kind of unexpected.”

“Is Pill Fire now?”

Wang You’er asked.

Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “Now in the hands of my big brother.”

Wang You’er said, “Why don’t you bring it here? Without Pill Fire, how can we go back and make a difference?”

“I don’t have the guts.”

“Because my big brother is the owner of a not recognizing one’s family, if I mess up with him, I won’t have any good fruit to eat.”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Young Master Hao said: “Actually it doesn’t matter, anyway, father let us come to Azure Sea, the biggest intention is to exercise me.”

Wang You’er raised an eyebrow, nodded and said: “Also, in the past few months of training, you have grown a lot, and we can also make a difference when we go back. So shall we go back now or?”

Young Master Hao looked towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang thought about it, said with a smile: “Go back now!”

The Azure Sea has been dealt with, and it doesn’t make sense to stay there, so I’ll rush back as soon as possible to find a way to get the five colored crystal stone.

Wang You’er took out Saint King Ship and three people landed on the deck. Saint King Ship immediately broke the waves.


Qin Feiyang looked towards Young Master Hao, asking calmly, “Yes, have you ever asked us about fathering?”


“Then old man wouldn’t worry about us!”

Young Master Hao coldly snorted.

“I do not think so.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Then what do you think?”

Young Master Hao looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, without answering, sitting on the bow of the boat, closing his eyes and meditating.

Although Head Pagoda Lord wanted to harm him, he had to admit that it was really good for Young Master Hao.

The reason for hurting him is that he and Young Master Hao are robbing the next Head Pagoda Lord.

See you.

Young Master Hao didn’t ask much, and cultivation aside.

But Wang You’er looked at Qin Feiyang more.

She always felt that the current Qin Feiyang seems to be a little different from the previous Qin Feiyang.

But where is the difference, she couldn’t tell.

If Qin Feiyang knew this, he would definitely startled.

He had covered up well, but Wang You’er found out that this woman’s intuition was not terrifying in general.


Wang You’er squatted beside Qin Feiyang, sound transmission said: “Surname Mu, I have a question for you.”

“what is the problem?”

Qin Feiyang eyes opened, watching her vigilantly.

Because in Wang You’er’s eyes, he caught a hint of crafty smile.

Wang You’er secretly thought: “I heard that you have something that allows Battle Ancestor to break through a small realm instantly. What is that thing?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, immediately looked towards Young Master Hao.

Wang You’er in the dark coldly snorted, saying: “This is a problem between us, don’t disturb his cultivation.”

Qin Feiyang plays with the taste: “The problem between us? When did we become so familiar?”

“Every engagement is unfamiliar, so what do you think will be enough? Is this so?”

Wang You’er smiled charmingly and sat on the deck. Then, in Qin Feiyang’s astonished eyes, he snuggled directly into his arms, and stretched out jade, holding Qin Feiyang’s chest.

Qin Feiyang immediately emerged an evil fire in his heart.

“Damn goblin, unexpectedly using the charm technique.”

He cursed, immediately pushed Wang You’er away, secretly thought: “No direct contact between male and female.”

“Sooner or later, what do you fear?”

Wang You’er continues to tease.

Qin Feiyang could not help but feel annoyed. Suddenly the eyeball turned around and held Wang You’er in his arms. Said with a smile: “Since you can’t wait so much, I might as well complete you.”

Wang You’er lovable body froze, at once honest, broke away from Qin Feiyang’s clutches, coldly snorted and said: “Don’t be proud, sooner or later I will let you take the initiative.”

“I’m afraid you don’t have the ability.”

Qin Feiyang smiled smugly.


Wang You’er silently cursed, then turned around, his face flushed.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

Although Wang You’er is usually overbearing, sometimes it is cute.


It’s only a matter of time with Head Pagoda Lord becoming hostile, and I can’t entangle with her like this, including Young Master Hao.

The volcanic island is located deep in the inner sea, which is a long way from the open sea. The inner sea cannot open the transmission gate, and can only rely on Saint King Ship to get on the way.

As for the way, it must be harassed by Vicious Beast.

But when they saw Qin Feiyang sitting on the deck, those Vicious Beasts fled in panic.

Although it was Heart Demon that killed all directions in the inner sea, this face has been imprinted in their depth of one’s soul.

For them, the master of this face is the Death God that one cannot provoke!

Although Qin Feiyang has a fierce name in Sea Beast’s heart, it is also calm along the way.

The next day!

Saint King Ship passes Devil’s Island.

Qin Feiyang eyes opened, glancing at Devil’s Island.

Somehow, he had the urge to enter Devil’s Island.

But in the end, this impulse was forcibly suppressed by him.

Saint King Ship moves on.

Every day passed.

There was no delay on the way, and it only took a month for Saint King Ship to reach Divine Island.

After a month of retreat, Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base has improved a lot.

But compared to the improvement of cultivation base, he is even more pleased with Spirit Power, which is also upgrading one level.

Level 22 Spirit Power!

And Divine Island, as before, has not changed at all.

Wang You’er stowed the Saint King Ship, three people walked on Divine Island on foot, glanced at all the trees and mountains, and they all felt 10000 1000 at a time.

It has been six months since they entered the Azure Sea. Too many things have happened in this six months. It feels like a long dream.


Qin Feiyang came to the lake again.

The intimacy that Divine Island gave him still didn’t disappear.

The lake was calm.

Qin Feiyang stared for a moment, turning one’s head looked towards Wang You’er two people, saying: “You guys are waiting for me here, I’ll go and see.”

Before Wang You’er two people reacted, he jumped.

Entering the lake this time, he just wanted to confirm again.

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