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After a while, Qin Feiyang came out.

After 3 more confirmations, there is really nothing else in the lake except for the Merman pattern.

“What are you going down here?”

Young Master Hao looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Nothing, I just want to see if I can find any treasure.”

“Looking for treasure?”

Young Master Hao stared blankly, rolling his eyes.

Wang You’er is like looking at a fool.

Divine Island is the only way to go to the outer sea and inner sea. I never knew how many people passed here. Even if there was a treasure, it was already searched out.

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, saying: “The sea can be teleported, let’s teleport directly!”

“it is good.”

Young Master Hao nodded.

The three people left without delay, and quickly left Divine Island, then Young Master Hao opened a transmission gate and went in one after another.

at the same time!

Head Pagoda Holy Land, inside a courtyard.

A middle-aged man stood in a gazebo, writing a word with a pen.

This middle-aged man, wearing a white gown with long hair behind his back, exudes unfathomable aura.

It’s the Father of Young Master Hao, Head Pagoda Lord!

He was alone in the courtyard.

He is holding a golden Cancan writing brush and is struggling to write a book, and the word he is writing now is a ‘Kill’ character!

Every stroke, every stroke, contains amazing murderous aura!

Not only this ‘Kill’ character, there is murderous aura, his expression, but also killing intent, just like a blade!


He drew his arms, Yu Guang glanced at the gate of the courtyard, and then waved his hands. The writing brush in his hand and the paper on which the ‘Kill’ character was written instantly turned into a powder.

And the killing intent in his eyes also dissipated.


Almost at the same time.

In front of the courtyard gate, three silhouettes appeared out of thin air.

It is Qin Feiyang, Young Master Hao, Wang You’er!

Head Pagoda Lord turned and looked towards three people, said with a smile: “You are back.”

“We are not dead, are you particularly disappointed?”

Young Master Hao coldly snorted, kicked the courtyard door and walked in with a big swing.

Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er simultaneously looked, shook the head with a bitter smile.

Looking at Forgotten Continent, the only one who dares to knock on the door of Head Pagoda Lord is this Young Master Hao.

“See Master.”

“I’ve seen my uncle.”

Two people also one after the other went in, stood in front of the gazebo, and bowed saluted.

Head Pagoda Lord reassuredly nodded and asked, “Is this trip to the Azure Sea going well?”

“It’s still smooth.”

Wang You’er respectfully responds.

But at the same time, looking at the smile on Head Pagoda Lord’s face, Qin Feiyang never felt that kind of affinity again.

This is a person who is very good at camouflage and can’t even find the slightest weak spot.

If he hadn’t already known the person’s true colors, he would surely continue to be confused by these illusions.

Head Pagoda Lord asked with a smile: “Is Pill Fire brought back?”


Wang You’er was speechless for a while, Yu Guang aimed at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang bowed down, “Master, it and they it doesn’t matter, it’s disciplinary incompetence, didn’t grab Pill Fire.”

“what happened?”

Head Pagoda Lord looked suspicious.

“It’s my big brother. He also went to inner sea. Immediately after Pill Fire was born, he was taken away.”

After Qin Feiyang said it, he hurriedly said, “But Master, Disciple swears that he has never revealed to him that Azure Sea has Pill Fire.”

“It turned out to be the case.”

Head Pagoda Lord suddenly realized, and asked, “Is he your biological big brother?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Head Pagoda Lord said: “Then you biological big brother is a bit powerful, dare fight over what our Head Pagoda looks for.”

Qin Feiyang complexion changed, and hurriedly and horrified: “Master is angry, disciple waits for him to summoning, and advises him to hand over Pill Fire.”

“This is not necessary.”

Head Pagoda Lord waved.


Qin Feiyang looked at him suspiciously.

Head Pagoda Lord said: “I believe Gongsun Bei has already told you that the real purpose of letting you go to Azure Sea.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“So Pill Fire, I don’t really value it. What I want is for Hao’er to grow in this experience.”

“As for the leak of Pill Fire, I never doubted you.”

“Because I know in my heart that in my Head Pagoda, there are a lot of spy for power installation.”

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile.

“It turned out that this person knew it, but pretended not to know it, and it was indeed a wily old fox.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled, pretending to be relaxed.

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile again: “But I’m very interested in your biological big brother. I have time to make him a guest at Head Pagoda.”

Qin Feiyang said: “This is my brother’s honored, I will definitely tell him.”

Head Pagoda Lord smiled and looked towards Young Master Hao. “How about, did you get anything from this trip?”

Young Master Hao said, “There is one point.”

Head Pagoda Lord full of interest: “Then you can summarize it for me!”

Young Master Hao bowed his head and groaned a little, sighing: “In a word, I was a frog in well before.”

“Ha ha……”

Although there was only one sentence, Head Pagoda Lord was relieved.

Head Pagoda Lord looked towards Qin Feiyang and Wang You’er, sincerely said: “Thank you for taking care of him along the way, and thank you for bringing him back alive, without letting me see one’s child die before oneself.”

Wang You’er said with a smile: “Uncle said this and went outside. I originally thought of him as a biological younger brother, and taking care of him should be.”

“haha ……”

Head Pagoda Lord laughed.

But suddenly.

He was frowned and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Did you know? Although you were not in Divine City, Divine City was buzzing because of you.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Head Pagoda Lord said: “Someone came out saying you were killed in inner sea.”


“Is who is making a rumor?”

Before Qin Feiyang said anything, Young Master Hao started the fire first.

Head Pagoda Lord shook his head: “I don’t know who is making the rumor, but now everyone in Divine City is talking about it.”

Wang You’er was also confused.

Only Qin Feiyang knew that it must have been spread by the people of Nine Great Super Tribes, and he began to look forward to it. What would happen when he appeared in front of these people?


He had an idea and looked at Head Pagoda Lord. “Then Master, did you believe it before?”

“Of course I don’t believe it.”

“Because if you really die, You’er and Hao’er will definitely report to me immediately.”

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile.


Qin Feiyang embarrased with a smile.

Head Pagoda Lord frowns saying: “But this thing can’t be groundless. What happened to you in Azure Sea?”

“Speaking of which I’m angry.”

Young Master Hao was the first to speak again, with a look of indignation.


Head Pagoda Lord turning one’s head looked towards him.

“Old man, do you know? As soon as we left Divine City, someone came to assassinate Old Brother Mu.”

Young Master Hao exasperated.

“Who is so brave, dare to touch my Direct Disciple?”

Head Pagoda Lord’s eyes were slightly glomy.

“Fu Anshan, and Qilin Tribe, fortunately Old Brother Mu is alert, or he died early.”

“Even the person named Fu Han sent by Fu Anshan planned to kill me and the elder sister!”

Young Master Hao.

“Is this really happening?”

Head Pagoda Lord is not calm.

Young Master Hao said: “Of course, we caught that Fu Han on Divine Island. He acknowledged it by himself. Fu Anshan left him alone, which meant killing all three of us.”

“This is real.”

Wang You’er followed nodded.

“Fu Anshan!”

In the eyes of Head Pagoda Lord, there was a murderous intention.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed and bowed, “Master, this thing will not bother you, and let us handle it.”

After that, he winked at Young Master Hao.

Young Master Hao nodded and said: “right right right, we will deal with it.”


Head Pagoda Lord looked at him questioningly.

Young Master Hao solemnly vowed: “You believe me once, I promise you will make you look at me this time, and I will also find out the cause of Li He and Shen Feiyun’s death.”

Head Pagoda Lord looked at him in amazement, said with a smile: “It seems that this tour has really made you grow a lot. Well, I will give you this opportunity and let it go!”

The implication is clear, no matter what Young Master Hao does, he will support him unconditionally.

“Thank you father.”

Young Master Hao is overjoyed.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly for so long, this is the first time he has heard Young Master Hao kindly call Head Pagoda Lord a father.

“Let ’s do it. Toiled for so long, you go back and have a good rest.”

Head Pagoda Lord said with a smile.

“Disciple retire.”

Qin Feiyang bowed and saluted, opened the transmission gate, and returned to the Meditation Lake with Young Master Hao two people.

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