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purple clothed youth secretly said with a smile: “I’m not worried that you will be alone in Head Pagoda, unconnected and isolated, so I came back to help you!”

“Isn’t it to thank you?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Purple clothed youth said: “Thank you very much, and I will accept it.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at the purple clothed youth coldly, then continued to look at the river below, his eyes flickered.

“It’s cool.”

At this time.

Fat finally gave up, looking at Nie Shaoyong like a dead dog, and his fat face was full of pleasure.


He looked towards the ten other several people, shouted: “Arrange me, every and everyone come.”

A group of people complexion ashen.

They are all Holy Land disciple!

Usually in front of the common disciple, they are the monarchs of aloof and remote, and no one dares to disobey them.

However, now unexpectedly has fallen to this point and was bullied in public by a common disciple. How does this make them stand up in Head Pagoda?

But they dare not resist.

Because a murderer was watching.

They glanced at Qin Feiyang, lined up with humiliation, obediently slapped each and everyone up.

Pa!! !

Not a moment.

Ten several people’s faces swelled into a pig’s head.

The people above looked at this scene, looked at each other in blank dismay.

as the saying goes well, hit people but not face.

But this dead fatty, I do n’t hit anywhere, I just hit my face. Is n’t that intentionally embarrassing those Holy Land disciple?

“If you let me know later, you guys are harassing Li Yan, it’s not as simple as today, get out!”

Qin Feiyang said without looking back.

“Yes yes yes.”

A group of people were nodded, panic-stricken, and then left with Nie Shaoyong in a difficult situation.

“Sir Head Pagoda Lord’s Direct Disciple is different.”

“Isn’t it? I want to switch to other people making trouble here. Those Law Enforcement Elder and Deacon Elder have been here for a long time. It doesn’t make sense to you to talk about it. Let me talk about it.”

“But now you see, which Law Enforcement Elder is here? They are all pretending to be stupid and don’t want to offend this person.”

The crowd above whispered secretly.

fatty looked up towards those people, shouted: “Are you all okay?”

Hearing the grandly and heroic loudly shouted, some people immediately raised an eyebrow.

They are either from the Upright Sect family, or from the Super Tribe, or the Holy Land’s disciple. Who would dare to scold them like this?

But looking at Qin Feiyang standing on the edge of the cliff, they all chose to swallow their patience and turned away.


This place is convenient only Qin Feiyang, Li Yan, fatty, and the purple clothed youth.

“oh! ”

After a long time, Qin Feiyang sighed and turned and looked towards Li Yan. “I understand your mood now, but things have happened, what’s the point of doing this for you? I believe your grandfather doesn’t want to see you like this.”

“So what should I do?”

“A heartless smile?”

“I can not do it.”

Li Yan muttered.

Qin Feiyang said: “You need courage to face it. If you can’t bear this blow, how can you face a more brutal blow in the future? After all, life is unpredictable and everything can happen.”

Li Yan was silent.

Qin Feiyang watched the meeting and simply ignored it.

Because of this kind of thing, outsiders have no way to manage it, and can only rely on Li Yan to come out.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the purple clothed youth, and looked towards fatty said, “Let’s go!”


It is at this time.

A buzz sounded.

“Boss, your summoning?”

fatty stared blankly, asked.

Qin Feiyang shook his head, looked towards purple clothed youth, and purple clothed youth also shook his head.

The crystal stone of the three people did not respond, it must be Li Yan’s crystal stone.

Three people couldn’t help but looked towards Li Yan.

Li Yan was a little silent and took out the image of crystal stone.


An illusory shadow of a middle-aged man emerges.

This man is rough-skinned, his eyebrows squinted, and quite prestige.

But at this moment, the middle-aged man looked at Li Yan, his eyes were helpless, and he could even see a trace of sorrow.

Li Yan looked at the middle-aged man and asked, “Father, what’s wrong?”

The middle-aged man asked, “Are there anyone else beside you?”

Li Yan glanced at Qin Feiyang three people and shook the head to middle-aged man.

“I must tell you in advance …”

The middle-aged man said, but what seemed to be the embarrassment made him a bit difficult to tell.

Li Yan said, “Father, just say anything!”

“oh! ”

The middle-aged man was deeply sighed and said, “Yan’er, we have promised you to marry Fu Anshan.”


Li Yan suddenly got up.

Qin Feiyang three people are also incredible.

Marry Fu Anshan?

Are you kidding?

You know, when it comes to seniority, Fu Anshan is a grandfather. What do Li Yan’s parents think?

The middle-aged man rebuked: “Yan’er, sorry, father didn’t want to do this, but father couldn’t help it.”

“It seems hidden.”

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked at it, silently looking at the middle-aged man.

Li Yan finally calmed down, looking at the middle-aged man, and asked, “Is Fu Anshan forcing you?”


Middle-aged man nodded, said: “Some time ago, Fu Anshan suddenly came to the house and said he wanted to marry you. My mother and you were angry at the time. What kind of thing was he and why did you marry you? But …”

Speaking of which.

The middle-aged man went silent, his face full of pain.

“Father, stop talking.”

“I know, he must have threatened you and mother.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it. Without grandfather, our family is gone.”

Li Yan shook his head said with a smile, but his face was as pale as paper.

“Sorry, it’s father incompetence.”

“I didn’t agree with you, mother, but Clan Elder in our family chose to give up on you for the future of Li Family.”

“Even threatening, if my mother and you continue to protect you, they will not only co-brand and abandon my Patriarch, but also drive us out of the house.”

“Yan’er, this family was worked hard by your grandfather. Father can’t give it to them for nothing!”

“Can you forgive father?”

Middle-aged man.

Li Yan said with a smile: “Daughter understands that father no longer needs to blame himself.”

“Thank you.”

The middle-aged man said gratefully, saying, “When will you come back for a trip, my mother and you both hope that you will be alone with you before you get married.”

Li Yan groaned for a moment and said, “After a while, daughter doesn’t want to see the group of Clan Elder who seeing nothing but profit now.”

“it is good.”

The middle-aged man did not force it, and the illusory shadow dissipated quickly.

Li Yan put away the image of crystal stone, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang three people, and laughed at herself: “As soon as the death of grandfather died, my Li Family became so unbearable, unexpectedly let me marry an old fogey, I want to laugh at you Just laugh! “

Qin Feiyang and fatty looked simultaneously, with a bitter smile on their faces.

Now they only have sympathy in their hearts, where would they go to joke Li Yan?

“Then you marry me!”

“Just marry me, and no one dares to treat you Li Family here at Forgotten Continent.”

purple clothed youth chuckled.

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, angrily: “Are you interesting? At this time, are you kidding others?”

“No kidding!”

“I like everything you like.”

purple clothed youth Play with taste.

“What do I like?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, black face sound transmission, “Don’t talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Li Yan!”

“It doesn’t matter, what do you care about her so much? You even offend Nie Shaoyong for her.”

“This Chief of Vajra Tribe is notorious for being hot-tempered, but it’s not annoying.”

purple clothed youth secretly said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang rolled her eyes and secretly thought, “Can the friendship of same sect work?”

“Cut, put less.”

purple clothed youth raised his middle finger.

Li Yan said at this time: “Let’s go, I want to be calm and calm.”

“Then you take care.”

Qin Feiyang gave her a deep look, then turned and left fatty.

purple clothed youth eyes flashed and quickly chased towards two people.

After leaving the sword edge, Qin Feiyang stopped, turning one’s head looked towards fatty, and warned repeatedly: “I worry that Li Yan may not think about it and do something stupid. Before the succesor ceremony, you must look at her.”

Upon hearing this, Fat hurriedly said, “Chu Xuan’s parents, Fat Master, haven’t gotten through yet. How can I have time to take care of her!”

Qin Feiyang helplessly said: “Chu Xuan should be set aside first, if by any chance Li Yan is really doing something stupid, Li He will have to find me desperately.”

“Li He?”

Purple clothed youth stared blankly, suspiciously: “Isn’t Li He dead?”

Qin Feiyang ignored him and looked at fatty. “Relax, when I take a few days off, I will go to the Chu Family in person to explore the tone of Chu Xuan’s parents.”

“That’s it!”

Fatty nodded.

Qin Feiyang did not stay, opened a transmission gate, and strode in.

See you.

Purple clothed youth quickly followed in.

Meditation Lake!

On the attic terrace.

Qin Feiyang stared angrily at purple clothed youth and said, “Why follow me? Do you know where this is? If you are seen, you will be in trouble.”

Purple clothed youth glanced at the island, said with a smile: “Of course the Young Master knows this place, Meditation Lake!”

“What do you want to do?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

Purple clothed youth said: “I just want to know, why did you suddenly become a 3-Star Battle Emperor when you were in Azure Sea?”

That’s right!

This person is Mu Qing!

But it was Mu Qing after Yi Rong. Now he is called Qin Daye.

“It turned out to be this.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized that there was a ridiculing expression in the corner of his immediate mouth, and said, “Speaking of this, it reminds me of what you said to me then.”

Mu Qing’s face turned black.

Worried, it really happened.

“Don’t you tell me at the time, how amazing and awesome those people were? I saw me, why didn’t I just say hello and run away? This is your elite family of Mu Family?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

“Continue, Young Master listens.”

Mu Qing is also cheeky and doesn’t care.

“You tell me what I say?”

Qin Feiyang dismissed and turned into the attic.

Mu Qing said: “Don’t you say, then I said, I have been puzzled a question, we entered Head Pagoda originally for Heavenly Astral Flame, but now Heavenly Astral Flame has succeeded, why do you stay at Head Pagoda? ? “

Qin Feiyang pupil shrank, turning one’s head looking at Mu Qing, and suddenly shouted: “Wang You’er, I have something to find you, you come over.”

“you are vicious!”

Mu Qing complexion changed, immediately opened the transmission gate.

“If it weren’t for the strength of your Mu Family, I would have ruined you.”

Qin Feiyang snorted from nose.

Mu Qing stiffened, said with a sneer: “Then we wait and see, and see who is who is abolished in the end.”

He said he entered the transmission gate without looking back.

“Then wait and see!”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, cold light in the eyes, and battle between Mu Qing, sooner or later.

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