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Wang You’er breaking the sky came, landed in the courtyard, and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang looked at her stupidly.

I thought Wang You’er’s personality would not come, but didn’t expect unexpectedly.

This is embarrassing.

“What the hell is going on?”

Wang You’er urged impatiently.

Qin Feiyang had a clever idea and asked: “Last time at Azure Sea, you didn’t say that when you came back, you asked grandfather and your parents to lift the engagement. Why didn’t you see action?”

Wang You’er complexion stiffened, just call her over for this?


Just hate her so much?

Can’t wait to lift engagementment.

“I told them, but they don’t want to, and I can’t help it. I have the ability to look for them.”

“Nothing else, I’ll go back first.”

Wang You’er left the words coldly, then turned and flew towards the attic.

His face was colder than his tone!

“Why are you angry?”

“Don’t you all want to lift the engagement?”

Qin Feiyang unfathomable mystery glanced at her. The woman’s mind was indeed deeper than the bottom of the ocean!

Shook the head, he also turned into the room.

2nd day.

The news that Qin Feiyang is still alive has spread to all large and small cities and Tribes.


The abuse of Nie Shaoyong also spread.

Vajra Tribe!

Inside a great palace, a husky fellow wearing black clothed took a picture on the desk and said angrily, “Shameful thing, even the Direct Disciple of Head Pagoda Lord dare to provoke him. Is he tired of living?”

“Husband, don’t blame Shaoyong on this.”

“Shaoyong looked after that Li Yan. Although he did something wrong, he didn’t provoke him Mu Zuzong. Why did he treat Shaoyong in public?”

A middle-aged married woman next to her was dissatisfied. The woman was wearing luxurious clothes, with long hair and a charming charm.

“Chief, Madam is right, not for the monk’s sake, but for the Buddha’s. This Mu Zuzong bullies Shaoyong in public, it means that he didn’t put our Vajra Tribe in his eyes.”

Said a young man below.

The man is thin and wears a fitted white clothed long coat, which looks like he is in his 30s. He holds a jade flute in his hand and looks quite elegant.

He is the High Priest of Vajra Tribe!

Vajra Tribe Chief said: “So what do you say? He is the discipline of Sir Head Pagoda Lord.”

The purple clothed married woman said, “Even if he is the Disciple of the Head Pagoda Lord, he has to make sense.”

“Yes, like that situation, you can just let Shaoyong apologize, why do you have to do that? You even scrapped Shaoyong’s Qi Sea, it’s simply being on power!

Said High Priest.

The two people sang a rap and completely stirred the anger in Vajra Tribe Chief’s heart, nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll go to the Head Pagoda Lord theory now.”

After Vajra Tribe Chief left, High Priest shook his head and said with a smile: “Our Chief’s temper is really not that hot!”

“If he doesn’t, can we have a chance?”

Purple clothed married woman smiled Yingying, but snuggled up in the arms of High Priest.

“That’s right, let’s be happy while he goes to Head Pagoda.”

High Priest hugged the purple clothed married woman and walked towards the bed inside, her face full of kinky ‘evil’ smiles.

“Shaoyong has something wrong, and you still have the mood to think about it.”

purple clothed married woman looked at him dissatisfied.

“Isn’t this worrying for someone? What are we anxious for?”

High Priest threw the purple clothed married woman on the bed, and rushed up impatiently.

For a time.

Inside the great palace, the clothes fluttered and chanted.


Head Pagoda!


A purple clothed youth holding a folding fan appeared over the Meditation Lake.

He looked at the loft where Qin Feiyang was. Loudly said, “Mu Zuzong, come out.”

Qin Feiyang is currently cultivating quietly, hear the sound, eyes opened, get up and walk out of the attic, look up towards purple clothed youth, said with a smile: “Is there anything Big Brother Gongsun?”

Gongsun Bei said: “Sir Head Pagoda Lord lets you go.”

“What did the Master let me do?”

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

“Vajra Tribe Chief is here.”

“Hear this, without me, you should be able to think of it!”

Gongsun Bei said with a smile.

“Vajra Tribe Chief?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, asking, “Big Brother Gongsun, can’t I go?”

“What do you think?”

Gongsun Bei said.

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly and left, leaving Gongsun Bei beside him, saying, “Let’s go!”

Gongsun Bei said, “We fly over.”

“Fly over?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

Is n’t there a transmission gate? What a waste of time to fly!

Gongsun Bei glanced at Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “I want to take this opportunity to talk to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

“When you walk, you can say.”

Gongsun Bei laughed and flew towards the Head Pagoda Lord courtyard.

Qin Feiyang followed him suspiciously.

But after flying for a long distance, Gongsun Bei didn’t open his mouth, but flew forward in silence.

Qin Feiyang frowned, saying: “Big Brother Gongsun, do n’t hesitate to say anything you want to say.”

Gongsun Bei shook his head said with a smile: “I’m not only the head Pagoda Lord’s discipline, but also the Palace Lord of Divine Envoy Palace. What can make me taboo.”

“then you……”

Qin Feiyang looked at him puzzled.

Gongsun Bei said, “This time you enter Azure Sea, has anything happened?”

“What do you want me to answer?”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly and said, “A lot has happened.”

Gongsun Bei said, “Is there anything about Head Pagoda Lord?”


Qin Feiyang pupil contracted and looked at Gongsun Bei in wonder.

Why does this sound strange?

Gongsun Bei turning one’s head glanced at Qin Feiyang’s expression, and there was a flash of inexplicable rays of light in his eyes, then he turned back and looked towards the front, said with a smile: “In fact, I am the same person as you.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang became more suspicious.

But Gongsun Bei did not explain, lightly said with a smile: “No matter what happens, or whoever you meet, be careful.”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

What is this person suggesting?

Gongsun Bei still didn’t give any explanation, saying: “I have something to ask you, do you know where your parents went? I went to see them on the day you returned from Azure Sea and found that they had left.”

“do not know.”

“My parents are a pair of idle cloud wild cranes, they never tell me where they go, and they don’t stay in the same place for long.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Can you reach them?”

Gongsun Bei asked.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “I’m not afraid of the Big Brother Gongsun joke, I didn’t build a contract bridge with them.”


“You are relatives!”

Gongsun Bei was surprised.

“Yes, loved ones, but they always say that they don’t want my unwieldy son. They also said that I’m not allowed to mention them outside, and I can’t ask for help when they encounter anything.

“I doubt whether they were born to me.”

Qin Feiyang helplessly said.

“you think too much.”

“They do this because they want you to grow independently.”

“After all, most children now grow up under the care of their parents.”

“Pampered since childhood, difficult to become a big tool.”

Gongsun Bei said.

“Is that right?”

Qin Feiyang looked skeptical.

“Is this the case, you will ask them not to understood in the future.”

Gongsun Bei laughed, and said, “To be honest, I envy your parents.”

“What do you envy them?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“No one can restrain them. Go wherever you want. Relax.”

Gongsun Bei said with a smile, with a look of longing in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang said: “Big Brother Gongsun is OK!”


Gongsun Bei shook his head and said, “Some people, some things, once you take the First Step, it is difficult to get away. In fact, this person is born, it is better to be plain.”

“some people……”


Qin Feiyang was silent.

What exactly does Gongsun Bei imply?

What secrets is hidden in his heart?

Gongsun Bei has always impressed him as a strong, shrewd and capable person.

But now he suddenly discovered that Gongsun Bei had another aspect besides these appearances.



Qin Feiyang said, “Big Brother Gongsun, there is a question, I have always wanted to ask you, but I don’t know if I should ask.”

“It’s all my own. Anything else to worry about, just ask!”

Gongsun Bei said.

“You are also the master’s disciple, but why haven’t I heard you call him Master and all call him Sir?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“I haven’t already graduated. If I call him Master again, others will gossip behind him.”

Gongsun Bei said with a smile.

“Is that right?”

Qin Feiyang expressed doubt.

Although he started, that is also the discipline of Head Pagoda Lord, not to mention the strength and status of Gongsun Bei in Head Pagoda, who dares to gossip behind?

However, Gongsun Bei did not continue to discuss the topic, and said with a smile: “Tell me what happened in the Azure Sea. I am very interested.”

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, one after another tells.

But it was all about what Young Master Hao and Wang You’er knew. As for other things, he chose to hide.


Head Pagoda Lord’s courtyard, in the sight of two people.

Gongsun Bei looked at the courtyard from a distance, said with a smile: “Listen to what you said, this trip to Azure Sea is quite exciting, but you should still hide a lot of things!”

Qin Feiyang expression trembled.

“Don’t worry, this is your personal matter, I won’t manage it.”

“But you have to remember that there are some things that bear in mind can’t talk about. Must must be in the stomach.”

Gongsun Bei stopped and turned to look at Qin Feiyang. The smile on his face disappeared, very serious.

Qin Feiyang fixed his eyes, nodded and said: “Understand.”

“Let’s go!”

Gongsun Bei smiled, turned and waved, and took Qin Feiyang, before the courtyard, respectfully said: “Sir, Mu Zuzong brought it.”

“I have seen Master.”

Qin Feiyang also bowed saluted.

Head Pagoda Lord is sitting in the gazebo, with a tea pot and 2 teacups on the stone table.

Opposite the Head Pagoda Lord, there was also a husky fellow, the Chief of Vajra Tribe.

“come in!”

Head Pagoda Lord looked towards Qin Feiyang two people, said with a smile.


The two people answered and pushed open the courtyard door, one after the other entered the gazebo.

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