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Qin Feiyang frowned, and it looked a little bad.


Luo Qingzhu’s next statement confirms this.


That desert is not only vast and boundless, but also full of crisis.

Few people can come out alive.

People at Star Moon City call it Desert of Death and treat it as forbidden land!

Feng Ling’er frowned, asking, “What are you two going to Desert of Death?”

Ling Yunfei is silent.

Qin Feiyang didn’t say a word.

Feng Ling’er threatened: “If not, I will notify Elder Wan now.”

“Well, I tell you, I went to Desert of Death to find out why my father died.”

Ling Yunfei said solemnly.

“cause of death!”

Feng Ling’er was startled.

“Yes, I lost my life when I went to Desert of Death.”

Ling Yunfei nodded with a trace of pain in his eyes.

Feng Ling’er stared blankly, didn’t expect such a thing.

“I am sorry.”

Her face was full of apologies.


Ling Yunfei laughed, barely smiling.

“But even then, I won’t allow you to go to the Desert of Death.”

“Because you are going to die.”

“The cause of your father’s death can wait until you become the Battle King, or even Battle Sovereign, to find out, it is not necessary to rush.”

“Don’t think I’m joking with you. I know both the Law Enforcement Elder of the Star Moon City Martial King Palace. As long as I say a word, you are impossible to escape.”

Feng Ling’er said.

“Senior Sister, I know you are for me.”

“But this trip, I must go!”

“Because I don’t know, how long can I live, if by any chance, when will I die?”

“After all, cultivation is a long way, there are many crises, and there is the possibility of losing little life at any time. I don’t want to regret it for life.”

“Senior Sister, Old Feng was taken away by Zuo An, and now life and death unknown, you must be worried and sad now, so I also hope that you can understand my feelings.”

Ling Yunfei begged.

Feng Ling’er looked at Ling Yunfei, his eyes flickered.

“oh! ”


She was sighed faintly, and said, “Well, look at you so pitiful, I won’t stop you, but only if I go too.”


Ling Yunfei was shocked and looked for Ling Yunfei for help.

Qin Feiyang said: “It’s okay to go, but on this way, willful behavior is not allowed.”

Feng Ling’er beautiful eyes glared, angrily: “When have I been willful?”

“Every day, every way.”

Qin Feiyang ruthless’s counterattack.

Even Desert of Death is so dangerous, let alone that weird place.

and so.

He must step by step to wipe out all hidden dangers in advance.

“Little scoundrel, you say it again!”

Feng Ling’er gnashing teeth glared at him, and his beautiful eyes sprayed a thick anger.

If you take off the mask you will find that she is cute now.

“Say the same several times.”

Qin Feiyang stared straight at her without hiding.

Switch to normally, he can give in.

After all, as a man, you have to have energy, you have to let women.

But in the face of business, he will not compromise with any woman!

Feng Ling’er has an illusion at the moment.

It feels like Qin Feiyang is now a different person.

There is a spirit of Heaven and Earth tyrant!

Especially his expression, with a bit of deterrence in sharpness, let her have the idea of ​​avoiding.

“How could this be?”

“I’m unexpectedly afraid of him?”

Feng Ling’er is unbelievable.

Qin Feiyang is only an 8-Star Martial Master, but she is a 2-Star Martial Ancestor. There are a few small realm differences. Should I be afraid that it should be Qin Feiyang?

She didn’t dare to look at her anymore.

Because of the fear in my heart, it has become stronger.

She was so afraid she couldn’t control it and lowered her head to Qin Feiyang.

Her pride, her pride, doesn’t allow this to happen.

and so.

She looked away, coldly snorted and said: “lady great aunt is a lot, not to care about you.”

In an invisible contest, Qin Feiyang won.

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes, looked towards Luo Qingzhu, and asked, “Is there a safer route from Star Moon City to Desert of Death?”


Luo Qingzhu nodded.

Desert of Death is dangerous, but many people like to explore.

Of course, just enter the periphery and dare not go deep.

Therefore, over the years, slowly opening up a safe route.

But this safe route is not really dangerous at all.

On the way, I still encounter a lot of Vicious Beast.

It depends on luck.

Good luck, all met Vicious Beast.

If you are unlucky, you may encounter little Martial Ancestor, or even Vicious Beast at King level.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Then please trouble me, draw a map for me.”

“This one……”

Luo Qingzhu hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, “Well, you guys, wait a moment.”

Immediately went to the desk, holding a pen to draw.

Not a moment.

A map is presented.

“The location of the red dot is the most dangerous place. You must be careful.”

“In addition, there are 3 black spots, which are absolutely safe places. You can stop cultivation and adjust the status.”

Luo Qingzhu finger map, introduced three people in detail.

“Thinking really well.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Although 3 security points may not be used, Luo Qingzhu’s intentions will be remembered in his heart.

The night is deep.

There is no moon in the sky, and the darkness outside the city is obviously not suitable for driving.

Three people stayed at Treasure Pavillion.

The night is quiet.

Qin Feiyang stood in front of the window, looking at the dark sky, like old monk in stasis, staying still for a long time.


I don’t know how long it has been in the past.

He sensed the crystal stone in the heaven and earth bag, and it buzzed and trembled.

When he took it out, the crystal stone was magnificent, and an illusory shadow emerged quickly.

It’s fatty!

“Boss Jiang, is it going well?”

fatty showed a standard low laughed.

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “It’s going well now, is there any major event in Yan City these days?”

Fat thought for a while and said, “No big deal, but Eldest Prince came to you 2 days ago.”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, asking, “What did he ask me to do?”

“I want you to help you refining ten top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pills. It seems like a betrothal gift for the Lin Family. The medical ingredient is now on Fat Master!”

“Boss, do you want to help, if not, Fat Master will return the medical ingredient to him tomorrow.”

“According to Fat Master, we won’t help with this busy work. Who asked him to snatch Boss your woman?”

fatty disdain.

Qin Feiyang frowned, saying: “I repeat, I only consider Lin Yiyi as a younger sister.”

“The younger sister is now, what is the future, who knows?”

fatty smirk.

Qin Feiyang’s face turned dark and coldly: “You should be fortunate that I’m not in Yan City now, otherwise you will peel off the skin even if you don’t die. Ten copies of Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill’s medicinal ingredient are kept first. In addition, there is Blood Notify me of Breaking Token news. “

“Get it!”

Fat Li Zheng.

Qin Feiyang rolled the eyes and asked, “Is there anything else?”

“No matter, wish you a pleasant journey, a few more girls, beat it!”

As soon as fatty finished speaking, the illusory shadow quickly disintegrated.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, put away the crystal stone, entered Ancient Castle, and continued to transcribe Return Character Art.

The next day.

early morning.

The sky was drizzling and the weather was getting colder.

After bidding farewell to Luo Qingzhu, three people went straight to the city gate.

Ling Yunfei whispered: “Have you seen it, in fact Luo Qingzhu wants to follow him.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Last night, he had already seen it, but he didn’t break it.

“Someone go to Desert of Death?”

“If yes, let’s go together, there is also a care on the road.”

City gate outside.

There are ten several people, male and female, young and old, and their strengths are quite good.

One of the big black clothed man was screaming hard.

As the three people passed, the big person immediately stepped forward and grabbed Qin Feiyang’s hand, said with a smile: “Little Brother, is it to the Desert of Death?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, reaching out to push the big person away, shaking his head and saying, “We’re not going.”

“That’s sorry.”

big black clothed man apologetic laughed, turned and continued to sip.

But in the eyes, there was a slight disdain.

Two soft-skinned and tender meat yellow-haired brat, a delicate girl, let alone go to the Desert of Death, it is probably scared on the road.

This disdain was clearly captured by Feng Ling’er, seemingly a thin lovable body, freeing up a strand of cold aura.

“Let’s go, nothing to care about.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

Ling Yunfei said with a smile: “Senior Sister, we said yes, not willful.”

“hmph! ”

Feng Ling’er gave a coldly snorted and walked first towards a trail.

“Yi! ”

“The trail they go to, isn’t it Desert of Death?”

big black clothed man A group of people, confused.

One black clothed old man indifferently said: “Think too much, hairs not even grow yet, lend them some courage, and dare not go to the Desert of Death.”

Others are also nodded, and expressions are full of contempt.

“I will endure!”

Feng Ling’er jade hand clenched, his eyes were cold.

Had it not been for the agreement, she would have acted violently.

The trail is only one meter wide, meandering, and spreads to the depths of deep in the mountains. The two sides are covered with jungle, covered with dead leaves, and the air is permeated with a moist and rotten smell.

The icy drizzle drenched the three people soon.

Qin Feiyang took out the map and looked at it carefully, saying: “The location of the first red dot is ten miles from here, and we strive to arrive before it gets dark.”

Sou! ! !

Three people unfolded at full speed and fast as lightning on the trail.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of Vicious Beast, but basically they are some of the lowest level Vicious Beast.

after all.

This area is also under the jurisdiction of Star Moon City, and those High Level Vicious Beasts are afraid to approach.

Seeing that the sky will be dark.

Three people finally came to the position of the first red dot, stopped under a big tree, and looked at the trail in front.

The trail was empty.

On two sides, there are clusters of trees and bushes, and the weeds are deep enough for one person.

But for a moment, they did not see any crisis.

Ling Yunfei frowns saying: “Is Luo Qingzhu some brightening words to scare people?”

“She’s all year round in Star Moon City, but she’s no stranger to this region.

Feng Ling’er said, grabbing a fist-sized stone from the ground and throwing it at the trail in front.

Throw a stone and ask for directions!


The stone fell to the ground, what mutation did not at all cause.

all around, still deadly stillness!

[PS: 3 more, summon recommended tickets! 】

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