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“Maybe we are lucky and there is no Vicious Beast ambush nearby.”

Feng Ling’er said with a smile.

But she couldn’t believe it.

“Hurry up.”

Ling Yunfei urged.

Even if it is dangerous, now I can only break through oneself, and never go home!

“Wait a minute.”

Qin Feiyang reached out to stop two people, said with a smile: “It’s time to let it go.”


two people stared blankly.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, Wolf King immediately appeared out of thin air.


“Brother Wolf is finally out.”

“Earth, tremble!”


It rewards the sky Wolf howl.


Next moment !

The grass on the two sides of the trail ahead, the sound of one after another rustle.

Weeds and shrubs followed.

Qin Feiyang three people immediately noticed, looking at him, his face was immediately pale!

Two red scorpions emerged from the grass, with large heads and feet!

Their whole body is blood red, as if they had just soaked from blood, exuding unparalleled tyrannical aura!

In particular, the stinger on their tails is almost as long as an adult forefinger, like two steel needles, flashing an appalling blood light!

“Blood Killing Scorpion!”

Qin Feiyang had a difficult mouth and swallowed straight.

Feng Ling’er and Ling Yunfei also erected!

“Not two little scorpions, what’s the worst?”

Wolf King gave a dismissive glance at the three people, swayed, and went all the way towards the two Blood Killing Scorpion.

But before it approaches, the body is stiff!

I saw Blood Killing Scorpion, constantly drilling out of the grass!

2 only!

5 only!


Densely packed, countless at a time.

Qin Feiyang three people bewilderement, shouted to Wolf King in unison: “Come back!”

Wolf King really quickly cried.

Do not dare to move, cold sweat all over!

My heart is full of remorse.

Nothing to pretend to do!

Now, the group of Blood Killing Scorpion, glare like a tiger watching his prey in front, it must dare to move, 100% is group fight.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “Don’t worry, come back slowly!”

“Slow your sister, why don’t you say it early, they are gregarious?”

Wolf King flustered and exasperated scolded, moving backward inch by inch.

If i had known earlier, it would n’t run if killed.

But when Wolf King moved, it seemed like he was walking on a horse honeycomb, then the Blood Killing Scorpion swarmed out and rushed towards Wolf King!


Wolf King yelled, turned without the slightest hesitation, and Xia ran.

Qin Feiyang three people also flew in terror.

Wolf King shouted, “The outside world is too dangerous, Little Qinzi, take Brother Wolf to Ancient Castle.”

“wishful thinking !”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted.

I was clamoring to come out some time ago, and now I want to hide in danger? How can there be such a cheap thing.

“Spiral screerel, Brother Wolf bites you!”

Wolf King growled and looked back, almost urinating.

The Blood Killing Scorpion is no slower than it is!


Being drawn closer!

“Hurry up and help Brother Wolf!”

Wolf King hurried for help.

Feng Ling’er is a 2-Star Martial Ancestor. Although there is no auxiliary Martial Skill, it is undoubtedly the fastest.

Although Qin Feiyang two people are 8-Star Martial Masters, they have mastered the perfect auxiliary Martial Skill.

Only Wolf King.

Although it has the power of 9-Star Martial Master, it can’t keep up with speed!

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced immediately, his eyes sank immediately, he took out Azure Snow decisively, turned to Wolf King and ran.

“Little Qinzi, you still have the righteousness!”

Wolf King is overjoyed.

Sou! ! !

But next moment.

The group of Blood Killing Scorpion behind them raised their tails, spurting one after another blood-red liquid, like an arrow, heading for Wolf King wildly shooting!

“Damn it, doesn’t a scorpion just stab people? Why is it spraying venom?”

Wolf King growled in fright.

“Who tells you that they can only sting?”

Qin Feiyang is quite speechless.

Ordinary scorpions can only sting people, but are these ordinary scorpions?

Terrifying than the average Vicious Beast!


Wolf King suddenly turned around and plunged into the jungle next to him.

Qin Feiyang complexion greatly changed, roaring: “Come out!”

But as soon as Wolf King stumbled into the jungle, the mass of venom pounced on him.


Qin Feiyang cursed and plunged into the grass next to him.

Dangerous escape!

And those venoms hit the ground and made chi chi sounds, and in a blink of an eye, each and everyone’s face was filled with a big pit!


There was also a scarlet blood mist rising from the pit.

These blood mists drift away in void.

With a touch of sweet scent.


Every place shrouded by this blood mist, whether it be flowers or trees, or trees, is withered and rotting visible with naked eyes!


These blood mists also contain extremely posionous!

Qin Feiyang got up. Immediately just covered nose and looked in front of the trail.

Those Blood Killing Scorpion didn’t stop, like a bloody sea, rushing, letting one have one’s hair stand on end!

“Feng Ling’er, Ling Yunfei, you run away. When I find Wolf King, I’ll meet you.”

Qin Feiyang roared, and went into the jungle without looking back, looking for Wolf King.

He is extremely annoyed!

Damn White-Eyed Wolf, don’t you know that the jungle is more dangerous than the trail?

Hearing Qin Feiyang’s roar, Ling Yunfei two people also immediately turned and fled along the trail.

And the scorpion group, instead of chasing them, rushed into the jungle and rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang’s face was gloomy to the extreme, while running wildly, he scanned the jungle.

The sky is getting darker.

If you don’t leave the jungle again, I am afraid that it will not only be scorpions, but also other birds and beasts.




To the left, a Wolf howl and a beast roar sounded.

Qin Feiyang made a sharp brake and turned around galloping away.




Blood Killing Scorpion is like a swarm of locusts, wherever it goes, it is unstoppable, pieces of weeds and bushes fall, leaving a mess!

Fortunately, this jungle is densely planted and helps Qin Feiyang block the venom.

Otherwise, he is afraid that he has no bones left.

Galloping probably ten breaths.

He came to a hillside.

Below the hillside is a small river, and the water is very turbid.

And on the river bank, Wolf King and one Fierce Crocodile, crazy fight!

When Qin Feiyang saw Fierce Crocodile on the other side, his face paled instantly.

Unexpectedly is Sawtooth Crocodile!

Wolf King shouted, “Little Qinzi, come down and help!”

Qin Feiyang rushed down with a single stride, and with the power of the undershoot, 5 fingers tightly clenched, True Qi surging, one fist blasted towards Wolf King.

No mistakes!

The target of the attack is Wolf King!

Seeing that one fist was about to hit Wolf King, Wolf King suddenly flashed aside.

“Rushing Thunder Slaughter Fist!”


Qin Feiyang yelled, and one fist banged firmly on the head of Sawtooth Crocodile.


With a painful scream, Sawtooth Crocodile’s head cracked on the spot!


The huge body also fell to the ground.

Wolf King said later, “Fortunately, you arrived in time, otherwise Brother Wolf would be dead.”

“Quickly go!”

“Last time near Black Bear City, Ling Yunfei and I killed one Sawtooth Crocodile, and it shocked the entire crocodile group, I’m afraid this time is no exception!”

Qin Feiyang drink low.

“roar! !!”

But it was too late.

left and right 2 Shunlin on the side, small river in front, one head Sawtooth Crocodile keeps appearing.

The small ones are 5 6 meters.

The big feet are more than ten meters.

Even behind the crocodile group on the left and right 2 side, there are 2 Sawtooth Crocodile with a length of 20 meters!

That each and everyone bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, eerie fierce teeth, makes one man one wolf look pale!

Look at the rear!

Blood Killing Scorpion from childhood The mountain rushed down, like a bloody waterfall, chilling!

“You’re really a crow’s mouth!”

Wolf King was angry.

“If it weren’t for you running into the jungle, would we be in this situation?”

Qin Feiyang exasperated.

“If Brother Wolf hadn’t run into the jungle, he would have been overwhelmed by the venom, and now I’m afraid there is nothing left.”

Wolf King shouted.

“Okay, stop nonsense, I have a way.”

Qin Feiyang said impatiently, cold light flashing in his eyes.

“What way?”

Wolf King was surprised.

“Let them kill each other.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

The crocodile group and the scorpion group are both vicious aura tossing, fling towards one man one wolf!

Electric light flint!

Qin Feiyang grabs Wolf King and enters Ancient Castle.

Roar! !

hiss! !

The dark crocodile group, the blood-red scorpion group, slammed together like two torrents!

A brutal fight, start now!

“Hey, you’re so clever.”

Wolf King smirks.

Qin Feiyang glanced at it, took out the image crystal stone, and quickly activated.

The same moment.

Somewhere on the trail, Ling Yunfei in a dash, stopped suddenly.

“What are you doing?”

Feng Ling’er is puzzled.

“It should be Qin Feiyang who summoned me.”

Ling Yunfei took out the image crystal stone, and Haoguang ten thousand zhang.

Qin Feiyang’s illusory shadow quickly appeared.

Ling Yunfei asked, “Where are you?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t worry about where I am, the scorpion swarm is dragged by me, you quickly return, I will meet with you later.

Immediately after that, the illusory shadow disappeared.

Ling Yunfei and Feng Ling’er looked at each other in blank dismay.

Does this guy have such great ability? Can scorpion swarm?

Ling Yunfei put away the crystal stone and said, “Senior Sister, he won’t lie to us, quick go!”

Two people went back again.

Soon, they came to the place where the Scorpion appeared.

A few steps forward tentatively, no Blood Killing Scorpion appeared.

As a result, the two people ran forward boldly.

Inside Ancient Castle!

one man one wolf attentively, listening carefully to the movement outside.

After half an hour.

Only then did it fade away.

Wolf King asked, “Did you say that they were completely destroyed?”

“How do I know, you stay here first, I’ll go and see.”

When Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he appeared in the original position.

But after half an hour passed, the sky had completely darkened, and I could not see 5 fingers with my hand, I could not see anything, I could only smell a sharp bloody smell!



A sound of breaking the sky came from behind, Qin Feiyang tightened his body and mind, and immediately entered Ancient Castle.

“how about it?”

Wolf King asked.


Qin Feiyang shook his head, thought for a while, and said, “But I guess that the crocodile group has been completely destroyed. There should be some Blood Killing Scorpion left, and I may just be attacking them.”

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