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Mu Tianyang lowered his head and groaned a little, watching Mu Qing said, “Give me the fleshhy body.”

“Fleshy body for you?”

Mu Qing was suspicious.

“That Divine Marquis Yan, I have seen him unpleasant for a long time, and I just took the opportunity to teach him.”

Mu Tianyang said.

Mu Qing said, “Do you mean, control my fleshhy body and go out and fight with Divine Marquis Yan?”


Mu Tianyang nodded.

“it is good.”

Mu Qing didn’t hesitate.

Mu Tianyang stared blankly and asked, “Aren’t you afraid that I will take the opportunity to take your house off?”

“If the High Lord wants to rob me, he has already acted. Why wait till now?”

“Moreover, with my insignificant strength, I cannot stop High Lord.”

“Of course, if High Lord really needs my body, a one-word question, I will give it to you at once.”

Mu Qing said with a smile.

“I did read the right person.”

Mu Tianyang smiled comfortably.

“come on!”

“Actually, I also see Divine Marquis Yan upset. When you teach him, you also make up my share.”

Mu Qing said.

“it is good.”

Mu Tianyang nodded, his body collapsed into a mist, and poured into Mu Qing’s top of the head.

Next moment !

Mu Qing’s expression changed.


With a domineering, and a kind of King pressure!


This fleshy body has been replaced by Mu Tianyang.

“It feels good to have a flushy body.”

Mu Tianyang moved his lower bones and his eyes flashed cold light, cold and severe saying: “No matter who is, don’t try to shake my Emperor status!”


For a moment.

He disappeared and appeared inside the Array outside.

“You keep hiding!”

Upon seeing the appearance of ‘Mu Qing’, Divine Marquis Yan immediately sawthing in anger and ran away.

He didn’t know.

Mu Qing at this moment has become Mu Tianyang.

Mu Tianyang didn’t move.

But deep in the eyes, there was a touch of cold light.

“Today, if you don’t kneel and apologize to 2 Deacon, I will abandon you, at once kneel me!

Divine Marquis Yan snatched in front of Mu Tianyang and prepared to slap the fan.

But suddenly!

Mu Tianyang raised his big hand, one strand Divine Sense blended into his arm, and grabbed Divine Marquis Yan’s wrist with one.


Divine Marquis Yan was surprised.

Until then, he finally found that Mu Qing’s expression was different.


Divine Sense?

Is it…

“In front of this Emperor, how can you impudent!”

Mu Tianyang smiled coldly, and kicked on Divine Marquis Yan’s stomach while he was not ready.

“ao ……”

Divine Marquis Yan when he made a pig-like miserable howl.

Because of Mu Tianyang’s foot, he also blessed Divine Sense.

“Mu Qing is my person. What qualifications do you have to beat him?”

Mu Tianyang said again, followed by a slap in the face, fiercely fanning on Divine Marquis Yan’s face.

With a snap, a bloody slap print appeared.

“what are you doing?”

“We’re doing drama!”

Divine Marquis Yan froze, roaring secretly.

“Even if you’re doing drama, you can’t be alone in Mu Qing!”

“Besides, he has a Battle Emperor that can’t stand you, so now, I can only feel wronged for you.”

Mu Tianyang sneered, and one fist banged on Divine Marquis Yan’s chest.

On fist, Divine Sense is also blessed.


Divine Marquis Yan immediately sprayed old blood, the heart all split up and in pieces, and was seriously injured.

“what’s the situation?”

2 Deacon looked at this scene, his face was full of mistakes.

“There is no respect for you, bully intolerably!”

Divine Marquis Yan was completely angry.

Because he also saw it, this Mu Tianyang was in the communique for personal revenge.

“Don’t say anything respectable.”

“In front of this Emperor, no matter how senior you are, you will always be a courtier!”

Mu Tianyang coldly snorted.

Hong long long !

Bang bang bang!

Two people fought directly in the desert.

For a time.

Heaven and Earth change color, violet wind erupted, roll up the sky, and drown all directions!


Let’s talk about Qin Feiyang entire group.

Under the leadership of Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord, the entire group is like lightning, shuttles over the desert.

“Young Master, I always feel that chasing blindly like this is not very realistic. I have to think of a more convenient way.”

Liu Mu glanced at the desert ahead, frowns saying.

Qin Feiyang bowed his head and said nothing.


He patted his head and shook his head: “How do I forget about us, and there is a tracking expert?”

“Chasing masters?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord and Ninth Elder looked at him suspiciously.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, White-Eyed Wolf appeared immediately.

“Only in this case will you think of brother.”

White-Eyed Wolf stared at Qin Feiyang.

“What does it mean only in this case?”

“When I got Breaking Heaven Staff, no one reminded me, didn’t I want to give it to you?”

Qin Feiyang said with displeasure.

“That just happened to see brother.”

White-Eyed Wolf pouts.

Qin Feiyang said: “Okay, don’t be nonsense, just smell it, is there a human smell?”

“Are you really a brother, this is a dog nose?”

White-Eyed Wolf was dissatisfied, but didn’t hesitate. He stung his nose and shook his head, “No smell of them.”


Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

“You see, there are so many storms all around, even if they pass here, the smell will instantly disappear once they are swept by the storm.”

White-Eyed Wolf.

“What should I do?”

Liu Mu asked.

“What else can I do?

The White-Eyed Wolf stood on Qin Feiyang’s shoulder, spreading his paws.

“Can you be serious?”

Qin Feiyang was so annoyed that he ruthlessly rewarded him.

White-Eyed Wolf scowling fiercely.

But when he saw Qin Feiyang, he was full of anger and shrank instantly.

“Go ahead!”

“There are always places that have not been swept by the storm.”

“As long as a little odor remains, brother can chase it.”

White-Eyed Wolf looks confident.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord glanced at the believer suspiciously, and it turned into a streamer that struck the sky like lightning.


They came over a dune.

“Wait a minute.”

White-Eyed Wolf suddenly said, pumps radiance flashing.

“Is there a discovery?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord suddenly braked, stopped at void, turning one’s head and looked at White-Eyed Wolf in suspicion.

White-Eyed Wolf leapt down from Qin Feiyang’s shoulders and flew down.


His gaze locked on one of the dunes, and he said in surprise: “Someone here!”


Qin Feiyang asked quickly.

“It’s light.”

“It’s not clear.”

White-Eyed Wolf shook his head, and carefully recognized the meeting, looked up towards Qin Feiyang, and said, “But it is certain that it is indeed human.”

“Although not sure, I think it should be them.”

“Because here, no one dares to come in.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.

“Follow up.”

Qin Feiyang urged.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord rolled up the entire group again, plundering in the direction pointed by White-Eyed Wolf.

en route.

Smell, constant faults.

The so-called fault means that some places have been visited by the storm, and the smell completely disappeared.

Equal to a blank area.

This undoubtedly makes tracking more difficult.


Not long after, White-Eyed Wolf asserted that the people of Eternal Alliance and Heavenly Yang Empire went straight into the deep desert without turning.

Because of the smell, although there are many faults, they are always in a straight line.

As long as you follow this line, you should not lose it.

And the result.

White-Eyed Wolf did not disappoint everyone.

Not only did it follow smoothly, the smell also became stronger and stronger.

Halfway past.

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes lightened and he said, “Brother finally distinguished one of the scent master is who?”


Qin Feiyang asked.

“Mu Qing!”

White-Eyed Wolf.

“That’s right.”

“Mu Qing is here, and everyone else is definitely there.”

Qin Feiyang is overjoyed.

“Mu Qing is who?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord is suspicious.

“He is the descendant of Mu Heavenly Yang Empire, it is amazing that he opened the rare Opening Heaven Eye in the world.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Opening Heaven Eye!”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord shook his eyes, shocked: “This Eminence used to think that Battle Soul, like Opening Heaven Eye, is just a myth, but didn’t expect unexpectedly is true.”

“Young Master, Mu Tianyang seems to be Divine Sense now, right?”

Liu Mu asked suddenly.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“So it’s weird. Mu Qing has such a nice fleshhy body in front of him. Why doesn’t he take Mu Qing away?”

Liu Mu said.

Qin Feiyang said: “I think it is because he is too fancy for Mu Qing and he is reluctant to lose this person.”

It’s been a long time again.


The entire group sensed a wave of battle ahead.

“what’s the situation?”

“Is it an illusion, how can someone fight here?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Not an illusion.”

“Because of this battle wave, there is aura of Divine Marquis Yan!”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord.

“Divine Marquis Yan is who?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“One of the 4 gods of Heavenly Yang Empire is also the existence of False God Level.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said, and frowned again, and said, “However, the aura of the person who met her was unexpectedly indistinguishable, very strange.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

As he kept approaching, Qin Feiyang suddenly frowned, and his face crawled with incredible incredence.


Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord noticed the change in Qin Feiyang’s expression and asked in a low voice.

Qin Feiyang said: “The one who fights Divine Marquis Yan is unexpectedly Mu Qing!”

“you sure?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord stared blankly, asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord asked, “Is Mu Qing strong?”

“Weaker than me.”

Qin Feiyang.

“That’s weird.”

“Weaker than you, unexpectedly can play against Divine Marquis Yan?”

“And they’re all from Heavenly Yang Empire. How could they fight?”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord in surprise.

Qin Feiyang, Liu Mu, Nether Sovereign, White-Eyed Wolf, Ninth Elder, are also 100 puzzled.

“Weird, we have to be careful, because this may be a killing set they intentionally arranged.”

Revered Heaven Palace Palace Lord said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, with a wave of his hand, Concealment Art turned on, and a group of people instantly disappeared into void.

Look at Mu Tianyang and Divine Marquis Yan again.

At this moment the two people are all scarred, in a difficult situation to the extreme.

Although Divine Marquis Yan at first was seriously injured, it was one true False God after all.

Mu Tianyang can only fight with Divine Sense.

And Divine Sense is not much.

Mu Qing’s fleshhy body is just the body of the Battle Emperor, and naturally it cannot be compared with the body of False God.

So in the face of Divine Marquis Yan, I will definitely lose.

And Divine Marquis Yan is very angry.


He also knows Mu Tianyang’s current status, so he dare not really kill.


At the peak of Mu Tianyang, he was one of the true Battle God. Out of the overall situation, he did not dare to kill Mu Tianyang because Mu Tianyang had a chance to recover to the peak.


2 Deacon on the side, seeing two people endlessly, obviously a little impatient.

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