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Besides Liu Mu four people.

After half a month of non-stop rushing, they have no idea how far into the desert.

all around is a storm, rolling up the yellow sand.

A piece of wind blade, like a blade, is scraped on several people.

The storm here is enough to threaten the Battle Emperor!


Apart from the storm, no other danger was encountered.

Along the way, they did not see Vicious Beast.

Li Yundao: “Brother Ning, remember last time when we came to the desert?”


Ning Minghe nodded, worriedly said: “Although the storm here does not threaten us, but the deeper storm cannot even carry us.”


“I don’t understand, why is this Brother Qin going to the end of the desert?”

“Liu Mu, you have won the trust of Qin Feiyang now, even Ancient Castle and Azure Snow gave you, do you know why?”

Li Yun turning one’s head looked towards Liu Mu, suspiciously.

“do not know.”

Liu Mu shook his head.

“really do not know?”

Li Yun was not convinced.

“really do not know.”

Liu Mu smiled bitterly.


Although I don’t know, I can probably think that it should be related to leaving Profound Martial World.

Zhuge Mingyang aside, didn’t say a word, looking thoughtful, no doubt also thinking about this problem.


But suddenly!

He looked towards a storm in front of his left, and a little horror rose from his eyes.

Just now, he keenly caught a black shadow in void, but before he could see it clearly, the shadow fell into the storm and disappeared.


He mumbled a sentence in his heart, without saying a word, in the dark alert.

Liu Mu three people are not chatting because they are chatting.

Four people in a row, keep going.

Zhuge Mingyang kept watching that storm, but the black shadow never appeared again.

Does not seem to exist at all.

This made him doubt for a while, was it an illusion?

Until he was away from the storm, he retracted his gaze and glanced ahead at void.

All over the yellow sand.

There was no sound other than the sound of wind.

The air was dry and stuffy.

Can’t help feeling irritable.



Zhuge Mingyang’s gaze turned sharply, looking towards a storm inside and beyond the fifty-sixty.

The diameter of the storm was more than ten meters, and wu wu sounded.

Just before that, he captured a dark shadow, submerged into the storm like lightning.

“It doesn’t look like an illusion, it’s really a problem!”

Zhuge Mingyang squinted his eyes slightly and locked the storm firmly.

Zhuge Mingyang followed Liu Mu three people, plus there was no snoring from Zhuge Mingyang, so three people did not notice the change in the expression of Zhuge Mingyang.

After a while.

Three people swept past the storm.

But when Zhuge Mingyang passed by the storm, he suddenly exploded and shouted: “I’d like to see, where are you monster!”

He stepped out, and the power of False God roared in all directions, and the storm annihilated in an instant!


In front of Liu Mu three people, when they heard the loudly shouted of Zhuge Mingyang, they were shocked and stopped quickly, turning one’s head and looking.

I saw Zhuge Mingyang standing in void, glanced ahead, and his eyes were shining with amazing solemn light!

But in front of Zhuge Mingyang, there was nothing.

Liu Mu suspected, “What are you doing?”

“what happened?”

“Why is there no shadow?”

Zhuge Mingyang murmured, his brows gradually tightened.

If you only see it once, it is reasonable to say that it is hallucination, but if you see it twice in a row, you can’t explain it.

But in front of me, there is really nothing!

Seeing Zhuge Mingyang hesitating, Li Yun annoyed: “Zhuge Mingyang, what did you find? Don’t frightened and flustered, scare us?”

Zhuge Mingyang glanced at void and waved with a smile: “It’s okay, keep going!”


Liu Mu three people stared at him before turning back.

Zhuge Mingyang also quickly followed along, but Yu Guang always kept an eye on him.

Somehow, he started to feel uneasy.

I always feel all around, like what’s hidden?

But galloped a few ten thousand li, and no unexpected appeared.

Black shadows are also like evaporation on earth.

“It seems that the pressure has been too great recently, and my nerves have been disordered …”

Seeing that Black Shadow never appeared again, Zhuge Mingyang rubbed his forehead, muttered to himself, and slowly relaxed his vigilance.

Wu wu !

A few storms rushed forward, rolling up several dozen meters, several hundred meters of sand, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This is common in the desert.

Weak strength, avoid one.

If the strength is strong, it will directly crush the past.

Liu Mu four people obviously belonged to the latter, and Li Yunyi Ma was now, terrifying and powerful, earth-shattering away.

Hong long!

Several storms died on the spot.

Four people didn’t take it seriously.

But at the same time that those storms were annihilated, a few dark shadows suddenly burst out of the storm, like a ghost, silent and silent, directly into Li Yun’s brows.

“What the hell stuff?”

Li Yun turned pale with fright.

Liu Mu and Ning Minghe were also surprised.

“Surely not an illusion!”

Zhuge Mingyang glanced at all around, the pumps radiance flickered, just relaxed, and now immediately alert.

Because from the previous situation, there should be more than a few mysterious shadows in this desert.


“What, get out of my head …”

Next moment.

Li Yun held his head and growled.

A face is even more distorted.

“Brother Li, are you okay!”

Ning Minghe and Liu Mu hurried forward and asked with concern.

Although two people were rivals before, the situation is different now. Everyone is standing on a boat. Someone is in trouble and must not sit idly by.

“Get out of me, did you hear …”


Facing Liu Mu two people’s inquiries, Li Yunchong turned a deaf ear and kept roaring.

Two people looked at the same time, took a step forward, turned and looked towards Li Yun.

When they saw Li Yun’s situation at the moment, two people immediately horrified.

I saw that Li Yun’s facial features have been distorted.

Blood vessels burst out from under the skin.

It looked like a series of earthworms crawling under Li Yun’s skin, making the scalp numb.


In the two eyeballs, one strand of black mist continued to emerge, just like ink, and the white eyes next to the two eyeballs were immediately impregnated.

At last.

The whites of the two eyes turned black.

You ca n’t even find your eyes!

“What is going on with him?”

Liu Mu was surprised.

Zhuge Mingyang stepped forward and looked at this scene, but also couldn’t help but have one’s hair stand on end, in the dark warned repeatedly: “It’s weird, be careful.”

But the voice did not fall.

Li Yun suddenly looked up at the three people.

The distorted, blood vessel-filled face was extremely stingy.

There was also a ridiculous laughter in his mouth.


Next moment.

He raised his hands, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and the power of False God rolled out towards the three people.


Ning Minghe shouted.

Three people lightningly retreated away.

Liu Mu angered: “Li Yun, what are you doing?”

However, Li Yun still looks like a deaf ear, pedaling auxiliary Divine Art and quickly chasing towards the three people.

“Shadow …”

Zhuge Mingyang murmured.


He seemed to be thinking, wondering: “Is he controlled by his shadows?”


Liu Mu two people’s eyes shook.

What can control Li Yun’s consciousness?

To know.

Li Yun is False God, and 10th-Stage’s False God.

Hong long!

Just when the three people were in doubt, Li Yun unexpectedly used Divine Art, the horrible destructive power, hiding the sky and covering the earth and rushed towards the three people.

Zhuge Mingyang shouted: “You can’t retreat, you must stop him!”

“How to stop?”

“Is it possible that to kill him?”

Liu Mu asked.

“Look at the situation.”

“I’m going to deal with him, you pay careful attention to the situation around all around, I suspect that all around, and that kind of mysterious shadow.”

Zhuge Mingyang said solemnly.

“and also?”

Liu Mu two people was startled, and quickly looked towards all around void, eyes full of vigilance.

at the same time!

Zhuge Mingyang swept to Li Yun.


Facing the unknown, he decisively turned on Battle Soul, do it quickly!

A huge Bone Dragon growled from behind him.

dragon might bursts, shaking the sky!

Follow closely!

An invisible aura, surging out of nowhere, instantly shrouded all directions!

This is exactly his Innate Divine Ability!


Li Yun’s cultivation base, when even started to plummet.

With the plunge of Li Yun’s cultivation base, the formidable power of Divine Art also continues to weaken.

But in an instant.

Li Yun’s cultivation base fell to the 7-Star Battle Emperor!

“Give me crush!”

At this time.

Zhuge Mingyang shouted angrily, one fist exploded towards Divine Art, a loud bang, and Divine Art collapsed on the spot.

Without the slightest pause, he rushed towards Li Yun again, one fist on Li Yun’s chest.

Ka-cha !

With the sound of broken bones, Li Yun’s chest immediately collapsed and flesh flew across.

Even the heart is all split up and in pieces.

The whole person, like a meteorite, fell into the desert below.

“what happened?”

Liu Mu and Ning Minghe, who are not in a distant place, look at the blood spilling on the void.

The blood flowing out of Li Yun within the body was unexpectedly also black!

is it possible that he has been demonized by the shadow?

Zhuge Mingyang is also frowns.



A wild beast-like growl came from under the desert and shook through the sky.

The three people hurriedly looked at it, and immediately saw Li Yun rushing out of Huangsha, without a trace of weakness on his face.

That chest was still bleeding.

However, he seemed to feel no pain.

“Are you even conscious?”

Zhuge Mingyang murmured, the sudden intentional surge in the eyes, the power of ash-gray’s False God, gushing like a tide, turning into a sky-covering hand, suspended in the air, exuding a world extinguishing demon might!

“Divine Art!”

Ning Minghe’s eyes fluttered, and he quickly looked towards Liu Mu, saying, “He’s already killing his heart, won’t he stop him?”

Liu Mu looked towards Li Yun, said solemnly: “If he has been demonized, killing him is the smartest choice.”

Ning Minghe went silent.

“Li Yun, don’t wake up again, don’t blame me ruthless!”

Zhuge Mingyang suddenly shouted.

But instead of waking up, Li Yun was even more crazy.

With a loud noise, the blue light sword appeared.

He grabbed the blue light sword, the power of False God and blood qi surged out, desperately recovering.

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