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Qin Feiyang stepped out, one after another invisible power immediately Roaring at the Vast Sky, exuding aura like world extinguishing.

——Returning Ruins four styles!

At first, Divine Art evolved, and we can see how much he fears Fire Dragon.

Hong long!

The invisible force rolled away and blasted on the giant tail of Fire Dragon.


A loud noise exploded in this place, deafening.

Followed by.

The giant tail of the Fire Dragon, Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood crushed the invisible force, and there was no blocking force at all.


Under the strikes of the Returning Ruins four styles, the giant tail of Fire Dragon did not even lose a scale.

“Is this the Divine Body?”

Qin Feiyang spit out blood, trembling physically and mentally, and retreated.

But this did not hurt his fighting spirit.

On the contrary, he is even more eager for the realm of Battle God!

both of his hands, waving like lightning.

Returning Ruins four styles, evolved again.


After the evolution of Returning Ruins four styles, he made another round of waning moon and scorching sun behind him!

Sun Devouring Moon three styles!


Qin Feiyang growled.

Anger Feiyang.

The 2 big Divine Art trembled the sky, again exploded towards the giant tail of the Fire Dragon.

“It’s useless.”

“In front of the Divine Body of this Eminence, all Divine Art is rotten wood, disable to withstand a single blow!”

Fire Dragon laughed wildly, and the giant tail pressed down fiercely.

Hong long!

2 large Divine Art smashed one after another without any effect, just like rotten wood.


Qin Feiyang spurting blood again.

After being continuously backlashed, his face was completely white.

“did you see that?”

“Without Azure Snow, without Ancient Castle, what are you?”

“You’re nothing, worse than an ant. This Eminence will kill you by just moving your tail.”

Fire Dragon laughed wildly, appearance contempt to the extreme.

“The more so, the more I will not give up.”

“My fighting spirit and battle intent, boundless!”

Qin Feiyang furiously roaring.

Hong long!

Purple Gold Dragon Qi soaring heaven, one divine statue manifested at high altitude.

“Qin Batian!”

Looking at the statue of the divine, in Fire Dragon’s eyes immediately burned a raging fury, directly dropped Qin Feiyang, soaring heaven, the giant tail Divine Force rolled, and patted towards the statue of the divine.

“Ancestor’s might, how can you offend, kill!”

Qin Feiyang growled.

The divine statue raised the broken sword in his hand, a slashing towards giant tail.

铿 clang!


Immediately, sparks 4 splashed.

As if the fireworks exploded, people could not open their eyes.

“Is he Emperor Qin?”

Liu Mu and the others looked at the statue of divine and muttered to himself.

Although they haven’t seen the True Master, they only have to look at this statue of the divine statue, and they can imagine what kind of person he was then.

“Qin Batian, when this Eminence forced you into the 3rd-Layer, today this Eminence kills your descendants, this is the end of offending this Eminence!”

Fire Dragon angry growled, exuding a monstrous hostility.

The giant tail divine light swelled, and with the loud noise of ka-cha, the broken sword cracked every inch.

And the statue of divide, is also disintegrating!

“Isn’t Ancestor’s Supreme Divine Art a rival?”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Do not!

Not Divine Dragon Art, not as good as Fire Dragon!

It is because his cultivation base is not enough to play the real formidable power of Divine Dragon Art!


After the interest rate.

The divine statue and broken sword are completely disintegrated.


Qin Feiyang suddenly saw another fragment of a big slap falling from the sky.

That fragment, the whole body is red.

Is it…

Qin Feiyang looked up suddenly, glancing at the giant tail of Fire Dragon.

Next moment.

He refined God One.

On the giant tail of Fire Dragon, he found a broken dragon scales, and there was a drop of dragon’s blood in the broken place!


The falling fragment is the dragon scales of Fire Dragon!

This also means.

Divine Dragon Art, can hurt Fire Dragon!

This is great news for Qin Feiyang.

“Unexpectedly hurt the dragon scales of this Eminence …”


The Fire Dragon floated high, watching the torn dragon scales on the giant tail, his eyes were incredible, but he was quickly filled with anger.


“Absolutely forgivable!”

“Qin Ba Heavenly …”

“Today, this Eminence will send your descendants to hell and reunite with you!”

Fire Dragon angry roar, Divine Force raging out.

Although it suppresses the cultivation base, Divine Force’s formidable power far exceeds Qin Feiyang.

The square void of several tens of thousands of li, instantly smash and collapse!

The earth, the yellow sand rolling, covering the sky!

“Qin Feiyang, let this Eminence die!”

It sounds like a great bell and shook through the sky.

Divine Force is like a big waterfall pouring down from the sky and heading for Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang pupil flinched and dodged quickly.


He was horrified to find that the aura of Divine Force locked him firmly.

In this case, he could not escape at all.

Because wherever he hides, Divine Force will follow.

Unless you enter Ancient Castle.

But before, he vowed not to use Ancient Castle.

“hong long! ”

He clinched the teeth and turned on the armor.

“Divine Artifact ?”

Fire Dragon raised an eyebrow.

“I only said that I don’t need Azure Snow and Ancient Castle, and I don’t know how to use other Divine Artifacts. This is not a violation of the oath!”

Qin Feiyang cold and severe saying.

“Not counting.”

Fire Dragon shook his head, and the pump was full of disdain, saying, “As long as you do n’t use Azure Snow and Ancient Castle, you can use as many Divine Artifacts as you like, because this Eminence simply is not in your eyes!”

“Don’t be too crazy!”

Qin Feiyang furiously roaring.

The golden light swells in the palm, turns into a golden torrent, goes up against the current, and blasts towards Divine Force!

‘—Return Character Art!

Hong long!

In an instant.

The golden light and Divine Force slammed together at high altitude.

“oh! ”

“In vain!”

Li Yun shook his head and sighed.

The essence of Divine Force and Battle Qi is as different as heaven and earth.

If Divine Force is sky, then Battle Qi is a cricket under the sky.

This is not at a level.

Therefore, once Fire Dragon uses Divine Force, no matter what means Qin Feiyang uses, it cannot be blocked.

But next moment.

He expressed a stay.

I saw golden light and Divine Force, unexpectedly stalemate at high altitude!

“How can this be?”

Not only Li Yun, Ning Minghe was also shocked.

“As far as I know, this is a kind of heaven defying Divine Art mastered by Young Master, called Return Character Art.”

“You can remedy the other way!”

“If Young Master is also Battle God, then I believe that with this Return Character Art alone, Young Master is capable of overpowering Fire Dragon.”

Liu Mu said.

However, the voice did not fall, then Divine Force like a hot knife through butter’s smashed golden light and blasted towards Qin Feiyang.

“Although there are only a few breaths, it is enough to explain that this Return Character Art is extraordinary!”

Li Yun murmured.

Ning Minghe is also nodded and very much agrees.

But at the same time, everyone was worried.

Faced with Fire Dragon’s Divine Force and anger, can Qin Feiyang really hold up?


Look at Qin Feiyang again.

Return Character Art was crushed strongly, and he was severely damaged.

The arm under the armor, torn skin and gaping flesh, blood flows!

Even on his body, blood stains appeared!


The battle intent in his eyes never goes out!

He is telling himself that he cannot lose!

Because once he loses here, everyone around him will die!

Although Divine Force is terrifying, he has an unconvinced heart!


He stepped forward and flew towards the great hall.

Fire Dragon stared blankly, 讥 said with a smile: “You haven’t warmed up yet, you just ran away?”

Qin Feiyang looked at the great hall and turned a deaf ear.

“haha ……”

“Qin Batian, did you see that, this is your descendant …”

“Even this Eminence feels ashamed of you.”

Fire Dragon laughed, expression was full of pride, looked down at Qin Feiyang, and said, “No matter where you escape, it’s a dead end!”

Divine Force, approaching quickly.

A dead aura shrouded Qin Feiyang’s heart.

But without any panic, he landed in front of the gate of the great hall, then turned to watch the rushing Divine Force.


The Divine Force came bombarded.

In a flash, Qin Feiyang stepped forward and disappeared instantly.

——Travel Character Art!

Comparable to teleport!

Hong long!

Divine Force blasted over the gate of the great hall.

But the gate of the great hall didn’t even move.


“You unexpectedly broke your oath!”

Fire Dragon immediately burned in anger.

It thought that Qin Feiyang had hid in Ancient Castle.

“Who said I broke my vow?”

Qin Feiyang’s voice sounded.

Fire Dragon stared blankly. Looking at the sound, I saw Qin Feiyang standing opposite it at this moment?

“When did you come up?”

It looked at Qin Feiyang stupidly.

“Just got up.”

Qin Feiyang coldly said with a smile, looking down at the door towards great hall, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

in fact.

He did this in order to use Fire Dragon’s Divine Force to smash the door of the great hall.

But the door was a bit stronger than expected.

Mysterious person did not lie to him, and it is difficult to enter this great hall.

“So fast?”

“Is it teleportation?”

Fire Dragon was suspicious.

One step disappeared.

This can only be done with teleport.

But this Qin Feiyang is obviously just the cultivation base of Battle Emperor, how can he master the teleportation?

Divine Art!

Yes, it must be some kind of auxiliary Divine Art!

Like Divine Art in Teleportation!

How much heaven defying Divine Art is in the hands of this child?

If this child is also Battle God, then the battle is won …

Think of this!

Fire Dragon cannot help but shivered.

If Qin Feiyang is also Battle God, then this battle might be dead!


“The threat of this child is so great that it even surpasses Qin Batian.”

“It must be removed today, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble in the future!”

Fire Dragon looked cold.


When it moved, it felt like a panic, swept to the front of Qin Feiyang, and the giant tail swept away.

The void here, collapsed on the spot!

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and disappeared again, and the next moment appeared behind Fire Dragon.

He glanced at the collapsed void, his eyes full of longing.

This is the strength of Battle God!

Even though it suppresses the cultivation base, it can also break void with the terrible Divine Body.



While Fire Dragon hadn’t responded yet, he took out Wind God Saber, and full power slashed at Fire Dragon.

铿 clang!

Sparks 4 splash!

A dragon scales, cracks appeared on the spot.

“It is indeed Divine Artifact that gave birth to Artifact Spirit!”

See you.

Qin Feiyang is overjoyed.

Although Wind God Saber has not recovered, its sharpness has not abated.

of course.

If it recovers, it will be more terrifying!

“little bastard, you are courting death !”

Feeling the pain from the back, Fire Dragon was extremely angry, and immediately lifted the giant tail, without turning around, banging directly at Qin Feiyang.

For the powerhouse at Fire Dragon level, the dragon scales are cracked, and it really only has a little pain.

But it is also a shame!

In particular, the opponent is still a small character like Qin Feiyang, which is even more unbearable.

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