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However, just as Qin Feiyang grabbed Heart Demon’s wrist, immediately there was a scene that shocked them.

But I saw Heart Demon’s wrist and broke up on the spot!

But that’s not the point!

Heart Demon is itself a consciousness.

There is no body of flesh and blood.

Collapse is normal.

But under Qin Feiyang’s hand, unexpectedly, like the wrist of Heart Demon, it broke apart!

And there is no blood!

What does this mean?

Explain that now, he is not a body of flesh and blood!


Heart Demon stared blankly at Qin Feiyang’s broken hand.

Qin Feiyang return back to his senses, shake your arm hard.


His entire arm collapsed into a mist.

Looking at this scene, Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “It looks like we are really dead.”

Because this is the best proof.

After death, the body of flesh and blood disappeared.

When Heart Demon heard it, his face was immediately pale and roared, “What the hell is that crystal stone? Why poison us?”

Qin Feiyang also frowned.

“And you.”

“I can’t figure it out, haven’t you ever doubted that mysterious person?”

Heart Demon looked towards Qin Feiyang again.


“But do we have a choice?”


“The entrance to Profound Martial World has disappeared. We can only choose to believe him. This is tantamount to a gambling.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

Heart Demon is silent.

“Frankly, although it was a bit uncomfortable to die like this, I felt relieved.”

“I’m most worried about fatty them now.”

“Can’t leave Profound Martial World, what should they do next?”

Qin Feiyang.

“You, this person, just keep teaching.”

“I can’t take care of myself, and think about others all day.”

Heart Demon glared at him, glanced at all around, said solemnly: “First figure out, is this place hell or heaven?”

“Is it hell or heaven? Does it matter now?”

Qin Feiyang is puzzled.

“Of course it matters.”

“At Human World, we can dominate.”

“In heaven and hell, we can still kill the sky!”

Heart Demon domineering.

“Dead is dead. What do you want to do?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Life is a hero, and death is a ghost, don’t you understand?”

Heart Demon glanced at him, his murderous intention flickered, and he waved, “Go!”


Qin Feiyang hurriedly.

Heart Demon said, “I don’t know, look around!”

Two people found a direction casually, and went away step by step.

“Yi! ”

“Without a cultivation base, can we unexpectedly still walk in void?”

Heart Demon is surprised.

“We are ghosts now, what’s so weird?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“You still laughed?”

Heart Demon frowned.

“When a person dies, the light goes out. What else can’t be turned on?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“I will not be reconciled.”

Heart Demon coldly snorted.


Between the clouds and fog in front, there is a weak rays of light through one strand.


Two people looked simultaneously, and flew over quickly.


rays of light are increasingly dazzling.

And as they approached, they sensed one after another.

“Is it possible that this heaven and hell and Divine Artifact?”

Two people were surprised.

After a while.

Two people flew from the clouds, immediately as if the clouds were out of sight, a picture that shocked the two people was presented in front of them.

I saw the void in front, floating with pieces of Divine Weapon sharp weapon of different sizes.

There are Battle Sword, Battle Blade, Battle Halberd, Battle Axe!

There are long spears, bows and arrows, daggers, sticks and wait a minute.

In short.

All the weapons in the world are here.

Densely packed, you can’t see the end.

Every weapon exudes divine light.

Qin Feiyang two people flew around all the way, looking at the pieces of Divine Artifact, their faces were incredible.

At last.

They made a slight estimate that at least a few 10000 of these Divine Artifacts were in front of them.

Several 10000 pieces of Divine Artifact!

What concept is this?

Although is Qin Feiyang, my breathing has become short and my body is shaking.

This is simply a scary God’s Storehouse!

“What the hell is this?”

Heart Demon grabbed his back and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

“Who the hell knows.”

Qin Feiyang shrugged.

Heart Demon looked at those Divine Weapon moments and said, “Let’s break up and go all around and see if there’s anything else.”

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The two people parted now and shuttled in the clouds.


Qin Feiyang saw another shocking picture.

A void, floating on 10000 jade slip.

Every jade slip exudes a dim divine light, which is all Divine Art.

at the same time.

Heart Demon is also in a void, and found countless pill furnaces!

These pill furnaces are also Divine Level pill furnaces.

two people keep looking.


Qin Feiyang also found clusters of Divine Level Pill Fire, available in a variety of colors, with a total of 10000.

Heart Demon has also found many medical ingredients.

And they are the most cherished medical ingredients, such as Good Fortune Fruit, Divine Soul Fruit wait a minute.

There are even many medicinal ingredients that he has never seen before.


They also found a mountain of gold as high as ten thousand zhang, and countless Divine Pill wait a minute.

“What the hell is this? Unexpectedly there are so many treasures and divide objects?”

At last.

When the two people found Divine Weapon, they met with horror on their faces and eyes.

After a long time.

Heart Demon just took it easy and looked at Qin Feiyang. “Are you sure this is heaven and hell?”

“Hell, I don’t look like it, as for heaven …”

Qin Feiyang glanced at some of those Divine Weapon, said with a smile: “Don’t say that, here really has several points of heaven.”

Heart Demon said: “That is to say, these divide objects and treasures are both of us?”

“We are all like this, what do we need these treasures and divide objects?”

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly.

To replace it with before, he would surely promptly pull out the heaven and earth bag and pack it all up.

but now.

At most he was shocked, he didn’t care too much.

“You are farting.”

“I said before that life is a hero and death is a ghost. The divide object and treasure here are our capital.

“Ma Liu, hurry up.”

Heart Demon urged, flew to a Divine Artifact, and reached out to grab.

Qin Feiyang frowned, stepping forward to stop Heart Demon, and said, “Do you think these things are still useful to us now?”


Heart Demon raised an eyebrow.

“It’s all here, why can’t you look away?”

“Moreover, you don’t feel that so many divide objects and treasures are a bit unreal?”

Qin Feiyang.

“They’re right there, aren’t they real enough?”

Heart Demon exasperated.


Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “I always feel that what we see does not seem to be true.”


“So many Divine Artifacts, replaced by anyone, will think they are dreaming.”

“But it happens, these all are true.”

Heart Demon.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked at Divine Weapon in void and suddenly waved.


A scene that made Heart Demon unacceptable.

Divine Weapon in void turned out to collapse in succession, and finally all disappeared invisible.

“There is a problem!”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

“Who’s fucking in the dark, get out of here!”

Heart Demon return back to his senses.

“Ha ha.”

A childish laughter suddenly sounded behind two people.

The two people were so nervous that they turned around and looked around, and saw a little boy standing behind them.

This little boy, only 3 or 4 years old, is wearing a small red bellyband with a golden bell hanging around his neck.

The face is chubby, pink and tender.

A pair of big dark eyes, blinking, quite cute.


There was a deep sense in his eyebrows, looking like an Old Antique that has lived for countless years.

“You are who?”

Qin Feiyang watched the child alertly.

The little boy looked at the two people for a moment, and grinned with a smile: “I’m the master here.”

“Master here?”

Qin Feiyang two people looked simultaneously, glanced at all around void, looked at the little boy suspiciously, and asked, “Where is this place?”

“You don’t care about this.”

“I came out to tell you, congratulations, you passed the test.”

Said the little boy.


Qin Feiyang two people stumbled.

The little boy glanced at Heart Demon and looked at Qin Feiyang. “Exactly, you passed the test.”

Qin Feiyang 愣怔, said: “What test?”

“The test of greed.”

“The living creature in the world has a fatal flaw, which is greed.”

“Greedy is endless and it is nature.”

“Like you human.”

“What you start pursuing is just a little bit of wealth. You can feed your family, but when you get these wealth, you want more wealth.”

“So the divine object and treasure that appeared before you are testing you.”

Said the little boy.

“It turned out to be the case.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized.

“Wait a minute.”

“You said ‘you human’ just now, aren’t you human?”

Heart Demon is suspicious.

Little boy frowns saying: “I’m just a parable, what are you doing with this?”

Heart Demon pouting.

Qin Feiyang looked at the little boy and asked, “What if we were not tested just now?”

“how about it?”

The little boy grinned and said, “You two will disappear. Do you know what disappears? It is death.”

“We are all dead, afraid to die again?”

Heart Demon disdains.

The boy said, “How do you know that you are dead?”

Heart Demon stared blankly, frowns saying: “What do you mean?”

“Your fleshhy body has indeed disappeared, but your consciousness is not all good now?”

“As long as your consciousness is still there, you are not dead.”

Said the little boy.

“not dead?”

Qin Feiyang two people looked at each other in blank dismay.

“If you connect before, if you have not tested, then your two consciousness will be wiped out by ruthless.”

After the little boy said, looked towards Heart Demon, “You should be glad that your true body stopped you before and did not let you encounter those Divine Artifacts. Otherwise, the consciousness of you two has been wiped out.”

Heart Demon heard it, and couldn’t help but be afraid.

Qin Feiyang looked at Heart Demon said with a smile: “I’ll just say, you can’t just look at the surface.”

“You’re hitting by mistake, what are you proud of?”

Heart Demon coldly snorted.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, turning one’s head looked towards the little boy, and said, “I still don’t understand, even if we are still conscious, but as you said, our fleshhy body has disappeared. Without fleshhy body, how can we survive?”

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