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Liu Mu and the others in Ancient Castle looked surprised at Qin Feiyang.

But more is joy.

These days, worrying about the safety of Qin Feiyang, they have been in a state of being very scared and on edge.

If they were not firm enough, they would have collapsed.


Seeing Qin Feiyang come out alive at this moment, they couldn’t help it.


What followed was also full of doubts.

How did this Qin Feiyang come out?

To know.

Not only Zhuge Mingyang, but they are also staring at the gate of the great hall.

From beginning to end, the door has not been opened!

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Qin Feiyang in the picture and raised an eyebrow: “No, he is not Little Qinzi, it is Heart Demon.”

“Listening to that laughter, Fat Master already knew it was Heart Demon.”

“However, since Heart Demon appears, Boss must be fine.”

Fatty said with a smile.

Everyone is nodded.


Zhuge Mingyang looked at Heart Demon and frowns saying, “When did you come out?”

“Just now!”

Heart Demon.


Zhuge Mingyang’s brow tightened.

Is this guy coming out of the transmission gate?

But desert, it seems that the transmission gate cannot be opened.

And Qin Feiyang is now a useless person and cannot open the transmission gate.

at this time.

Heart Demon is all around, without aura of cultivation base, like an ordinary person.

He naturally made fun of Zhuge Mingyang on purpose.

“Is it unexpected?”

“You stay outside, nothing more than you think you can kill me a completely unprepared, but the result is not incapable, are you now extremely annoyed?”

Heart Demon 讥 said with a smile.


“I’m very hot now.”

“But you answer me, can you withstand my anger in your current state?”

Zhuge Mingyang sneered, carrying a horrible demon might, and killed Heart Demon.

“Save Young Master!”

Ning Minghe shouted.

As soon as Liu Mu waved his hand, Ning Minghe, Cui Li, Li Yun, and Liu Mu himself, immediately appeared over Heart Demon.

Follow closely.

The four people imposing manner were fully open, and the force of False God rolled out, rushing towards Zhuge Mingyang.

“It’s best to come out, so I don’t have to clean up each and everyone!”

Zhuge Mingyang laughed wildly, the power of ash-gray’s False God emerged, Roaring at the Vast Sky.

Hong long!

The power of Liu Mu four people’s False God shattered on the spot.

The four people turned pale and quickly looked towards Heart Demon, saying: “Young Master, go to Ancient Castle!”

Heart Demon turned a deaf ear, jié jié smiled and waved his hand.

Hong long!

The sky.

A terrible power of law fell suddenly.

“this is……”

Liu Mu four people was shocked.

How does Young Master manipulate power of Law?

Zhuge Mingyang looked at the Power of Law with a look of horror.

what happened?

What did he get inside the great palace?


Power of Law fell, and Aura locked Zhuge Mingyang firmly. Wherever Zhuge Mingyang fled, where did power of Law follow?

That horrible aura makes his fleshhy body constantly crack, and blood flow is like a note!

at the crucial moment.

Zhuge Mingyang enters Space Divine Object.

There was a loud bang, power of Law blasted on the Space Divine Object, but not at all blasted the Space Divine Object.

“Young Master, you …”

Liu Mu four people flew to Heart Demon with a look of horror.

“Back away!”

But before the four people had finished speaking, Heart Demon was coldly shouted, glancing at where Zhuge Mingyang disappeared, and the expression was extremely hazy.


four people quickly retreated behind Heart Demon.

Heart Demon said with a malicious smile: “Come out, what’s the point of hiding?”


Zhuge Mingyang appeared on the opposite side of void, said solemnly: “What exactly did you get? Unexpectedly can control Gods Vestige’s power of Law.”


“I do not control the power of Law of Gods Vestige, but the power of Law of Profound Martial World.”

Heart Demon.

“Profound Martial World’s power of Law …”

“Do you have Profound Martial World now?”

Zhuge Mingyang’s face was incredible.


Heart Demon nodded.

“How can this be?”

Zhuge Mingyang growled.

Heart Demon waved his hand, another power of law fell, said with a sneer: “Isn’t this the best proof?”

“Will not……”

Zhuge Mingyang looked at power of Law and shook his head frantically.

But Liu Mu several people were very excited.

Profound Martial World unexpectedly fell into the hands of the Young Master?

Does that mean that the Young Master can help them with Demon Imprint now?

Not to mention Demon Imprint, to say that this Profound Martial World is controlled by the Young Master is also a gratifying thing.

“I do not believe!”

Zhuge Mingyang growled suddenly, Battle Soul Bone Dragon Roaring at the Vast Sky, with Innate Divine Ability, baring fangs and brandishing claws towards Qin Feiyang.

“Young Master, be careful!”

Liu Mu hastily shouted.

Heart Demon sneered, power of Law exploded towards Bone Dragon.

Hong long!

Bone Dragon wailed and shattered on the spot.


Zhuge Mingyang also spit out angry blood, his face turned pale.

“Come on, kill me!”

But Zhuge Mingyang was even more crazy, regardless of the injury, and flew towards Heart Demon.

“I don’t believe it, you really aren’t dead Inextinuishable!”

Heart Demon’s blood eyes were cold.


Along with a brilliant dragon roar, a Purple Gold Divine Dragon rushed out from behind him.

“this is……”

“Purple Gold Dragon Soul!”

Liu Mu four people were stunned.

Zhuge Mingyang also stared at it.

Qin Feiyang has not lost the cultivation base, but how can he start Battle Soul?

“Emperor’s Divine Prison!”

Heart Demon suddenly shouted.

A monstrous dragon might and Emperor’s might burst out in this film between Heaven and Earth.

A Divine Prison, appeared immediately.

“It’s Innate Divine Ability …”

“He did not lose the cultivation base …”

Zhuge Mingyang murmured and shouted, “You bastard, unexpectedly lie to me, despicable, shameless!”

“Lie to you?”

“It’s really not necessary.”

Heart Demon contempt smiled, Divine Prison fell, and Zhuge Mingyang was immediately imprisoned in void, unable to move.


Heart Demon shouted to Liu Mu four people: “At once, kill him!”


The four people answered respectfully. Immediately, they carried a monstrous Murderous intention and ran towards Zhuge Mingyang.

“Kill me?”

“Just by you?”

Zhuge Mingyang smiled proudly, a terrible demon might burst out.

Emperor’s Divine Prison, was torn apart!

“Qin Feiyang, the future is long, let’s see!”

Zhuge Mingyang gloomily smiled, without love, immediately entered the Space Divine Object and drove the Space Divine Object away.

Heart Demon releases Divine Sense and pounces on Space Divine Object.

“It’s Divine Sense!”

“We didn’t dream!”

“Young Master’s cultivation base, really restored!”

Liu Mu four people overjoyed.


Heart Demon’s Divine Sense locked the Space Divine Object, then took a step forward, and it was immediately in front of Space Divine Object.

“This speed is faster than teleportation!”

Ning Minghe said in surprise.

“You don’t understand then, Young Master controls Profound Martial World. Anywhere, he can come with just a thought.”

Liu Mu said with a smile.

Hearing, Ning Minghe could not help but grin.

Not only restored the cultivation base, but also got Profound Martial World. Such destiny and chance are really envious of others!

“Where can you go in my World?”

Heart Demon looked at the Space Divine Object with ridicule in his eyes.


One after another power of Law kept falling, forming a cage of several ten zhang, trapping the Space Divine Object.

Bang bang bang!

Zhuge Mingyang, driving Space Divine Object, crashed into the cage frantically.


Although his Space Divine Object can carry the strikes of power of law, he cannot defeat the power of law.


Although Zhuge Mingyang is stuck, Heart Demon’s face is also a bit ugly.

Because according to the current situation, he now does not at all break the ability of the Space Divine Object.

Unable to break the Space Divine Object, there is no way to kill Zhuge Mingyang.

Liu Mu four people flew over and looked at Heart Demon and said, “Young Master, should you try Ancient Castle?”

“Ancient Castle …”

Heart Demon’s eyes flickered, nodded and said: “Okay, at once call me all the False God!”

“it is good.”

Liu Mu responded, and immediately entered Ancient Castle.

Not a moment.

Nether Sovereign, married woman of Li Yun, Zhao Tailai, and Great Deacon and the others in Space Divine Object of Ling Yunfei all appeared with Liu Mu.

“See Young Master.”

More than 100 False Gods, saluted with their bows.

Heart Demon shouted: “Resurrect Ancient Castle, smash his Space Divine Object!”


Everyone answered respectfully.


The voice has not fallen.

Zhuge Mingyang appeared in the prison cage, with a look of anxiety on his face, and said, “Brother Qin, really want to kill to the last one?”


“Finally afraid?”

“It looks like we expected. Your immortal Demon Art is only useful to me.”

“In other words.”

“I kill you, no matter how many times you kill, you will be resurrected, but if you kill someone else, you will disappear completely!”

Heart Demon sneered.

Zhuge Mingyang heard the expression, and the expression sank a little, saying, “didn’t expect to be recognized by you so soon.”


Heart Demon.

“So I must die in your hands, because only then will I become stronger.”

“Conveniently in passing, I’ll tell you again, and if I die again, I can step into Battle God!”

Zhuge Mingyang laughed again and again.

“You have no chance.”

Heart Demon’s eyes were cold, and a power of Law crashed down, passed through the cage, exploded towards Zhuge Mingyang.

Zhuge Mingyang disappeared in an instant.


Hong long!

power of Law, even when exposed to the exposed Space Divine Object.

A devastating wave erupted like a volcano.

The cage was shattered.

As soon as the cage was smashed, Zhuge Mingyang appeared at lightning speed, rushing towards Heart Demon at an amazing speed.

“Stop him, don’t let him approach me!”

Heart Demon shouted.

Ning Minghe group of people at once advancing.

Liu Mu even used Ancient Castle as a slab and shot it towards Zhuge Mingyang.

“Just because they want to stop me?”

Zhuge Mingyang laughed loudly. Divine light surged at his feet. The speed unexpectedly rose sharply several times. He easily passed Liu Mu and the others and rushed to Heart Demon. One fist exploded towards Heart Demon’s head.

This suddenly skyrocketed several times and Lianxin Demon Capital did not respond.

He instinctively raised his arm, one fist greeted the fist of Zhuge Mingyang, and the power of False God growled.

Zhuge Mingyang showed a scheming smile and let go of fist and rushed forward to die.

“Not good !”

Heart Demon return back to his senses.

See you.

Zhuge Mingyang coldly said with a smile, grabbed Heart Demon’s wrist, exhausted full power, and patted his own heart.

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