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Gods Vestige’s 2nd-Layer is a place full of crisis, but also a place full of opportunities.

In less than half an hour, Qin Feiyang was on his way and saw no less than 1000 precious medicinal ingredients.

It was just a flash.

If you go out and look carefully, you will undoubtedly find more.

Fire Python hovered aside, staring at the picture in void, and never said a word, in the Murderous intention.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced at it, said with a smile: “Relax, Fire Dragon will die sooner or later.”

Fire Python angrily said: “This Sovereign really can’t figure it out, father is so good to it, how can it do this kind of thing without conscience?”

“Whether it is us human or you Vicious Beast, there are always many such scums.”

“You are because of the all year round’s passage and not much Vicious Beast, so it is difficult to accept Fire Dragon’s move.”

“But for me, it’s taken for granted.”

Qin Feiyang.


Fire Python nodded.



What it seems to be thinking, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, suspiciously: “You cousin brother said before, 3 40 days outside, Three-four hundred days in Ancient Castle, what does this mean?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “It means, one day outside, Ancient Castle ten days.”


Fire Python was shocked, eyes full of shock, saying, “Are you sure you are not kidding?”

“Do you think I am joking?”

Qin Feiyang.

Fire Python carefully looked at Qin Feiyang, shook his head and said, “It’s not like it, but it’s too incredible, where did your Ancient Castle come from and actually have Time Array?”

“Do you know Time Array?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“According to my father, some peerless characters have the power of heaven to lay out an array.”

“This array can change time.”

Fire Python.

Qin Feiyang asks, “Does the creator of Gods Vestige have this ability?”

“What do you say?”

Fire Python smiled.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Even places like Profound Martial World and Gods Vestige can be created. What is the significant time array for the creator?

Fire Python said: “You haven’t said, where did you get this Ancient Castle?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “This is an elder of mine, it was given to me.”

“A gift from the elder?”

“Is that you Ancestor?”

Fire Python was surprised.


Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Fire Python stuns.

In its view, only Ancestor of Qin Feiyang has this ability.

But didn’t expect, unexpectedly is someone else.

Does this person, like Qin Batian, be a world-famous person who carries through ancient and modern times?

This child is not easy!


A dazzling look.

2 months have passed.


East of the land of water.

That morning, ten rounds of the sun rose, and a group of people majestic came from the distant place.

False God’s is a deer head and mouse eyes, a short, extremely wretched middle-aged man.

Behind him, there are about 2 people, male and female, old and young.

But without exception, they all have the cultivation base of 9-Star Battle Emperor.

Even most people, the cultivation base reaches Peak Realm!

“Wait a minute!”


Among the crowd, a Peak Realm’s 9-Star Battle Emperor, his eyes lightly trembled, stopped, and glanced at the water front.


Everyone was surprised and wary.

The human said: “Look at the earth ahead, unexpectedly there are shrubs and weeds.”

Everyone set their eyes on it and found that unexpectedly there really is.

“In Gods Vestige, there is only vegetation where there is water.”

“So it seems that there should be a source of water ahead.”

Humane headed.

“The Land of Water!”

“Hurry up, let’s get over.”

“The source of water has a lot of divide objects and medicinal ingredients!”

A group of people immediately cheered up and scrambled towards the land of water after terror.

Although Qin Feiyang destroyed the water source at the beginning, not at all destroyed the Essence of Sunflower Water wait a minute hidden in the ground.

and so.

Over 2 months, a lot of life has been restored here.

Look at the group of people who are rushing towards the source of water, the middle-aged man headed by it, with a cold light in their eyes.

But soon, he covered up and chased after a group of people.


A group of people came to the edge of the water source and glanced at the lively land in front of them, eyes full of surprise.

The headed person stepped into the water source, and the temperature cooled down and refreshed as soon as he turned one’s head looked towards a group of people said with a smile: “It really is the water source.”


Others have also entered the land of water.


The headed man frowned gradually again.

“But what?”

The crowd stared blankly and looked at him suspiciously.

“You didn’t find that this water source land is different from the water source land we have encountered before?”

Man headed by road.


Everyone was suspicious.

The headed man bent down, grabbed a weed, and uprooted, and said, “Look, this weed is obviously just growing.”

“It really is.”

Everyone looked at the weed in the man’s hand and was surprised.

“If you look at the other weeds and shrubs on the ground, they have just grown.”

“In addition, you didn’t find that this water source did not even have a big tree with thick arms, all of which were small saplings.”

“Isn’t this strange?”

The headed man glanced at the water source, his brows tightened.

“It’s strange!”

Hearing this person say, other people glanced at the source of the water, but also confused.

“Actually very easy to explain.”

The headed man smiled suddenly, differently said.


Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

“It can be seen from the growth of these plants that there was a terrible battle here 2 or 3 months ago.”

“Fighting, destroyed the original water source.”

Man headed by road.

“It makes sense.”

Everyone is nodded.

“But who is fighting here?”

The headed man frowned, looking up towards the depths of the Waterland.


He looked up suddenly, looked towards ten thousand zhang high empty.

There was a dark stone gate floating there!

The headed man was startled and quickly said: “Hurry up, there is a stone gate.”

Everyone looked up, their eyes shook at the moment.

Someone said immediately: “Is that the passage to Gods Vestige 2nd-Layer?”


Someone shook his head and was pretty sure.

“Why do you say such a thing?”

Everyone looks at that person.

“Before leaving, Imperial Preceptor and Sir Emperor Hong told us that the 2nd-Layer’s passage is located on a giant peak shaped like a palm in Southwest.”

“Although we are in a good position now, not at all see the giant peak.”

“It turns out that it’s not passage.”

That humane.

“What is not passage?”

Everyone is confused.

The man groaned a little and proposed: “Let’s take a closer look?”


Everyone is nodded.

A group of people immediately flooded towards the stone gate.


But the headed man suddenly shouted.

The crowd stopped abruptly, turning one’s head and looked at the man suspiciously.

The headed man glanced at the stone gate, said solemnly: “It’s weird here, so be careful.”

“What weird?”

“Why didn’t we find out?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Sixth Sense!”

The headed man glanced deep into the source of water, said solemnly: “Since entering this source of water, I have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart.”

“No way!”

“None of us!”

“It must be your heart.”

Everyone said with a smile.


The headed man laughed in the dark.


He found a boulder on the edge of 100 li outside on the left.

There seemed to be a few words engraved on the boulder.


A suspicion crawled in his eyes, turned into a stream of light, and swept to the front of the boulder.

Don’t break into 4 words, immediately come into view.

Seeing this, the 2 people followed each other, and when they saw the four words on the boulder, pump couldn’t help shrinking.

Is this water source really dangerous?

“You must not break into …”

The headed man murmured and looked towards the depths of the water.


His body was lightly trembled, his eyes regained, and he looked again towards the four words on the boulder.

Immediately !

He stared at him.

This handwriting …

The unexpectedly is exactly the same as the Young Master’s handwriting!

“How did Young Master’s handwriting appear here?”

“Is this what Young Master left behind?”

The headed man murmured, skeptical of 10000 points.

You can see Qin Feiyang’s handwriting, and call Qin Feiyang as Young Master, and this person’s identity was revealed naturally.

It’s Yan Wei!

“You must not break into …”

“What does Young Master leave these 4 words for …”

Yan Wei is full of doubts.

“what happened to you?”

“Expression is so strange?”

One of the 9-Star Battle Emperor walked to Yan Wei, suspiciously.

“it’s okay no problem.”

Yan Wei waved his hand, adjusted his mindset, and looked up again towards the high-level stone gate.

stone gate ……

Don’t break into …

The thought in his head moved at a high speed.


There was an imperceptible smile in his eyes, so that’s how it is.

The stone gate is definitely a 2nd-Layer passage.

Young Master must have already entered 2nd-Layer.

The Young Master left these 4 words, it is definitely to remind the people around him that there is danger in front, do not approach.

Yan Wei eyes flashed, looked towards everyone, said with a smile: “I can already be sure that the stone gate is not a 2nd-Layer passage, I think it is a divide object.”

“Divine object!”

Everyone looked towards stone gate.

An old man said suspiciously: “Since it’s Divine Artifact, then there should be divine power, but the old man didn’t sense any divine power.”

“Some Divine Artifacts look unpretentious, but they are a very Divine Artifact that is extremely heaven-defying.”

“This stone gate, I think, should be that type of Divine Artifact.”

Yan Wei said with a smile.

“Listen to you saying this…”

Everyone thought.

“For the sake of fairness, whoever wins first, belongs to whoever!”

Yan Wei shouted, without giving these people any time to think, and immediately moved away toward the stone gate.

See you.

Others were afraid that the stone gate would fall into the hands of Yan Wei, and started the auxiliary battle art one after another, rushing towards the stone gate.

Yan Wei only has the cultivation base of 6-Star Battle Emperor, while the lowest is 9-Star Battle Emperor.

But in the blink of an eye.

They passed Yan Wei and left Yan Wei far behind.

In this regard.

Yan Wei was angry, but deep in his eyes, there was a sneer that was not noticed by others.

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