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Bang bang bang!

Clang! !

Two people are constantly fighting while they are faster.

Every encounter between Wind God Saber and the dagger will cause a sharp spark.

The ability to confront Wind God Saber with no signs of break is enough to show that this dagger in the hands of Underworld Palace Palace Lord is also a Divine Artifact.

And similar to the grade of Divine Phoenix knife.

Clang clang clang !

About mo breathed past.


With a groaning sound, Qin Feiyang and Underworld Palace Palace Lord were almost at the same time, manifested in void.

Two people stand opposite each other.

Qin Feiyang grabbed Wind God Saber.

The blade of Wind God Saber has already fallen into the heart of Underworld Palace Palace Lord, and blood is dripping down the blade.

Underworld Palace Palace Lord had his arms down, and the dagger was still in his hand.

He looked at Qin Feiyang, and even though his life was at stake, his expression remained unchanged.

“you lose.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Yes, I lost.”

Underworld Palace Palace Lord replied.

“Acknowledge allegiance me.”

Qin Feiyang.


Underworld Palace Palace Lord.

“My strength is better than you, and I can help you lift Demon Imprint.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Release Demon Imprint?”

Underworld Palace Palace Lord’s eyes were lightly trembled, the expression that never changed, finally changed.


Hearing Qin Feiyang’s words, the middle-aged purple clothed and Vice Palace Lord and the others were also surprised by 10000 points.

Didn’t you get it wrong?

Can Qin Feiyang unexpectedly lift Demon Imprint?

“Your cultivation base has reached 10th-Stage. Once Demon Imprint is eliminated, at once you can step into the real Battle God Realm.”

“Who wants to be one Battle God today?”

“You have this opportunity, but it depends on whether you want to cherish it?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.

Underworld Palace Palace Lord was silent, gazing into Qin Feiyang’s eyes, as if watching whether Qin Feiyang had cheated him.

“Don’t listen to Palace Lord.”

“He couldn’t possibly have that ability.”

Vice Palace Lord suddenly said.


“Python once told us personally that only creators and Beast God in this world can access Demon Imprint.”

purple clothed middle-aged shouted.

But Underworld Palace Palace Lord turned a deaf ear and kept staring at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “I don’t want to say too much, how to choose all depends on you.”

Underworld Palace Palace Lord suddenly suddenly retreated.

The knife wound on the heart, blood spewed out.

“It seems this is your choice.”

Qin Feiyang waved Wind God Saber, exuding overflowing heaven murderous aura, slashing towards Underworld Palace Palace Lord.

blade glow sweeps the sky!

Underworld Palace Palace Lord flickered and disappeared instantly.

“Let’s go up and give the Palace Lord a chance!”

Roar of Vice Palace Lord.

Bang!! !

Ten people attacked again, and the terrifying Divine Art shook the heavens.


However, it is at this time.

Underworld Palace Palace Lord suddenly appeared beside the purple clothed middle-aged.

“Be careful!”

Mu Tianyang complexion changed, quickly shouted.

“What are you careful?”

purple clothed middle-aged and the others puzzled.

However, the next moment made an incredible group of people appear. I saw Underworld Palace Palace Lord, grabbing a dagger and piercing the purple clothed belly.


purple clothed middle-aged immediately miserable howl.

“Scoundrel, what do you do?”

The 4 princes roared, raised their arms at the same time, and posed for the Underworld Palace Palace Lord.

The Underworld Palace Palace Lord pulled out the dagger, and instantly appeared outside the several li, expressing the indifference as usual.

The 4 princes hurriedly protected the purple clothed middle-aged behind him.

“Palace Lord, what do you do?”

Vice Palace Lord, and the bears Elder and the others, looked at the Underworld Palace Palace Lord in horror.

“hmph! ”

At this time.

Mu Tianyang coldly snorted, stepped beside the purple clothed middle-aged one step, looked at the situation of purple clothed middle-aged, and then looked towards Vice Palace Lord and the others, saying: “This is not already obvious, he is ready to turn to Qin Feiyang . “


“Palace Lord, shouldn’t you really trust Qin Feiyang’s nonsense!”

Bear Elder asked with a wink in his eyes.

Underworld Palace Palace Lord remained silent.

Vice Palace Lord angered: “Palace Lord, have you forgotten? Qin Feiyang was on the spot for our Underworld Palace? Second Elder was also Self-destruction, and you unexpectedly returned to him, it was so disappointing to us!”


“If it weren’t for the Second Elder Self-destruction, all of us would have died in his hands. Such blood is in deep hatred, wouldn’t it be so?”

Roared Underworld Palace Great Elder.

Third Elder, Fourth Elder, and Bear Elder are also indignant.

Bear Elder is Fifth Elder of Underworld Palace.


Several people were ordered to seize Liu Mu, but they were counterattacked. It was Second Elder Self-destruction that allowed them to escape alive.

They have always been resentful about this.

But Underworld Palace Palace Lord never said a word.

The unknowing man thought he was a dumb man!

“You guys, the Palace Lord is determined, don’t persuade.”

Vice Palace Lord looked at a few Great Elders, and then looked towards Underworld Palace Palace Lord, saying: “Palace Lord, this is the last time I called you Palace Lord, from now on, you are no longer our leader of Underworld Palace. “

“Vice Palace Lord, this is too sloppy, Palace Lord may be confused for a while, then advise!”

Bear Elder hurried.

“Don’t you see him? He’s already determined to follow Qin Feiyang. What’s the use of persuasion?”

Roared Vice Palace Lord.

Bear Elder’s eyes trembled.

“From now on, I am the Palace Lord of Underworld Palace, and you all have to heed this Highness order.”

Vice Palace Lord.


Several Great Elder simultaneously looked.


“Not convinced?”

Vice Palace Lord eyebrow raised.

“Don’t dare.”

Several Great Elders quickly bowed their heads, said.

“Just rest assured, this Highness will never betray Underworld Palace like he did.”

“Second Elder’s blood is in deep hatred, and this Highness will definitely find Qin Feiyang settling accounts!”

Vice Palace Lord murderous aura.

A few Great Elders again simultaneously looked and smiled, bowing: “Subordinate, see Palace Lord.”

“haha ……”

Vice Palace Lord towards the sky smiled, looked at Underworld Palace Palace Lord, and said, “Tang Hai, from now on, we are the enemy, hello.”

“It turned out he was Tang Hai.”

Qin Feiyang murmured, turning one’s head and glanced at Tang Hai.

For this person, only two words can be used to describe it, deep.

prior to.

This person suddenly retreated and he thought that this person would continue to fight with him.

He had all planned to kill this person.

But didn’t expect, this person started silently on purple clothed middle-aged.

And now.

Vice Palace Lord again in front of this person, robbed the Palace Lord of Underworld Palace, this has to be replaced by others, already acting violently, take action against Vice Palace Lord.

But this person is indifferent and has not moved at all, which makes people completely confusing. What is he thinking?


Seeing Tang Hai ’s move, Qin Feiyang should be happy.

But he is happy now not raise.

Even Tang Hai was more vigilant.

The reason is that he cannot see through Tang Hai.

He didn’t know, Tang Hai really wanted to follow him? Or act in front of him, paralyze him, then sneak attack him?

So much so that he didn’t dare to move now.

The scene, caught in a deathly stillness!


Tang Hai disappeared again, in an instant, and fell beside the Vice Palace Lord, and the dagger ruthlessly submerged into the Qi Sea of ​​the Vice Palace Lord.


With a miserable howl, Vice Palace Lord’s cultivation base was also scrapped on the spot.

The bear Elder quickly helped Vice Palace Lord.

Vice Palace Lord glanced at the wound on the lower abdomen, and immediately flustered and exasperated growled: “See if you don’t see it, even me, he started, he has completely betrayed us!”

The bear Elder roared, “Tang Hai, you scoundrel, we will break with you!”

Qin Feiyang looked at Tang Hai, and the pump light flashed.


He stepped out, twisted Wind God Saber, and killed a group of people in Mu Tianyang.

“Qin Feiyang, I and you are irreconcilable until death!”

Underworld Palace Third Elder sternly shouted, as if one wild wild beast rushed towards Qin Feiyang.


Next moment.

His fleshhy body exploded in void.

A wave of world extinguishing qi wave immediately emerged, hiding the sky and covering the earth in all directions!

Qin Feiyang’s face suddenly changed.

Mu Tianyang, the four princes, is middle-aged in purple clothed, and is also terrified.

Even the bears Elder and the others at Underworld Palace, including Tang Hai, did not expect Third Elder to be a Self-destruction fleshy body.

A group of people were killed a completely unprepared!

The devastating Aura, drowned them in an instant.

After Qin Feiyang return back to his senses, immediately opened the armor and turned away.

With the double defense of armor and Battle Character Art, coupled with Travel Character Art, he was quickly out of danger.

Tang Hai once again showed that weird speed, disappearing like lightning.

at the same time.

Mu Tianyang did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately took the four princes, the middle-aged purple clothed, and the people of Underworld Palace into the Space Divine Object.

But in the blink of an eye, there isn’t even a ghost shadow here.

Only Ancient Castle and Blood Blade are fighting in the sky.

Hong long long !

Ka-cha !

This is not the first time Self-destruction by False God.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

void An annihilation.

The earth is even more fragmented.

There was a terrible atmosphere in the air.

distant place.

Qin Feiyang stood in void, eyes full of fear.

Even with the double defense of armor and Battle Character Art, he is also covered with blood.

“I’ve never believed in anyone. This is the first time. Don’t let me down.”


A cold voice sounded behind him.

Qin Feiyang shivered, turning one’s head quickly, and saw Tang Hai standing 3 meters behind him at this moment.

expression, like dead God One, reveals a ruthless cold!

This distance is enough for Tang Hai to end a person’s life instantly.

And at the moment.

Tang Hai was also scarred, like a blood man.

The mask on his face was also fragmented, but it was not completely broken, and he could not see his true appearance.

“Thank you for your trust. I swear on behalf of Ancestor that I have never lied to you.”

“But next time, can you stop appearing behind me suddenly?”

Qin Feiyang was rather angry.

Scary people are scary.

But Tang Hai remained silent, looking up at Ancient Castle and Blood Blade, expressing a deadly stillness.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and looked up towards Ancient Castle and Blood Blade.

After so much confrontation, the Blood Blade unexpectedly still did not fall.

This is enough to show that this thing is really a heaven defying Divine Artifact, and it is not inferior to Ancient Castle!


Two Divine Objects have been hit so far, but Law Force is not turned on.

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