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The facial features of the stone statue are clearly distinguished.

The eyes are dazzling.

Like a pair of heavenly eyes, they can pierce through 10000 objects and see through World Source!

This face, Qin Feiyang can never forget.

Stone statues are still rising.

Upper body, legs, gradually appeared.

That tall body, like an iron pine, held a broken sword in his hand. Although it was only a stone statue, it could not stop the innate King style.

In the daytime.

Everyone is like seeing the birth of one Heaven and Earth tyrant, and a deep awe in their hearts is born.

“This is the ancient Emperor Qin …”

Zhao Tailai murmured.

Although he has also stepped into the Battle God, the middle-aged man in front of him has raised a respect in his heart.



Zhao Tailai expression stared blankly, looking down at the foot of the statue, shouting: “Young Master, look at the foot of the statue!”

Not only Qin Feiyang, Zhuge Mingyang, Yan Wei, but also Mu Tianyang and the others standing inside the Space Divine Object, at this moment are looking at the stone statue’s face.

Upon hearing Zhao Tailai’s words, everyone immediately lowered their heads and looked at the feet of the stone statue.



There was a shock on everyone’s face.

Under the statue’s feet, unexpectedly there are 2 sarcophagi!


The stone statue finally rose from the ground.

As high as several hundred zhang, like a big mountain, the invisible aura earth-shattering is overwhelming.

He stood on the two sarcophagi, as if using his body to suppress the contents of the sarcophagus.

“How come there are 2 sarcophagi?”

Qin Feiyang looked at those 2 sarcophagi and muttered to himself.

It stands to reason that even if Ancestor sealed Mu Tianjun in the sarcophagus, there should be only one sarcophagus.

Another sarcophagus, the seal is who?

And the shape and size of the two sarcophagi are almost the same.

“How could this be?”

“2 sarcophagi, in which sarcophagus is the Old Second Seal?”

The same moment.

Mu Tianyang was also surprised.

However, Zhuge Mingyang is not unexpected, but very excited.

“Don’t worry, at once …”

“You can break the seal at once …”

He looked at the sarcophagus under the stone’s right foot, his hands clenched tightly, and his mouth was mumbled.

Yan Wei glanced at Zhuge Mingyang, sound transmission said: “Young Master, look at Zhuge Mingyang’s response.”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Zhuge Mingyang, and looked at the sarcophagus that Zhuge Mingyang looked at. Radiance flashed deep into the pumps.

It seems that the sarcophagus under the right foot of the Ancestor stone statue is the target of Zhuge Mingyang this time.

Qin Feiyang sound transmission said: “Old Zhao, you are ready.”


Zhao Tailai was suspicious.

“The situation is a little unexpected to me.”

“I originally thought that Zhuge Mingyang’s goal was also Mu Tianjun’s Divine Body.”

“In this way, in order to grab Mu Tianjun’s Divine Body, Zhuge Mingyang and Mu Tianyang will definitely fight.”

“But now, two sarcophagi are in front of them, and their goals are obviously different.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

“You mean, they each take what they need, and this battle will be difficult to fight again?”

Zhao Tailai asked secretly.


“Wait for the undo seal, you must find a way to get them to fight.”

“Apart from letting them be wiped out, at least let them lose their troops here!”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

“it is good.”

Zhao Tailai in the dark responded.

Zhuge Mingyang suppressed his inner excitement, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “Brother Qin, now you can summon Battle Soul and Purple Gold Dragon Qi to remove the seal.”

Qin Feiyang asks, “As long as you summon Battle Soul and Purple Gold Dragon Qi?”

With a wave of his hand, Zhuge Mingyang broke out of the sky with the power of ash-gray’s False God, exploded towards the stone statue.


Immediately above the stone statue, one strand of dazzling purple golden divine light emerged.

The power of Zhuge Mingyang’s False God was blocked by the purple golden divine light, unable to hit the stone statue.

“These purple golden divine light is a protective film that will block all foreign objects, except your Battle Soul and Purple Gold Dragon Qi.”

“You just need to blend Battle Soul and Purple Gold Dragon Qi into the stone’s brows, and the stone will collapse.”

“The stone statue collapsed and the seal was lifted.”

Zhuge Mingyang said.

“Purple Gold Dragon Blood summon comes out of the seal, and Battle Soul and Purple Gold Dragon Qi lift the seal.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head helplessly.

Ancestor can really play, it’s so complicated.


Accompanied by a brilliant dragon roar, Purple Gold Dragon Soul rushed out from within the body.

A mighty dragon might, immediately enveloped all directions.

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang raised his arm again, the tip of his index finger, moving a strand of Purple Gold Dragon Qi.


Zhuge Mingyang urged impatiently.

“Ready to make a move!”

Space Divine Object.

Mu Tianyang is also shouted at the same time.

Emperor said, “But we still don’t know, which sarcophagus Mu Tianjun is sealed in?”

“The sarcophagus on the left.”

Mu Tianyang said.

“how do you know?”

Emperor was surprised.

“Zhuge Mingyang has been staring at the sarcophagus on the right just now.”

Mu Tianyang said.


“I noticed it too.”

“The target of Zhuge Mingyang is the sarcophagus on the right, so the Divine Body on Mu Tianjun’s ancestor must be sealed in the sarcophagus on the left.”

“Get ready, unseal the seal, at once take action.”

Mu Qing said.

Wang Yuanshan, the four princes, and Emperor looked at the same time, immediately starting to gain momentum in the dark.


Qin Feiyang stared at the statue’s brows, secretly thought: “Old Zhao, are you ready?”


Zhao Tailai in the dark responded.


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, and the Purple Gold Dragon Qi at his fingertips suddenly broke the sky.


The Purple Gold Dragon Soul above, also gave the sky a loud roar of dragon roar, brushing towards the stone statue’s brows.

Sou! !

Purple Gold Dragon Qi and Purple Gold Dragon Soul were almost at the same time, submerged into the stone’s eyebrow.

The protective film on the stone statue is purple golden divine light, without any obstruction.


The stone statue’s eyebrow was immediately released.


Follow closely.

The cracks, centered on the eyebrows, spread quickly toward all around.

Less than three breaths.

The cracks covered the entire stone statue, like a spider web.

At last!

With a loud noise, the stone statue collapsed into pieces of broken stone and fell down.

Just then!

Zhuge Mingyang immediately sent Yan Wei to the Space Divine Object, then took a step, stepped on a mysterious step, and rushed toward the sarcophagus to the right with lightning.

And at the same time!

Mu Tianyang appeared, but also said nothing, and immediately rushed to the sarcophagus on the left.


Seeing Mu Tianyang’s sudden killing out, Zhuge Mingyang expression slightly stared blankly, and then turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, a sneer rose in his eyes.


He has seen through Qin Feiyang’s mind.

However, he didn’t stop, ignored Mu Tianyang, and rushed towards the sarcophagus.

But as the two people were approaching the sarcophagus, a horrific Divine Force roared out and blasted on top of the two sarcophagi.

There was a loud bang, the dust was rolling, covering all directions.

Unprepared, Zhuge Mingyang and Mu Tianyang were both taken off.

While being struck by Divine Force, those 2 sarcophagi were not at all broken.

The coffin lid was not opened.

But at the same time it flew up, alternating between void left and right, passing through heavy dust and smoke, flying to the distant place and smashing into a mountain range.

The two sarcophagi are exactly the same. After such a torment, they can’t tell who is who?


Zhuge Mingyang and Mu Tianyang hold their bodies, gloomy’s looked towards Zhao Tailai.

That’s right!

Before that, it was Zhao Tailai take action, who blasted off the 2 sarcophagi!

“What are you looking at me?”

“Go and find your sarcophagus!”

Zhao Tailai said with a smile.

“hmph! ”

Zhuge Mingyang two people coldly snorted, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the mountain range over there.

Looking at the back of two people, Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

Just blasting the two sarcophagi, can’t get two people to fight.


He had an idea and got Tang Hai out.

“Is there something?”

Tang Hai frowned.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, the power of False God is in void, condensing an old silhouette.

It’s Imperial Preceptor!

“You Yirong looks like the Imperial Preceptor, at once, in front of Mu Tianyang and Zhuge Mingyang and snatch the 2 sarcophagi.”

Qin Feiyang.

“and then?”

Tang Hai asked.

Qin Feiyang said: “Then it’s up to you.”

Tang Hai said, “Just let them fight, right!”


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Tang Hai in one’s eyes cold light flashed, immediately turned and emptied, and flew silently towards that side.

“This guy, even Yi Rong isn’t in front of us, Old Zhao, do you know what he looks like?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“do not know.”

“It can be said that the entire Profound Martial World has never seen his true appearance.”

“I am also very curious.”

Zhao Tailai said.

“Is it because it looks too ugly and scares us?”

“It seems what time, we have to set up a bureau, unmask his mask and see what he looks like?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.


Zhao Tailai was a little speechless.

Set up a special bureau to see what Tang Hai looks like? Exaggerated!

Qin Feiyang said, “I’ll talk about this later. Let’s follow up.”

Zhao Tailai waved his hand immediately, rolled up Qin Feiyang, and chased Mu Tianyang two people.

After groaning for a while, Zhao Tailai said solemnly: “Young Master, if they really fight, it may trigger an unprecedented war of God, so you need to be prepared in advance.”

“I was ready before I entered Gods Vestige.”

Qin Feiyang clenched his fingers, his eyes shot with biting cold light.

Zhao Tailai took a deep look at Qin Feiyang, and it seemed that he was thinking too much.


Qin Feiyang seems to be thinking about it, take out the rusty axe and hand it to Zhao Tailai, said with a smile: “This axe is for you, don’t look inconspicuous on the surface, but in fact, it is very terrifying Divine Artifact, even I have a hunch, it will not be worse than the dagger on Tang Hai. “

“Thank you.”

Zhao Tailai took the axe and expressions were grateful.

He has seen terrifying the axe long ago, so instead of looking down on, he liked the axe.

Let’s talk about Mu Tianyang and Zhuge Mingyang.


Two people have swept over the mountain range.

Under the impact of those two sarcophagi, the circumference of several hundred li’s mountains and rivers were fragmented.

In the middle, there are two large pits that are several hundreds deep.

The two sarcophagi were lying quietly at the bottom of the pit.

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