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After Qin Feiyang three people left, Black Bear King returned to Lao Wo.

But did not enter the cave.

Standing outside the cave, the expression of respect was extremely respectful.

“Is who?”

A hoarse voice came from the cave.

The Black Bear King respectfully said, “Back to Sir, it was Vicious Beast who stumbled in, and I have driven them away.”

“Keep outside, don’t let any Vicious Beast disturb this Eminence.”

“Otherwise, this Eminence will send you to hell and reunite with your child!”

The hoarse voice gloomily said, and went silent.

The black bear king outside the cave, the huge body trembled suddenly, turned and looked towards the distant place, eyes full of sorrow and anger!

Outside the canyon.

Qin Feiyang stood on top of a big tree, looking down into the canyon, his eyes flickering.

Shi Zheng and Pavilion Lord below are all suspicious.

“Bear King saved me many times, I can’t just sit back and watch, must find out!”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes became firm.

He jumped down and landed in front of Shi Zheng two people, said with a smile: “2 people, I still have something to deal with, you go back to Black Bear City first.”

Pavilion Lord nodded.

He just came to lead the way.

Since the other party already knows the location of Nine Yang Flower, there is really no need to stay.



Shi Zheng shook his head without the slightest hesitation.

Qin Feiyang arched: “Elder, I know you care about me, but please believe me, I will be fine.”

“No matter what you say!”

Shi Zheng said stubbornly.

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

Don’t this person know how to work around?

He pulled Shi Zheng aside and whispered, “Elder, you know, I have an Ancient Castle to hide in, even if facing the Battle Sovereign, self-preservation is fine.”

“Also, I’m very familiar with Black Bear Mountain, and there will definitely be no problems.”

“Just go to Black Bear City and wait for me. I’ll go to you as soon as I’m busy, please.”

Qin Feiyang looked at him pleadingly.

“What do you want to do?”

Shi Zheng frowned.

“Some private matters.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Shi Zheng helplessly sighed, nodded and said: “Okay, but you 10000000 have to be careful, if you have something unexpected, Elder Ji has to pick my skin.”

“Thank you Elder.”

Qin Feiyang is overjoyed.

It is not easy to talk about this honest man.

Shi Zheng glanced at him, turned and left with the Pavilion Lord.

In fact, let Shi Zheng leave for Shi Zheng’s safety.

There was always a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

If there is any crisis, he can hide in Ancient Castle, but Shi Zheng is in danger.

Because Wolf King was in Ancient Castle, he couldn’t let Shi Zheng go in too.


With a long breath, Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and Wolf King appeared out of thin air.

As soon as it came out, he asked, “What happened to Black Bear?”

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, said solemnly: “Let’s go and see, but we can’t go to the front, first go to the back of the canyon, and then discuss.”


Wolf King nodded.

One man one wolf fired up and ran through the jungle.

Vicious Beast on the way, try to avoid it.

Encounter creatures such as poisonous insects in sneak attack.

However, when they came to the back of the canyon, they were already scarred.

But because of the Black Bear King in his heart, the injury was not so concerned.

After taking Healing Pill, one man one wolf looked up towards the mountain in front of him.

Wolf King evilly smiled: “The old nest of the Black Bear King is on the other side of the mountain. Otherwise, we can just make a hole from here, maybe we can just reach the secret treasury of the Black Bear King.”

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched.

Is this scoundrel worrying about Black Bear King, or is it remembering the secret treasury of Black Bear King?


Wolf King coughed, said with some guilty conscience: “Brother Wolf is one affectionate and true wolf, don’t think about it.”

“Let the ghosts go!”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and climbed lightly towards the top of the mountain.

several hundred breaths later.

One man one wolf finally climbed to the top of the mountain, but because of the lush vegetation, it was impossible to see the situation below the canyon.

Qin Feiyang glanced forward, pointed to a hill on the left, and said, “Let’s go there, just to see the old nest of Black Bear King.”

It took several breaths again, and one man one wolf came to the top of the mountain, hid in a grass, and looked down.


They saw Black Bear King sitting in front of the cave, panicking down.

Wolf King said, “It’s really not right. Go and ask.”

“Don’t worry.”

Qin Feiyang held it down and said solemnly: “I always feel uncomfortable in my heart. Let me look at the situation first.”


He noticed that there was a mound of soil on the right side of the cave entrance, which could be several meters high, with overgrown weeds.

“its not right!”

He frowned, and asked, “White-Eyed Wolf, was there a mound before?”

Wolf King looked down and shook his head: “Brother Wolf is very familiar with this place and can tell you very responsible that there was absolutely no such thing before. Looking at the weeds above, it should have been piled up a few months ago.”

“Strange, what does Black Bear King do with such a mound?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

At this moment, Wolf King slammed nose, pump suddenly contracted, and said, “Someone below!”


Qin Feiyang complexion changed.

Is Shi Zheng back?

Wolf King said solemnly: “Yes, there are 3 strange smells!”

Qin Feiyang relaxed, 3 kinds of smell, then it can’t be Shi Zheng.

He couldn’t help but watch carefully.

But no one else was found except Black Bear King?

Is it in the cave?

He couldn’t help but look towards the cave entrance, but couldn’t see what was going on inside the cave.

One man one wolf lay in the grass, motionless, and waited until dark.

It was dark.

Flame appears in the cave!

But all day, the Black Bear King was outside the cave, so it could not be the fire of the Black Bear King.

“Sure enough someone!”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

He looked up towards the sky.

The moon is dangling, stars flickering.

Such a night should have given people a sense of tranquility.

But Qin Feiyang’s heart is very irritable at the moment.

In the middle of the night.

“Bastard, go find some firewood!”

A cold loudly shouted suddenly sounded inside the cave.

“This voice…”

Qin Feiyang looked towards the cave, eyes full of suspicion.

“It’s Lin Chen!”

Wolf King groaned a little, unexpectedly shouted in a low voice, ringing in Qin Feiyang’s mind.


“it’s him!”

Qin Feiyang body and mind trembled, pumps radiance wildly shooting.

But immediately following.

His face turned pale again.

Lin Chen is here, that means Zuo An must be here too!

Everyone in the world thinks that after Zuo An’s whereabouts are exposed, he will definitely stay away from Black Bear City and even leave Yan County after robbing Pill Fire of Pill Palace.

Qin Feiyang always thinks so.

But didn’t expect, unexpectedly hiding in Black Bear Mountain!

Sure enough, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

If it weren’t for Nine Yang Flower, I’m afraid that even if Zuo An had been hiding here all his life, someone wouldn’t have known.

Black Bear King went to find some dead wood and entered the cave.

But soon came out and stayed outside.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the cave, glanced at Black Bear King again, and took Wolf King to Ancient Castle.

Wolf King anxiously said: “Little Qinzi, what can we do? Zuo An is so strong, how can we save the Black Bear King? And Feng Cheng is probably in the cave.”

Qin Feiyang bowed his head in thought.

Black Bear King’s body is too large to bring Ancient Castle.

The only way is to let Zuo An take the initiative to leave Black Bear Mountain.

But this can’t be done at all.

“Did you think of a way?”

“If secret treasury is ransacked by Zuo An, then everything is done.”


“Spoken words …”

“Don’t get me wrong, Brother Wolf is really worried about Black Bear King …”

In a hurry, Wolf King said that he had leaked, and when he realized it, he quickly justified.

No matter how it is explained, Qin Feiyang cannot believe it.

This White-Eyed Wolf is really just concerned about secret treasury.

Wolf King said: “You have to believe in Brother Wolf. Although Brother Wolf cares about secret treasury, he cares more about Black Bear King.”

“You get it!”

Qin Feiyang fiercely glared at it, groaning for a moment, and a sneer sneered gradually from the corner of his mouth.

“This time is different.”

“Now we have the image crystal stone, enough to solve them in one fell swoop!”

The words fall.

He took out the image of crystal stone and was quickly excited.


The illusory shadow of fatty is manifested.

“Boss Jiang, what are you doing? Did you find Nine Yang Flower?”

Fat is half-lying on the chair, with 2 Lang legs on his feet, a relaxed look.

Qin Feiyang said: “Go to Elder Ji at once and tell her I found Zuo An’s whereabouts.”

Fat was so frightened that he flipped over from his chair and hurried up in a difficult situation, his eyes widened and he shouted, “What did you say? Found Zuo An?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Okay, you wait, Fat Master at once go to Elder Ji!”

After turning off the image crystal stone, fatty hurried out of the attic.

Lu Hong stepped out of the room, stood on the terrace, and asked, “fatty, what happened?”

“Zuo An is here.”

Fat shouted without looking back.

Lu Hong’s complexion suddenly turned pale, and he hurried down, chasing toward fatty.

Great Law Enforcement Hall.

Fat didn’t knock on the door and broke into the lounge of the beautiful married woman.


Beautiful married woman frowned, angry: “What are you doing?”

fatty anxiously said: “Elder, something bad is happening, Boss Jiang has met Zuo An.”


Elder Ji suddenly got up, stepped in front of fatty, surprised and angry, “So how is he now?”

“It seems all right.”

fatty panic shook the head.

Elder Ji said, “Contact him, I’ll ask him!”

“it is good!”

The fatty activated the image crystal stone, and after Qin Feiyang’s illusory shadow became apparent, the beautiful married woman eagerly asked, “Where is Zuo An? Have you got anything wrong?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “Zuo An is in Black Bear Mountain. I haven’t found me yet.”

Wolf King hid in a corner to avoid being seen by a beautiful married woman.

beautiful married woman relaxed, warned repeatedly: “I once told the Palace Lord, you must be careful, don’t let him find out, this time, no matter how old this old fox can be, run away, when we get to Black Bear City, we will contact again you!”


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Just closed the image of crystal stone, a loud and clear hawk croak, passed into Ancient Castle.


one man one wolf simultaneously looked, his eyes were full of suspicion.

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