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“How can there be an eagle cry?”

Qin Feiyang took Wolf King out of Ancient Castle, quickly lay in the grass and looked towards the valley.


Qin Feiyang pupils flashed an amazing cold light.

I saw one huge Falcon hovering above the cave.

At least 2 several people on 20 giant claws.

Those people are dead.

And under Falcon, standing on a young man is Lin Chen!

He glanced at those on the eagle claw and said to Falcon with a smile: “This is a good harvest, and you can refining 20 Blood Fiend Pills.”

Falcon’s eagle eyes blinked with amazing solemn light.

The eagle claw is released.

20 Several corpses, accompanied by the sound of peng ~ peng ~ peng ~, fell on the ground in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen shouted: “Black Bear King, what are you doing there, move me in!”

There was a hint of unbearableness in Black Bear King’s huge pump.

But there is no way, you have to do it.

Lin Chen contempt glanced at it and looked up towards Falcon, saying: “The Master has ordered that more people should be returned tomorrow. As usual, do not hunt in Black Bear Mountain, lest it cause doubt.”


Falcon screamed, fanning the black wings and rushing out of the valley.

at the same time.

one man one wolf also entered Ancient Castle.

After Falcon went away, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King appeared again.

“These 2 scoundrels, unexpectedly really employ Pill Refinement!”

Qin Feiyang tightly clenched with both hands, in one’s eyes murderous aura.

He doesn’t resist killing people.

After all, this is the law of survival.

But the use of people to Pill Refinement has almost destroyed humanity!

This kind of person, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades does not relieve hate!

Wolf King said solemnly: “Little Qinzi, calm down, don’t beat the grass to scare the snake.”

This is a good opportunity.

There cannot be any unexpected.

Otherwise, once Zuo An escapes, I don’t know when he will find him next time.

at this point.

Qin Feiyang is also clear.

So the anger in my heart is enduring.

time flashing past.

Seeing that it was about to dawn, but had not yet received the message.

“What the hell are they doing?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

It’s been all night, at the speed of Martial King Palace Palace Lord several people, it should have been here already!

morning sun rises.

10000 things recovered.

At this time.

Qin Feiyang’s image of crystal stone has finally moved.

“You continue to monitor and call me for something.”

A word to Wolf King, he entered Ancient Castle and took out the image crystal stone.

one after another shines, blooms.

The illusory shadow of fatty appears.

Qin Feiyang angered: “fatty, what are they doing? Why haven’t you come here for so long?”

Fat said, “Here we are in the jungle in front of the canyon. Come over here.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, frowns saying, “What are you doing here?”

“No way, Ling Yunfei wants to cultivate, Lu Hong doesn’t want to come, only Fat Master can sacrifice once.”

Fat look helpless.

Qin Feiyang thinks it over and understands it.

Only Ling Yunfei and Lu Hong, as well as fatty, established a contractual bridge with him.

Yan County’s great big shots, want to contact him, have to go through one of the talented lines.

“I won’t pass, you go straight behind the canyon, I’ll wait for you here.”

“Remember, 10000000 can’t make any noise, and aura must converge.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“it is good.”

Fatty nodded.

After closing the image of crystal stone, Qin Feiyang took an Illusory Appearance Pill and became Jiang Haotian.

Then leave Ancient Castle, send Wolf King into Ancient Castle, and run towards the foot of the mountain.

Not to hunted breaths.

Six silhouettes came into his sight.

Two people are fat and Shi Zheng.

Shi Zheng has also returned to true appearance.

Martial Palace Palace Lord Qin Feiyang has seen it, and it can be recognized naturally.

As for the other three people.

They are all middle-aged. Although aura is converging at this moment, it can be seen at a glance that the three people are not simple characters.

Because of their temperament, they are too outstanding.

expression is also extremely sharp, like a blade!

The entire group came silently.

Qin Feiyang: “I have seen 4 Seniors.”

“Jiang Haotian, although I was in Star Moon City during this time, everyday all will hear your rumors.”

“I’ve always been curious, have you grown Three Heads Six Arms, but today’s look is no different from ordinary person!”

The speaker is the father of Luo Qingzhu, Jiang Zhengyi!

He is 1.85 meters left and right and is slightly thin. He is wearing a fitted white gown. He has dappled white hair and a vicissitude on his face, with an easy-going smile.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “Senior Jiang, it’s all a rumor, it’s not true.”

Yan County’s Four Great Tycoons, only Head Pavillion Lord is in Star Moon City, so even if no one introduced it, he was understood.


Jiang Zhengyi stared blankly, shaking his head and laughing.

Qin Feiyang looked towards the other person, arching: “Senior, you must be King Yan!”

This person is physically fit, wearing a golden robe, wearing a crown, and covering his body with a Qi of King.

This Qi of King, he is no stranger.


Only the County King of Eighteen Counties is eligible for the crown.

King Yan nodded, lightly said with a smile: “Little Brother, this time you have set up a great merit. When you catch Zuo An, this King must be rewarding.”

“Thank you King Yan.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him and looked towards the last one.

This person is dressed upright and straight, with an eyebrow like a sword, without any expression on his face, and looks extremely cold.

There is no doubt that this person is the Palace Lord of Pill King Palace.

“I have seen Senior.”

He was polite.


Pill King Palace Palace Lord is just a touch of nodded.

Qin Feiyang was too lazy to ask for help again, glancing at Four Great Tycoons, saying: “Zuo An is on the other side of the mountain, but in addition to Old Feng, Black Bear King is also in his hands. I would like to ask 4 people , Rescue them first, then deal with Zuo An. “

Pill King Palace Palace Lord even said: “This Highness disagrees, if by any chance, in the process of our rescue, let Zuo An take the opportunity to escape?”

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows without any trace, and asked, “Senior means, ready to sacrifice them?”

“For the sake of the bigger picture, they can only be sacrificed. Feng Cheng, Law Enforcement Elder of Black Bear City Pill Palace, believes he has done his death consciousness.”

Pill King Palace Palace Lord indifferently said.

Qin Feiyang folded his hands and said, “Senior, if you offend, Old Feng is not your slave. Why did you make him sacrifice? Is this what you should say as Head Palace Lord?”

Pill King Palace Palace Lord eyebrow raised, indifferently said: “Do you care about my Pill King Palace?”

Qin Feiyang said: “I can’t control it, but Old Feng and Black Bear King have kindness to me. I must control it, even though I’m insignificant in front of you!”

“This Highness thought you didn’t know self-knowledge?”

Pill King Palace Palace Lord is not salty.

Qin Feiyang stared at him desperately.

With both hands, the tighter and tighter!

Sure enough, things are similar, and Jia Hei and Elder He are both jackals of the same tribe.

such a man.

Such a Pill King Palace.

It’s disgusting!

“it is good!”

“If you really want to sacrifice them, I have no problem.”

“But today you are going to catch Zuo An, I’m afraid it is delusional!”

Qin Feiyang’s face was gloomy, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

“What do you want to do?”

“Believing or not this Highness killed you now?”

Pill King Palace Palace Lord glanced at the danger signal.

“I honestly don’t fear you!”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

“Okay, just say 2 less.”

“Ma Cheng, you really are too. Anyway, you are also a person with an identity. How can you care about it with a junior?”

“Jiang Haotian is not wrong. You, the Palace Lord of Pill King Palace, should not say that.”

Seeing that two people were about to fall out, King Yan three people hurriedly persuaded.

Martial King Palace Palace Lord looked towards Qin Feiyang, comforting: “Relax, Feng Cheng is also the grandfather of Feng Ling’er, this Highness will never die.”

“Thanks Senior.”

Qin Feiyang thanked him, then looked towards Ma Cheng, shook his head and said, “This is the difference between people, Senior Ma Cheng, why are you feeling that way?”

Deep in Ma Cheng’s eyes, he immediately flashed a cold light.

Martial King Palace Palace Lord frowned, reprimanded: “smelly brat, say a few words.”

Qin Feiyang also received as soon as possible.

Because of the trouble, Ma Cheng will go crazy.

King Yan said, “Take us up and see.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Sudden Senior said Junior has a plan in mind.”

“What do you think.”

Jiang Zhengyi looked at him kindly.

“To pull a snake from its hole.”

“As long as we’re here and make a little noise, Zuo An will definitely come and check. Then you will hold him back, and Elder Shi and I will save people.”

“If Zuo An doesn’t come, just send Lin Chen over, and it doesn’t matter.”

“We can capture him and interrogate the situation in the cave. As long as we know what is inside, it is not difficult to rescue Old Feng.”

Qin Feiyang.

He has been thinking about it all night, and this is the only way to be the most reliable.

Shi Zheng asked, “What if he sent Black Bear King to check it out?”

“It’s better to have Black Bear King.”

“The reason it didn’t tell me the truth yesterday was definitely worrying and implicated me.”

“But now you are here, the situation is different, it has nothing to worry about.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Martial King Palace Palace Lord pondered for a moment, looked towards Jiang Zhengyi three people, said with a smile: “I think his idea is feasible, do you guys have any opinions?”


King Yan faintly smiled.

“I have no opinion.”

Jiang Zhengyi said with a smile, and became more curious about Qin Feiyang.

Only Ma Cheng didn’t say anything.

King Yan pats his shoulder, said with a smile: “What else to consider, that’s it.”


He looked towards Qin Feiyang again, saying: “Take us up.”

The entire group climbed up the mountain silently.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Qin Feiyang pointed down and whispered: “Zuo An is right there, and the Black Bear King is squatting at the entrance.”

The eyes of several people changed immediately.

Martial King Palace Palace Lord said solemnly: “Jiang Haotian, the plan is yours. Please hurry up and arrange it. Now we all listen to you.”

“listen to me?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, hurriedly: “Thanks Thanks Senior.”


Before he could speak, Ma Cheng yelled abruptly.

“Zuo An, get out and die!”

Follow closely.

He jumped forward and fell down, imposing manner soaring heaven.


Qin Feiyang’s face suddenly changed, and immediately I could not help but growl, seeing in anger.

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