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King Yan, Jiang Zhengyi, Martial King Palace Palace Lord are also bewilderement.

When he saw Qin Feiyang, he was about to rush down, Jiang Zhengyi yanked him, and whispered: “Don’t be impulsive, Ma Cheng is somewhat narrow-minded, but he will not do anything to disrupt the overall situation.”

King Yan nodded and said: “Yes, he may have a better plan. Let’s step back 2 steps and don’t be noticed by Zuo An.”

Three Great Giants and Shi Zheng stepped back, held their breath and waited!

Qin Feiyang and fatty are lying in the grass, staring at Ma Cheng.

“Boss, do you believe it?”

fatty whispered.

Qin Feiyang didn’t answer, expression was as eagle-eyed, aggressive!


Black Bear King got up first and looked at Ma Cheng in horror.

This is one powerhouse!

No worse than the cave man!

As soon as Ma Cheng landed, a dark shadow swept out of the cave.

This is a pale old man, wearing a black robe, deep in the eyes of the pumps, exuding the green light of the forest!

That’s right!

He is Zuo An!

Seeing Ma Cheng, Zuo An pupil shrank, surprised and angry, “How did you find this place?”

Ma Cheng said with a sneer: “Thanks to Jiang Haotian.”

Lying on the top of the mountain, Qin Feiyang, shaking his body fiercely, turning one’s head looked towards King Yan three people, Gloomy said, “Is this his plan? You didn’t see it, he simply didn’t plan to save Feng Cheng and Black. Bear King! “

Three people frowned at the moment.

The same moment.

Hearing the words “Jiang Haotian”, Zuo An’s dreary eyes also burst into a strong cold light and said, “This little bastard again, where is he?”

“Just above.”

Ma Cheng pointed to the top of the mountain.

“Ma Cheng, you are too much.”

Martial King Palace Palace Lord burst into anger, turned into a shadow, and dived towards Zuo An.

King Yan and Jiang Zhengyi looked at the same time, their eyes were also sinking, and they were also heading towards Zuo An!

They are going to catch brigands, first catch their king!

As long as you can capture Zuo An, Feng Cheng and Black Bear King will not be in danger.


Black Bear King also ran towards Ma Cheng.

Because as soon as he heard the name Jiang Haotian, it understood what was going on.


Zuo An is faster!

Seeing that King Yan three people were also here, he realized that something was bad.

Just one step to catch up with Black Bear King.

The old big hand burst out, grasping the thigh of Black Bear King, the five fingers were like steel needles, and instantly fell into flesh!


He pushed hard!

Black Bear King roared, and his huge body fell down, smashing into a deep hole!

Look at this scene.

Qin Feiyang has broken teeth and his body is coldly.


Black Bear King and Ma Cheng are not far away.

Ma Cheng could rescue Black Bear King before Zuo An.

But the whole process, he just stood by and did not lend a helping hand.

Qin Feiyang hates it!

“One step closer, this Eminence will crush its skull!”

At this time.

Zuo An stepped on the head of Black Bear King and looked at King Yan three people, said with a smile.

“Lin Chen, bring that old bastard to this Eminence!”

He was coldly shouted without looking back.

Almost for a moment.

Lin Chen dragged a shabby old man out of the cave.

It is Feng Cheng.

But at this moment, his body was scarred and unconscious.

Seeing Four Great Tycoons, Lin Chen was still quite nervous, hiding behind Zuo An and not afraid to look up.

See you.

King Yan three people frowned, turn around and land next to Ma Cheng.

Jiang Zhengyi sighed, “Ma Cheng, you shouldn’t do this!”

“Shouldn’t it?”

Ma Cheng extremely angry smiled, and said: “Then I would ask you, this Highness is a high weight, why should I listen to a hairless brat arrangement?”

Martial King Palace Palace Lord exasperated: “Don’t you know that you want to focus on the big picture?”

Ma Cheng dismissed: “The big picture? It’s ridiculous. With four of us, can he escape?”

“Okay, that’s it, just say 2 less.”

King Yan drunk, gloomy’s looked towards Lin Chen, icily said: “As a Lin Family disciple, but also a Core Disciple of Pill King Palace, you unexpectedly and Zuo An, the demon following the bad example of others, sorry for the bad example of others Cultivation? “

Lin Chen’s face turned white.

Zuo An said with a malicious smile: “There is a teacher, don’t be afraid of them, raise my chest, you will step them all under your feet sooner or later!”

Lin Chen’s body was lightly trembled, her heart was tense, her immediateness was gone, her head was raised and her breasts were raised, she looked directly at the King Yan four people, her face was sneered.

Jiang Zhengyi shouted: “Zuo An, advise you to repent and be saved, don’t stick to it!”

“jié jié ……”

“In Yan City, you said the same thing.”

“But after all these years, hasn’t this Eminence lived well?”

“This Eminence is not interested in you right now.”

Zuo An sneered, looked up towards the top of the mountain, gloomy said with a smile: “Jiang Haotian, don’t want them to die, just roll this Eminence at once!”

Fat stared and asked, “Boss, what do you do?”

Qin Feiyang didn’t hesitate, stood up and looked at Zuo An.

“Little bastard, are you very difficult to deal with!”

“Last time at Eagle Claw Peak, this Eminence was fooled by you.”

“Hide here and you find it again.”

“This Eminence couldn’t help but start wondering, did you owe you something in your last life?”

Zuo An frowned.

This brat is simply his nemesis.

Qin Feiyang jumped a few times and landed in the canyon.

fatty is right behind him.

Because there will definitely be a fierce battle, only staying beside Qin Feiyang will be safe.

Elder Shi followed him.

Without saying a word, Qin Feiyang walked towards Zuo An step by step.

Aside from Ma Cheng, there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

“Foolish boy, I’m not asking you to never come back, why are you so disobedient?”

The angry voice of Black Bear King resounded in Qin Feiyang’s mind.

Qin Feiyang looked up towards its eyes, said with a smile: “How many lives have you saved me, how can I stand idly by?”

“Well, how stupid!”

Sigh Black Bear King.

“Fortune favors fools.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, looked down towards Zuo An, and said, “I don’t want nonsense, let them go, I will go with you.”


Martial King Palace Palace Lord when shouted.

Qin Feiyang said: “This is a private matter of Junior, and please do not intervene in Senior.”

Zuo An looked at Qin Feiyang, his eyes flickered.

“Nothing to consider.”

“My value is greater than them.”

“I can help you refining top grade Blood Fiend Pill.”

“I believe it won’t be long before you can step into 9-Star Battle Sovereign, even higher realm!”

Qin Feiyang expressionlessly said.

King Yan several people immediately frowned.

Zuo An glanced at Four Great Tycoons, a little fun crawled on his face, and said, “You have a good idea, but aren’t you afraid that you will be hunted down by them?”

“Hunt up?”

“I’ll tell you the truth.”

“I have a plan. If you follow this plan step by step, you will die today.”

“But some old bastard, but he publishes personal hatred and wants to harm me.”

“Do you think I need to be afraid?”

“I hate them more than you now!”

“I can follow you, and if you don’t hate, we can join forces.”

“You have the strength, and I have the brain. Let’s take Yan County and stir him up Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

Qin Feiyang said coldly.

Martial King Palace Palace Lord sank.

The situation became serious.

Ma Cheng is not angry.

The sneer in the corner of his mouth was thicker.

Because once Qin Feiyang really reached an agreement with Zuo An, he had every reason to kill Qin Feiyang in the presence of Martial King Palace Palace Lord.

Zuo An looking thoughtful glanced at Ma Cheng, looked towards Qin Feiyang and said, “Are you so confident?”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “At least, I’m better than Lin Chen’s trash.”

Lin Chen squinted his hands, gloomy like water.

Zuo An said with a smile: “You are indeed a lot stronger than Lin Chen.”

“haha ……”


Zuo An laughed out loud.

“Little bastard, do you think this Eminence doesn’t know, what are you doing?”

“When this Eminence releases them, you will surely hide.”

“At that time, the four-headed old dog will be able to take action on this Eminence without any fear.”

Zuo An looked at him with a joke.

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

This old fox is really not so good.

“Little bastard, you know?”

“This Eminence hates you so much that you even want to drink your blood and eat your meat.”

“But this Eminence thought about it and changed his mind again.”

“Kill you directly, it’s too cheap for you.”

“This Eminence will torture you well, make you feel bad, and completely destroy you from spirit!”

“Do you really want them?”

“Okay, this Eminence is for you, and they have no use value anyway.”

Zuo An kicked at Black Bear King’s head, the huge body, with thunder and thunder, smashed at Qin Feiyang!


Black Bear King screamed in pain!

Martial King Palace Palace Lord waved, caught Black Bear King, and placed it on the ground.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly looked, but saw the head of Black Bear King, unexpectedly cracked, and blood was pouring in!

“Senior Bear King!”

He angry roar, squatting in front of Black Bear King, took out a large pile of Healing Pill, and shoved into Black Bear King’s mouth.

Zuo An smirked again and again, twisted up Feng Cheng!

one after another Battle Qi, rushing towards the heart of Feng Cheng frantically.


Severe pain, wake up Feng Cheng alive!

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked up, immediately opened his eyes, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety and rushed towards Zuo An!

“Jiang Haotian, calm down!”

Shi Zheng hugged him quickly, persuading anxiously.



“Jié jié, now is just the beginning.”

“More painful, still behind.”

“One day, you will regret coming to provoke this Eminence!”

“You will kneel in front of this Eminence like a dog, beg this Eminence to spare you!”

“haha ……”

Zuo An burst into laughter, throwing it away like throwing Feng Cheng in front of Qin Feiyang.

Follow closely.

He grabbed Lin Chen and flew away without looking back!

“Where to escape!”

King Yan and Jiang Zhengyi screamed at the same time, carrying a monstrous imposing manner and chasing away.

“Look at him.”

Martial King Palace Palace Lord told Shi Zheng that Gloomy glanced at Ma Cheng and quickly chased him.

“hmph! ”

Ma Cheng glanced at Qin Feiyang, with an inseparable irony on his face, coldly snorted, turned into a stream of light, and quickly disappeared on the other side of the mountain.

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