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For the departure of several people, Qin Feiyang totally unaware.

“Old Feng …”

“Senior Bear King …”

“You won’t die …”

He grabbed top grade Healing Pill and shoved them one by one into Black Bear King and Feng Cheng’s mouth.

It’s like they can only survive if they take enough of the medical pill.

Fat watched beside him, and he was about to get angry.

Bear King’s head is broken.

Feng Cheng’s heart is broken.

Obviously it has been saved.

He wanted to comfort, but didn’t know how to speak.

Shi Zheng also bowed his head.

didn’t expect this superficially strong youngster also has such a fragile side.


Feng Cheng trembled out his old big hand, grabbed Qin Feiyang’s wrist, intermittently said with a smile: “smelly brat, didn’t expect to see you again before I die.”

He vomited blood as he spoke.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said, “Old Feng, don’t talk.”

“Again, there is no chance …”

“Smelly brat, promise me a request …”

“Ling’er’s parents died early …”

“From childhood and my life depend on each other. The thing I can’t let go is her …”

“Wait for me to take care of her, shall I?”

Feng Cheng looked at him imploringly.

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, suppressing his inner emotions, turning one’s head looked towards Shi Zheng, said with a smile: “Elder Shi, please avoid it, I have something to say to Old Feng.”

“it is good.”

Shi Zheng turned and walked outside.

Qin Feiyang looked back towards Feng Cheng, but found that Feng Cheng had closed his eyes.

Heartbeat and breathing stopped.

He had wanted to tell Feng Cheng his true identity, but now this opportunity is not available.

“I have something too, and I want to ask you.”

At this time.

The voice of Black Bear King came to his mind.

“Senior, no matter what, I promise.”

Qin Feiyang looked up, nodded and said with a strong smile.

“Did you see that bun?”

“My child … is buried there …”

“I hope you can bury me next to it …”

“Let me continue … guard it …”

“Zuo An found no secret treasury …”

“Take all the stuff inside …”

Black Bear King said intermittently, there were 2 drops of blood tears in the corner of that eye.

Full of sadness boundless.

The words fall.

Its life aura also stopped.


Qin Feiyang is like thunder from a clear sky.

Black Bear cub dead?

It turned out that the mound was its grave.

It’s only been a few months, why is it so?



He growled towards the sky.

at the same time.

Hong long!


In the distance, there is a loud sound of one after another.

one after another horrible belligerent waves quickly spread.


fatty and Shi Zheng looked surprised towards the sky.

But Qin Feiyang didn’t go and looked indifferent.

He got up, walked to the mound, True Qi sprayed thinly on the soles of his feet, and with a loud bang, a deep hole appeared instantly.

After burying the Black Bear King, he bowed deeply three times in front of the grave.

Without any rhetoric, everything seemed bland.


He walked into the cave alone and saw a dead body, which was terrible.

But there were no waves on his face.

Enter the treasure house, take away everything, turn around and leave the cave, pick up Elder Feng’s body, and walk out of the canyon.

Shi Zheng hurriedly said, “Jiang Haotian, where are you going?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Black Bear City.”

As he chased, fatty asked, “Boss, don’t you go and see Zuo An’s end?”

“Not interested in.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, looking up at the sky, 2 radiance shots, “Because he won’t die.”

“Don’t die?”

Fat and Shi Zheng looked at the same time, with a hint of suspicion in their eyes.

Four Great Tycoons team up, why not a Zuo An?

Qin Feiyang explained that in silence left the canyon.

Black Bear City!

“Yi! ”

“Isn’t he Jiang Haotian?”

“I heard he went to Yan City. Why did he come back suddenly?”

“Look, look, is he holding Elder Feng in Pill Palace?”

“Yes, it is him!”

“Rumored a few years ago, he was taken away by Zuo An, why is he dead now?”

As soon as Qin Feiyang entered Black Bear City, people on the street gathered around.

But Shi Zheng couldn’t get closer.

Qin Feiyang went straight to Pill Palace but didn’t go in and stood outside the gate.

Not a moment.

2 familiar silhouettes come into his sight.

It was Luo Xiong and Elder Mo.

“How is this going?”

“Jiang Haotian, Old Feng, how did he die?”

Two people hurried to Qin Feiyang and asked sadly.

Qin Feiyang did not give any explanation. After handing over Feng Cheng to Luo Xiong, he said, “2 Seniors, please bury you.”

“it is good.”

two people nodded.

They have many questions to ask.

However, Qin Feiyang, without giving them a chance to ask questions, took out a jade box, shoved it into Elder Mo’s hands, said a word of care, and took Shi Zheng and fatty away.

Elder Mo opened the jade box, his eyes immediately shuddered.

Inside, there were 4 top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pills!

Pill Mark, brilliant!

“Where is Big Brother Jiang, and others?”

Shortly after.

Jiang Wei ran over in a hurry, watching Luo Xiong two people asking.


Luo Xiong was deeply sighed, and turned away with Elder Mo. The two backs both looked lonely.

They also heard about Yan City.

If it weren’t for the people at Pill King Palace, how could we get to this step today?

Outside the city!

Qin Feiyang followed a path into a forest and took out three Illusory Appearance Pills. He took one and gave the other two to fatty and Shi Zheng.

Two people looked at the same time, suspiciously took the medical pill.

Fat puzzled: “Boss, is it still necessary to adjust one’s head and turning one’s face?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “Can’t be taken lightly, after adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, you go to Black Bear City and wait for me, I’m going to a place.”

Shi Zheng eyebrow raised, “No, I can’t let you leave alone.”

“I just went to a small village and nothing will happen.”

Qin Feiyang finished, and put a color on the fatty.

Fat understands it, he rushes up and hugs Shi Zheng.


Qin Feiyang turned around and quickly sank into the jungle, disappearing into Shi Zheng’s sight.

Shi Zheng was startled, angrily: “fatty, what are you doing, let me go.”

“Unless you kill Fat Master.”

Fat did not let go, and sighed again: “Elder Shi, Fat Master knows that you are concerned about Boss Jiang, but I care more about his safety than you, rest assured, he will be fine.”

Shi Zheng frowned, said solemnly: “If he is unexpected, what are you responsible for?”

“Responsible is responsible.”

“Let’s go and drink at the Spring Wind Building and get drunk.”

After taking on Illusory Appearance Pill, fatty dragged Shi Zheng toward Black Bear City.

In front of a rushing river.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head glanced at the jungle behind him. Seeing Shi Zheng didn’t chase him, he finally exhaled.

Where he is going now is Iron Ox Town!

and so.

You must not let Shi Zheng follow.

Today, he is not what he used to be.

Within half a day, I came to Iron Ox Town.

Entering the town with an unfamiliar face will definitely cause people to suspect.

After all, Iron Ox Town is not big, and there are not many people.

“I said youngster, where did you come from?”

“Come to us at Iron Ox Town?”

Several old men sitting under the big tree playing chess stopped Qin Feiyang curiously asked.

Qin Feiyang just laughed at them and walked over.

“What a weird brat.”

A few old man shook the head and didn’t care.

Lin Family !

Qin Feiyang stood in front of the gate and looked towards the two slave servants, said differently: “Take me to see Lin Chang.”

“You are who?”

“Is Patriarch what you want to see? Come and announce your name!”

Those 2 slave servants were coldly shouted.

Qin Feiyang pupils cold light flashed and rushed in.


“Dare to come to my Lin Family behaving atrociously and see if I don’t interrupt your dog leg!”

The two slave servant hostility were full, waved fist and blasted towards Qin Feiyang.

“hmph! ”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted, turned around and slapped it away.


The two slave servants were fanned out on the spot, and a bright red slap print quickly appeared on their faces, and there was a trace of bloodstain in their mouths.

“Don’t stand in the way again, be careful I kill you!”

Quietly speaking, Qin Feiyang strode into the Lin Family.

Lin Family, he is no stranger.

doing something routine and with ease walked towards the hall.

The slave servants encountered along the way were a little dazed.

Which uncle is this?


After passing through a garden, he found Lin Chang, sitting alone and drinking in the gazebo.

He was disheveled and unkempt, and the whole man seemed to have completely lost his former style, like an old man who was about to die.

Qin Feiyang walked behind the two girls and asked, “What’s wrong with Lin Chang?”

“Well, it’s not because of Miss.”

“Since Sister from childhood went to Yan City, Patriarch has been like this, drinking all day and doing nothing.”

“Let’s go on like this, sooner or later, the Lin Family will fall.”

The two maids sighed.

After speaking, they found something wrong, turned around and looked towards Qin Feiyang, and said, “Who are you? What did you do when you broke into our forest house?”

“I’m here for you Patriarch.”

Qin Feiyang said lightly, striding towards the gazebo.

2 maids simultaneously looked and hurried after them.

With Qin Feiyang’s current speed, how can 2 maids catch up?

He walked into the gazebo.


The smell of wine and odor are intertwined, forming a foul odor, which is tangy.

He was frowned, looked towards the drunken Lin Chang, and said, “It’s really didn’t expect that, in less than a year, you will become like this.”

“You are who?”

“Are you here to drink with me?”

Lin Chang stood up drunk, and staggered towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised to the side.

With a stun, Lin Chang’s feet were unstable and fell to the ground.

The two girls came over and hurriedly helped him up.

Smelling that stench, two people’s faces were full of disgust.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “Dignified The head of the family, even the girl-in-law started to be disgusted. Why do you say that you failed as a man?”

“Without your help, get away!”

After Lin Chang got up, she pushed away the two girls, turned and looked towards Qin Feiyang, and said, “If you didn’t come with me to drink, just get me at once.”

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