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Guo De dragged Qin Feiyang and he rose into the air.

“Old Senior, wait a minute first.”

Qin Feiyang quickly broke free.

Guo De frowns saying: “Some ordinary things, what do you want so much all day?”

deep in the eyes, I have had several points of anger and impatience.

“Young Master, what do you do now?”

“This old man is clearly trying to force you to stay here.”

Golden Divine Panther secretly thought.

“Don’t worry, I have a way.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission said something, watching Guo De sighing: “Junior is really very excited about what Old Senior said.”

“So what are you hesitating about?”

Guo De is puzzled.

“Listen to Junior first.”

“Junior’s mother, now unknown.”

“Father’s attitude towards Junior is similar.”

“And my Great Qin Empire is currently in hot water.”

“The Great Qin Empire is the river and mountains left by Ancestor, and it is the painstaking life of Ancestor. As the descendant of Qin Clan, as the sole inheritor of Ancestor, how can I ignore it?

Qin Feiyang.


Guo De raised an eyebrow.

“Junior, why don’t you want to live a peaceful life?”

“As a 7-footer, Junior must shoulder these responsibilities.”

“I don’t think Old Senior wants it either. Xiao Qi marries a timid and incompetent person!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Guo De was silent, his eyes flickered.

Golden Divine Panther sound transmission: “Do you say this is useful?”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t zoomed in yet!”

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly.

“What a big move?”

Golden Divine Panther is curious.

“At once you will know.”

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed, looking at Guo De, and said, “In addition, Junior came in this time, only 3 days.”

“3 days?”

Guo De stared blankly, suspiciously: “What do you mean?”

“Junior was unintentionally bumped into by Gods Vestige’s Guardian when he entered Ancient World.”

“Junior reasoning with every way possible, it only answers, giving Junior 3 days.”

“If it doesn’t return within 3 days, it will enter Ancient World in person and obliterate Junior and the others.”

Qin Feiyang.

“It really is a big move.”

Golden Divine Panther laughed.

“Gods Vestige Guardian …”

Guo De frowned.



Guo De eyes flashed, watching Qin Feiyang saying, “Little Brat, you’re lying.”

“how come?”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly.

But I was very surprised. How could this old man know that he was lying?

“Old man remember, Ancient World was 1st-Layer at Gods Vestige.”

“And Gods Vestige 1st-Layer has rules and restrictions. Living creatures above False God cannot enter.”

“You and this leopard, one is False God, and the other is Battle God.”

“But you can enter 1st-Layer and find the entrance to Ancient World.”

“There’s only one explanation. It’s Godian Vestige’s Guardian who helped you get into Ancient World.”

Guo De said.

Golden Divine Panther secretly thought: “Fuck, did he unexpectedly know Gods Vestige so well?”

“What’s the use of understanding?”

“Different situations call for different action, don’t panic.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark sneered, watching Guo De said: “Old Senior is a good word, but Junior is in the 1st-Layer, fortunately got a Tiny World called Profound Martial World, this Tiny World can block Gods Vestige’s power of Law. “

“Profound Martial World!”

Guo De’s eyes trembled.

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks and asks, “Old Senior also knows Profound Martial World?”

“Somewhat heard.”

Guo De lowered his head, and one strand of radiance flashed deep in his eyes.

After a long time.

He looked up towards Qin Feiyang and asked, “Is Profound Martial World really on you?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Guo De said, “Can you take the old man to see?”


Qin Feiyang hesitated.

Guo De said with displeasure: “I’m going to be a family soon, don’t you worry about the old man?”


Qin Feiyang quickly waved his hands, said with a smile: “Old Senior wants to go, just go, nothing?”

Let me talk about it.

Qin Feiyang waved, with Guo De and Golden Divine Panther, descending over the Death Spirit Mountain Range.

Guo De immediately looked towards all around, eyes full of surprise.


He released Divine Sense again and went to all directions hiding the sky and covering the earth, and everything came into view.

He was extremely shocked.

unexpectedly so big!

There are so many living creatures!

After a long time, Guo De took back Divine Sense and looked at Qin Feiyang. “Is this really an independent Tiny World?”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, power of Law emerged out of nowhere, coming from all directions in 4 directions.

Feeling the horrible oppression brought by power of Law, Guo De squinted his hands, and his eyes were full of greed.

But very soon.

That greed is gone.

Guo De nodded said with a smile: “Yes, it’s really an independent Tiny World.”

Qin Feiyang smiled, took Guo De and Golden Divine Panther, and left Profound Martial World, arching: “Senior, time is tight, I won’t talk to you much.”

After all, he jumped onto Golden Divine Panther’s back and said, “Hurry up and find Soul Stone.”


Golden Divine Panther sighed and took Qin Feiyang to the lightning breaking the sky.

Guo De turned and looked towards the back of Qin Feiyang and Golden Divine Panther, laughing evilly said: “It’s really didn’t expect, this child unexpectedly got an independent Tiny World, which is really helping me the Guo family!”


He rose into the sky, chasing after Qin Feiyang, “Feiyang, wait a minute.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, let Golden Divine Panther stop, turning one’s head and looked at Guo De suspiciously.

Guo De flew in front of Qin Feiyang and shook his head: “Feiyang, don’t blame the old man for throwing you cold water, let alone 3 days, even if it is 3 years, 30 years, you can’t find 1000 Soul Stone.”

“What should I do?”

Qin Feiyang asked fluently.

“Don’t worry.”

“There is definitely a way.”

“Let’s go, now go back to the old man and talk to your uncle Guo.”

Guo De said.

Golden Divine Panther sound transmission said: “Young Master, if we go with him, I’m afraid we won’t be able to leave.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought: “I feel the same way.”

“If you don’t enter the tiger’s hole, you won’t be a tiger.”

“Just let’s go.”

“If they are really worried, when we get enough Soul Stone, we will enter Profound Martial World and immediately leave.”

Golden Divine Panther sound transmission.


Qin Feiyang clenched the teeth, preparing to speak.


But at this moment, a terrible fearful might suddenly appeared at the stone gate.

Qin Feiyang, Golden Divine Panther, and Guo De were shocked, and looked up quickly, and saw a small snake half a meter long before the stone gate.

“Is it?”

Guo De expression stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang and Golden Divine Panther looked at the same time, but with a little doubt in their eyes.

This little snake, not others, is Fire Python!

What does Fire Python come to?

Shua! !

Qin Feiyang flew over and respectfully said, “I’ve seen Sir Protector.”


“Sir Protector?”

Guo De stared blankly, turning one’s head looked towards Golden Divine Panther, asking, “Is this the Guardian of Gods Vestige?”


Golden Divine Panther nodded, saying: “Have you ever seen it?”


“Last time it came here after you left.”

“The old man was still weird at the time, how could there be a Fire Python entering Ancient World, and still one Battle God?”

“It turned out to be Guardian.”

Guo De whispered.


Fire Python also looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Sir Protector?

Qin Feiyang usually doesn’t call it that.

It glanced at Golden Divine Panther, and when it saw Guo De, it understood it now.

Qin Feiyang This is in trouble, and asked for help in the dark.

Fire Python eyes flashed, watching Qin Feiyang saying: “at once go with the true body.”

“Sir, didn’t you say you should give me 3 days? Why would you go out?”

Qin Feiyang anxiously said.

Fire Python said angrily: “The true body tells you to do whatever you want, so there are so many questions?”


Qin Feiyang frowns.

“What should I do now?”

Golden Divine Panther is also helpless.

“What can I do?”

“Although the Guardian is not good, we can’t offend the back office, you can only follow it.”

Guo De angrily said.

Golden Divine Panther anxiously said: “But we haven’t found Soul Stone. This time our enemies are very powerful. If the Young Master cannot break through to Battle God, it must be nine deaths and still alive.”

“Nine deaths and still alive …”

Guo De muttered.


Must not let Qin Feiyang die outside!

“Don’t worry, old man think of a way.”

Guo De groaned for a moment, flying to Qin Feiyang, facing Fire Python, arching: “Guo De, met Sir.”


Fire Python looked at him indifferently.

Guo De implored: “Sir, can you give us some time?”

“doing what?”

Fire Python raised an eyebrow.

“I have one thing to give to Qin Feiyang, but I’m not on it now, I have to get it back.”

“But Sir rest assured that it won’t take too long, half a day at most.”

Guo De said.


Fire Python pretends to be thinking, but secretly, it is asking Qin Feiyang.

“Let him go.”

Qin Feiyang secretly thought.

Fire Python said impatiently: “OK, quickly go and quickly return.”

“many thanks Sir.”

Guo De bowed his hand and thanked Qin Feiyang sound transmission. “Must wait for the old man here.”

“it is good.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark responded.


Then Guo De started teleportation, breaking the sky like lightning.


When Guo De disappeared, Golden Divine Panther grinned, next to Qin Feiyang and Fire Python, said: “This old man must be going back to get Soul Stone.”

Qin Feiyang also smiled and looked at Fire Python gratefully, saying, “Brother Huo, you are really a timely rain, and it has helped me again.”


“Although we are not afraid of them, if we really go to the Guo Family with him, we will certainly have some trouble.”

Golden Divine Panther.

“This Sovereign is just worried about what happened to you here, so I came here to take a look.”

“Didn’t expect, really hit by accident, hit me.”

“But what is going on?”

Fire Python looked at them suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang glanced at all around, anyway, there is time now, so I will explain the situation and the marriage deed in detail.

“Qin Batian came here unexpectedly?”

Fire Python heard it and was quite surprised.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“The marriage deed …”

“Qin Ba Heavenly …”

Fire Python groaned a little, and said, “Guo Family has someone waiting for you. It is too enthusiastic, so you suspect that this Guo Family may have an attempt on you?”


Qin Feiyang.

“From what you said, it’s really unusual. Be careful.”

Fire Python said with a smile.


“One may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature, who knows what they think in their hearts?”

“But this time, I can get a lot of Soul Stones for the benefitlessness, all of which are Brother Huo’s contribution. I really appreciate it!”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Follow me and you’re welcome.”

Fire Python shook the head, and said, “That’s right, there is another situation that I forgot to tell you before.”

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