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“so that’s how it is.”

Old Qin suddenly realized.


The presence of these cedar can play a key role.

Qin Feiyang looked towards 10000 Cedars and bowed down, “Dear everyone, thank you for your company and help along the way. Junior urges you to help Junior once again. When the battle is over, whether you go or stay, Junior will never force you!”

Several 10000 cedars were shaking at the same time, and they rang, seemingly in response to Qin Feiyang.

Follow closely.

They turned into a streamer, breaking the sky, taking root in Demon Ghost Land and starting to absorb Life Strength.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang said thankfully in his heart, then left Profound Martial World and appeared next to Lu Zheng.

Hong long!

As soon as he came out, he sensed a horrible Divine Force wave.

Look at Lu Zheng again.

At this moment, he stared at the Fourth Grandfather, his eyes were incredible.

Over the village!

Fourth Grandfather sticks her cane, stands up against the wind, and is surrounded by dazzling flames, her expression is very calm.

For Zhuge Mingyang, his fingers have been smashed, and blood is flowing directly!

on site.

It’s also a deathly stillness!

Both the Imperial Preceptor and Emperor Hong were stunned and staring at the Fourth Grandfather.

“Divine Force!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

The flame on Fourth Grandfather was actually transformed by Divine Force!

In other words.

Fourth Grandfather is one Battle God!

Lu Zheng took a sigh of relief and exclaimed: “Unbelievable, really incredible. I thought that Fourth Grandfather would be seriously injured by Zhuge Mingyang, but didn’t expect that Fourth Grandfather unexpectedly was one Battle God!”

Qin Feiyang was also shocked.

Fourth Grandfather, he has met once, giving the impression of some indifference.

Second Grandfather and Third Grandfather are just the opposite. They are very passionate people.

So among these three grandpas, his favorite is Second Grandfather and Third Grandfather.

As for Fourth Grandfather.

Although he is also a close relative, he is not very attached.

However didn’t expect, this somewhat indifferent old man, unexpectedly so strong!

And at the moment, Zhuge Mingyang looked at the Fourth Grandfather in amazement.

“Old man said that the strength of Lu Family is not as simple as you think.”

“And Lu Family is not where you say having atrociously, you can have atrociously.”

Fourth Grandfather looked at Zhuge Mingyang, differently said.


Zhuge Mingyang didn’t say a word, started teleportation, and Murderous looking flew in front of Fourth Grandfather.

With the previous lesson, he didn’t use a finger again this time.

He clenched with five fingers, one fist exploded towards Fourth Grandfather, void crashed!

Fourth Grandfather has not changed his face, and one fist volleyed away.

Divine Force rolled out.

Fist palm, meet instantly!

With a loud bang, two people stepped back at the same time, their arms were torn skin and gaping flesh!


Lu Zheng looked stupefied.

To know.

Even though the Fourth Grandfather is one Battle God, the Divine Force of Zhuge Mingyang has a better innate nature.

But at this moment, two people are equal.

“It’s Divine Force!”

Qin Feiyang.

“Divine Force?”

Lu Zheng was surprised.


“Fourth Grandfather’s Divine Force contains a very pure Divine Phoenix power.”

“Look at the blood of Fourth Grandfather …”

Qin Feiyang.


Lu Zheng stared blankly, looking closely, his eyes trembled suddenly.

The blood dripping from the Fourth Grandfather within the body, unexpectedly contains the power of Divine Phoenix.

“The power of Divine Phoenix …”

“I remember Second Grandfather once said, Ancestor of my Lu Family originally had the power of Bloodline of Divine Phoenix.”

“But none of the future generations can bloodline returning to Ancestors.”

“I thought this was just a legend, but didn’t expect unexpectedly is true.”

“That said, Fourth Grandfather has bloodline returning to Ancestors!”

Lu Zheng said.

“should be.”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

“Not right.”

“Since the power of Divine Phoenix can be compared with the Divine Force of Zhuge Mingyang, why is your Purple Gold Divine Dragon Force not as good as the Divine Force of Zhuge Mingyang?”

Lu Zheng was suspicious.

“I’m also a bit puzzled.”

Qin Feiyang.


“Lu Family unexpectedly hides one Battle God!”

Over the village.

The Law Enforcer and Qilin Army, as well as the Martial Marquis, looked at the Fourth Grandfather in horror.

Emperor and Qilin Army Commander also frowned.

“Battle God…”

Zhuge Mingyang stabilized his body and looked at the Fourth Grandfather, jié jié said with a smile: “Nice and good, there is a decent opponent, this is more interesting!”

Fourth Grandfather was silent.

Zhuge Mingyang smiled again and said, “But, old bastard, do you really understand my strength?”

Hong long!

Bone Dragon Battle Soul opens.

Innate Divine Ability shrouded all directions!

Fourth Grandfather’s cultivation base, immediately fell all the way!

“What is going on?”

Second Grandfather and Third Grandfather are discolored.

The people of Lu Family are also skeptical of 10000 points.

This Innate Divine Ability, unexpectedly has the ability to Deprivation cultivation base?

The Fourth Grandfather pupil also shrank slightly.

“Under my Innate Divine Ability, anyone has nothing but despair!”

Zhuge Mingyang smirked and killed Four Grandfather in one step.

Fourth Grandfather suddenly retreated.


Cultivation base plummeted, how can he match the speed of Zhuge Mingyang?

Zhuge Mingyang approached with lightning, one fist was photographed on Fourth Grandfather’s chest.


Fourth Grandfather spit out blood, and fell like a meteorite into the land outside the village.

Hong long!

Collapsing Mountain Splitting Earth, the dust is rolling!

“Old Fourth !”

Exclaimed Second Grandfather two people.

Fourth Grandfather swept from the dust and landed beside Second Grandfather two people, said solemnly: “His strength is beyond our imagination, and now he can only start the defense array.”

“Start Defense Array!”

Second Grandfather and Third Grandfather stared.

“What is a defensive Array?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“I do not know either.”

Lu Zheng shook his head.

Zhuge Mingyang and the others were suspicious when they heard the words defensive Array.

Second Grandfather frowns saying: “Old Fourth, defense Array can only be turned on once, are you sure?”

“Boss left this defense Array to protect my Lu Family’s grandchildren in times of crisis?”

“Now, the Imperial Palace powerhouse is coming out, and my Lu Family is in great trouble. If the defense array is not turned on at this time, then it will be turned on at that time?”

Fourth Grandfather.

Upon hearing, Second Grandfather glanced up at Zhuge Mingyang and the others, and then looked at the villagers all around, gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, open up the defense array!”


Fourth Grandfather raised his crutch, and Divine Force went wildly rushing into it.

“That’s the crutch of maternal grandfather …”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes were shaking.

Hong long!

The next moment.

A terrifying aura roared out of the crutches.

This aura shook everyone who was present.


Zhuge Mingyang and the others stared suspiciously at the cane.


Fourth Grandfather suddenly suddenly shouted.

A crutch immediately stunned to shoot ten thousand zhang divine light.

As soon as these divide light emerged, hiding the sky and covering the earth gushed to all directions.

Three breaths can’t.

A huge Array appeared under everyone’s sight, covering the area of ​​1000 square miles.

In short.

The entire Lu Family, including Inheritance Land, is within the envelope of Array.

“Break up the Array and think you can escape this tribulation?”


With a smile, Zhuge Mingyang contempt, the Divine Force poured, like a torrent, exploded towards Array.

But next moment, he was dumbfounded.

Divine Force exploded on Array, and Array did not even turbulence.

“So strong?”

Imperial Preceptor and Emperor Hong were also shocked.

After returning back to his senses, two people looked at the same time, shouted: “Mingyang, let us help you!”

“No need!”

“Insignificant an Array, can it bother me?”

Zhuge Mingyang sneered, and one giant dragon was born.

dragon roar bursts!

Follow closely.

There is another giant hand covering the sky, manifested, demon might be sky-high!

It’s his Divine Art!

Bone Dragon Art and the hand of the demon!

The 2 largest Divine Art carry heaven flooding Divine Might, exploded towards Array.

Hong long!

With a loud noise, 2 Divine Art banged on the Array.

But in the end, Array just fluctuated a bit, and then immediately restored peace.


Zhuge Mingyang froze.

A broken crutch, an Array created, unexpectedly firm to this extent?

Qin Feiyang and Lu Zheng of Inheritance Land, watching this scene, are also dumbstruck.

Lu Zheng needless to say.

He lives here and often sees the crutch.

Qin Feiyang last entered Lu Family and has seen this crutch.

But at the time, Fourth Grandfather only told him that this was the crutch of maternal grandfather, and did not say that he had such terrifying power.

And at that time, in addition to a particularly strong intimacy on this crutch, he did not find how powerful the crutch was.

However at the moment.

Even the power manifested by this cane was ashamed.


He is also not confident that he can break this Array.


The Imperial Preceptor and Emperor Hong couldn’t help it anymore, and took the action together.

Zhuge Mingyang did not refuse their help this time.

Divine Force like a waterfall, three people have evolved their strongest Divine Art, exploded towards Array.

Hong long long !

The loud noise is like thunder.

Array is constantly trembling, but there is no sign of breaking.

“How could this be?”

Emperor Hong three people is incredible.

“It’s useless.”

“Although the old man does not know how strong the Array is, Boss said before leaving, even if the ten early-stage Battle Gods joined forces, they could not be broken.

Fourth Grandfather expressionlessly said.


“Neither of the ten Initial Accomplishment Battle Gods can be broken together?”

three people are shocked.

Qilin Army Commander, Martial Marquis, Law Enforcer, are also incredible.

“Don’t be fooled by him!”

“In this world, there is no unbreakable Array!”

“So someone took action with me!”

But this time.

Emperor shouted.

As soon as Emperor’s voice sounded, Qin Feiyang looked up towards Emperor, and cold light surged in his eyes.

At this time, unexpectedly also helped Zhuge Mingyang.

It is unforgivable!


He also looked towards Qilin Army Commander, and it was a killer.

He used to trust this person, but didn’t expect, unexpectedly betrayal!

of course.

He has also guessed that the reason for Qilin Army Commander betrayal is definitely Emperor.

Because of this person, he is only loyal to Emperor.

But even so, he couldn’t stand it.

Hong long!

铿 clang!

Over the village.

Emperor’s voice landed, so someone immediately launched the strongest means, and blasted towards Array with Emperor Hong three people.

For a time.

This piece of Heaven and Earth was overwhelmed by the aura of Battle Art, Battle Soul, Battle Qi, Divine Art, and Divine Force.

one after another loud, shocking.


The Array is like a rock, no matter how violent strikes it is, it is not damaged at all.

That horrible defense makes people desperate and helpless!

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